similar to: undesirable rounding off due to 'read.table' (PR#8974)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "undesirable rounding off due to 'read.table' (PR#8974)"

2009 Oct 29
Rounding and printing
Hello, I am trying to print a table with numbers all rounded to the same number of digits (one after the decimal), but R seems to want to not print ".0" for integers. I can go in and fix it one number at a time, but I'd like to understand the principle. Here's an example of the code. The problem is the 13th element, 21 or 21.0: >nvb_deaths <- round(ss[,10]/100,digits=1)
2012 Jun 27
[V4]fix ocfs2 aio/dio writing process hang
V4 changes: add Acked-by: Joel Becker <jlbec at> V3 changes: - add Cc: stable at in the patch header to align with stable rules - add Acked-by: Jeff Moyer <jmoyer at> V2 changes: - update the patch header of the first patch to make it more clear. This patch list fixes an issue about ocfs2 aio/dio write process hang. The call trace is like
2011 Oct 26
openldap missing modules
Hi List, I'm currently setting up an openldap server and included the following lines in my slapd.conf : modulepath /usr/lib/ldap moduleload back_hdb after finishing up my config and i run slaptest on it i get an error saying that the modulepath doesn't exist. I checked and it indeed isn't there , in fact i can find it anywhere on my system (centos 5.7). the packages i've
2004 May 10
sqlSave with underscores in table fieldname
Hi group, I try to write a frame to a table (RODBC). I use colnames(temp6) <- c("ind_id","ser_id","period_id","year","calc","mean") sqlSave(channel, temp6, tablename = "series_indices_test",append= TRUE, rownames=FALSE, verbose = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = -999999, fast = FALSE) This is giving me an error: Error in
2011 Dec 09
ggplot with geom_tile
Dear R-users, I am trying to make a plot with ggplot-geom_tile(), but cannot remove some unwanted (white) lines through my plot. Below a reproducible example: ##### library(ggplot2),50,5),each=21)) names(tot)="precip" temp=rep(seq(-5,5,0.5),21) tot$temp=temp disc=array(dim=c(21,21)) for(i in 1:21){ for(y in 1:21){ temp<-
2012 Mar 07
hfs with extended attribute support
Hi all, I?ve got a HFS+(not journaled) volume connected to my centos6.2 test server, i installed the kmod-hfs(plus) packages and read/write works all fine. but since i?m going to use this for serving mac home folders via netatalk i would like to mount it with support for Extended Attributes and acl?s. so i add user_xattr and acl to my fstab options but then it fails to mount. checking the
2007 Sep 16
Rounding up to two decimal places
Hi there I am going to calculate VAT at one of my websites, and UK VAT is 17.5 %. So the question is how to round up some value to two decimal points? I often get values like 6,991.. In php I was using round function round($price, 2) is in ruby something similat to PHP''s round function where I could specify number of decimal places ? P.
2006 Apr 06
rounding of voronoi vertices using deldir()
Hello list, I'm just getting started with using R - I have been trying over the past day or so to work out a method for generating voronoi polygons for PostGIS using SQL. I was able to put together a procedure which works relatively well, but is somewhat inefficient. Someone on the PostGIS list pointed me to the deldir() function in R, for which I can export a text file with x/y coordinates
2006 Apr 11
problems with rounding in output
Perhaps someone will have a solution to my more general problem, but here is the specific one: I used the round() function to round some estimates to 3 decimal places. I then sent put the rounded estimates in a matrix and used latex() to make a LaTeX table from them. However, in my table, there are estimtes which only have 2 decimal places. I assume that the third decimal place in these numbers
2000 Oct 18
reference for round
The help for the round function states: round rounds the values in its first argument to the specified number of decimal places (default 0). Note that for rounding off a 5, the IEEE standard is used, ``go to the even digit''. Therefore round(0.5) is 0 and round(-1.5) is -2. Could someone provide a reference for this standard? Thanks, Anne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anne E.
2005 Mar 02
Rounding parameter values in genoud(), Rgenoud package
I would like to limit the significant figures of the calibrated parameters determined by genoud() in the Rgenoud package. Below is some example output, where column 1 is model run number, columns 2-7 are the parameter values, and columns 8-12 are model fit statistics. I would like genoud to internally limit parameters to 4 decimal places as shown in this output. It is clear that the function is
2011 Mar 07
connection speeds between nodes
Hi All, I've been asked to setup a 3d renderfarm at our office , at the start it will contain about 8 nodes but it should be build at growth. now the setup i had in mind is as following: All the data is already stored on a StorNext SAN filesystem (quantum ) this should be mounted on a centos server trough fiber optics , which in its turn shares the FS over NFS to all the rendernodes
2011 Oct 20
stop R from rounding
Hello, I have a column in a data frame that need to be 10 digits long. As such: Decimal.Year 1 1994.25997 2 1994.26020 However, R keeps rounding the digits. As such: Decimal.Year 1 1994.260 2 1994.260 *Is there any way to stop this from happening?* Here is how I created the data frame: x <- read.table('bats_1994_CTD.txt') colnames(x) <-
2004 Feb 05
Available in S-plus, also in R1.8.1?
Hello all, I'm looking for the R-equivalent of the S-option "Connect type: half horiz first". Link: I'm plotting with type="s" or type="S"; this is giving me a stairstep starting, or ending with the value on the x-axis (as documented). But, I want the x-value in the middle of the step,
2006 Nov 13
Mysql 6 second rounding
This is more of mysql question then asterisk :D . Most voip providers use 6 second rounding for costing . My asterisk server stores call cdr's in mysql properly with billsec field containing number of billed seconds . I want to know some function to round this to 6 seconds ( or any custom valud like 30 seconds ) ..Suppose if billsec field is 3 seconds then it should round to 6 seconds , if
2007 Dec 17
read.table() and precision?
Hi, I'm currently working with data that has values as large as 99,000,000 but is accurate to 6 decimal places. Unfortunately, when I load the data using read.table(), it rounds everything to the nearest integer. Is there any way for me to preserve the information or work with arbitrarily large floating point numbers? Thank you, Wojciech -- Five Minutes to Midnight: Youth on human rights
2009 Aug 17
Rounding to the nearest 5
Dear all, A hopefully simple question: how do I round a series of values (held in an object) to the nearest 5? I've checked out trunc, round, floor and ceiling, but these appear to be more tailored towards rounding decimal places. Thanks, Steve _________________________________________________________________ icons.
2010 Apr 28
unexpected result from format(x, digits)
Is this a bug somewhere? The format function, using a specific number of digits, doesn't give sensible results: R> set.seed(2);print(x<-rexp(5)) [1] 1.86535 0.40475 0.14665 1.73071 0.08953 R> format(x,digits=1) [1] "1.87" "0.40" "0.15" "1.73" "0.09" R> format(x,digits=2) [1] "1.87" "0.40" "0.15"
2018 Mar 14
truncation/rounding bug with write.csv
To my surprise, I can confirm on Windows 10 using R 3.4.3 . As tail is not recognized by Windows cmd, I replaced with: system('powershell -nologo "& "Get-Content -Path temp.csv -Tail 1') The last line shows only 7 digits after the decimal, whereas the first have 15 digits after the decimal. I agree with Dirk though, 1.6Gb csv files are not the best way to work with
2010 Oct 20
rounding up (always)
Hello! I am trying to round the number always up - i.e., whatever the positive number is, I would like it to round it to the closest 10 that is higher than this number, the closest 100 that is higher than this number, etc. For example: x<-3241.388 signif(x,1) rounds to the closest thousand, i.e., to 3,000, but I'd like to get 4,000 instead. signif(x,2) rounds to the closest hundred,