Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Package naming best practices"
2006 Oct 23
New version of 'portfolio' and new related packages
A new version of package 'portfolio' is now available on CRAN. Also
available are new packages 'backtest', for basic spread-based
hypothesis testing, and 'portfolioSim', a general framework for
portfolio simulation.
Last March we wrote R-packages regarding our desire to build a suite
of tools for portfolio analytics in R:
2006 Mar 06
New package 'portfolio'
We would like to announce the availability of the 'portfolio' package
in R for analysing equity portfolios. Version 0.2-0 is now available
on CRAN. To take a look, you can:
> install.packages("portfolio")
> vignette("portfolio")
and play around. Those who would just like to check out an
introduction can simply look at:
2006 Mar 06
New package 'portfolio'
We would like to announce the availability of the 'portfolio' package
in R for analysing equity portfolios. Version 0.2-0 is now available
on CRAN. To take a look, you can:
> install.packages("portfolio")
> vignette("portfolio")
and play around. Those who would just like to check out an
introduction can simply look at:
2005 Nov 01
S4 classes in existing packages
I'm interested in looking at some examples of existing R packages that
rely heavily on S4 classes to get a feel for varying styles and
package organization techniques. Could you recommend any packages
that might serve as a good starting point?
Thanks in advance,
2005 Nov 01
S4 classes in existing packages
I'm interested in looking at some examples of existing R packages that
rely heavily on S4 classes to get a feel for varying styles and
package organization techniques. Could you recommend any packages
that might serve as a good starting point?
Thanks in advance,
2006 Apr 25
Daily package check and --install=no
There has been some confusion on the MatchIt package mailing list on
the meaning of [--install=no] in the comment column of CRAN's
automated package check.
It's my understanding that, at the very least, a package marked like
this will not have its test cases run each night. Are there other
checks that are omitted?
How, if at all, are such install flags related to the
2006 Jun 08
NAs in unsplit factor
Below is a simple example calling split and unsplit on a numeric
vector of length 2 where 'f' is c(1,NA).
> unsplit(split(c(1,2), c(1,NA)), c(1,NA))
[1] 1 0
I noticed that the call to vector in unsplit gives us 0 as the 2nd
element of the result.
Is this the intended result, as opposed to NA?
Thanks for your help,
Jeff Enos
Kane Capital Management
jeff at
2005 May 05
Varying as.Date performance
The performance of as.Date differs by a large degree between one of my
machines with glibc 2.3.2:
> system.time(x <- as.Date(rep("01-01-2005", 100000), format = "%m-%d-%Y"))
[1] 1.17 0.00 1.18 0.00 0.00
and a comparable machine with glibc 2.3.3:
> system.time(x <- as.Date(rep("01-01-2005", 100000), format = "%m-%d-%Y"))
[1] 31.20
2005 Dec 30
Acknowledgments in package documentation
I've received permission from a third party to incorporate some of
their data in a data set in my 'portfolio' package. I'd like to
include an acknowledgment of the third party, and perhaps a "used with
permission" somewhere in the package documentation.
Where's the best spot in the package docs for such an acknowledgment?
Is there a place preferable to the
2006 Aug 28
Affiliation Reporting Standards. was: Re: reshape scaling with large numbers of times/rows
After a question on R, Prof Brian Ripley writes:
> However, you did not give your affiliation and I do not like giving free
> consultancy to undisclosed commercial organizations. Please in future use
> a proper signature block so that helpers are aware of your provenance.
I have one question and one comment.
Question: Are there specific standards about this for R mailing lists?
2006 Mar 03
avoiding nil object error?
I''m a total Rails newbie and i''ve been struggling for hours today
with one (prolly very silly) problem:
I have a table portfolios that has many images:
class Portfolio < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :images
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :portfolios
In the controller i define a list of active portfolios:
@active_portfolios =
2011 Jul 07
elimination duplicate elements sampling!
Hi everyone!
I have a data frame with 1112 time series and I am going to randomly
sampling r samples for z times to compose different portfolio size(r
securities portfolio). As for r=2 and z=10000,that's:
x1=sample(A,z,replace =TRUE)
x2=sample(A,z,replace =TRUE)
M=cbind(x1,x2) # combination of 2 series
Because in a portfolio with x1[i]=x2[i],(i=1,2,...,10000) means a 1
2010 Aug 25
Documenting S4 Methods
I'm in the process of converting some S3 methods to S4 methods.
I have this function :
setGeneric("enrichmentCalc", function(rs, organism, seqLen, ...){standardGeneric("enrichmentCalc")})
setMethod("enrichmentCalc", c("GenomeDataList", "BSgenome"), function(rs, organism, seqLen, ...) {
... ... ...
2012 Feb 15
Control number of assets in resulting portfolio with optimizations using package fPortfolio
Dear All,
I am using package fPortfolio to run minimum variance portfolio
optimizations in R. I already know how to set portfolioSpecs, portfolio
objects and constraints. Unfortunately I am not able to set the following
type of constraints.
I have a timeSeries object with returns data for roughly 1.5k assets for 261
subperiods (workingdays) and want to compute the global minimum variance
2008 Nov 18
anyone familiar with this error?
[whit at linuxsvr R.packages]$ sudo R CMD INSTALL portfolio.construction
* Installing to library '/usr/local/lib64/R/library'
* Installing *source* package 'portfolio.construction' ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
Loading required package: fts
Loading required package: quadprog
Loading required package: Rexcelpoi
terminate called after throwing an instance of
2011 Jan 07
Currency return calculations
Dear sir, I am extremely sorry for messing up the logic
asking for help w.r.t. my earlier mails
I have tried to explain below what I am looking for.
I have a database (say, currency_rates) storing datewise
currency exchange rates with some base currency XYZ.
currency_rates <- data.frame(date =
c("12/31/2010", "12/30/2010", "12/29/2010",
2011 Sep 15
portfolio, portfolio.optim function not found
After installing and loading the package "portfolio", I tried to run the
example code provided, and it would not run.
this is the link:
this is the example code, as found at the link:
x <- rnorm(1000)
dim(x) <- c(500,2)
res <- portfolio.optim(x)
the error I get is:
Error: could not find
2008 Sep 24
paste in xtable
Dear R help:
I am trying to use paste(), within an ifelse() statement to insert latex
commands into an object that has been created using xtable(). I cannot
make the strings behave as I would like, the '\t' is creating a tab, the
usual method of '\\t' is not working either - nor is any series of
backslashes. The xtable object, I think, automatically alters the
strings. How
2012 Oct 12
error msg using na.approx "x and index must have the same length"
Below I have written out some simplified data from my dataset. My goal is
to interpolate Price based on timestamp. Therefore the closer a Price is in
time to another price, the more like that price it will be. I want the
interpolations for each St and not across St (St is a factor with levels
A, B, and C). Unfortunately, I get error messages from code I wrote.
In the end only IDs 10 and 14 will
2012 Jul 23
Help with Portfolio Optmization
I need some help with Portfolio Optimization problem. I am trying to find
the minimum variance portfolio subjected to constraints on weights like
/x1< w1 <x2
x3< w2 <x4</i>
I need help with solving for the minimum variance portfolio as solve.QP
doesn't allow me to specify the lower boundaries.
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