similar to: request to add "..." to cat(ngettext in "warnings" function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "request to add "..." to cat(ngettext in "warnings" function"

2006 Jan 10
Find last row (observation) for each combination of variables
Let's say I have a data.frame like A B C TS other columns 1 1 1 12345 1 1 1 56789 1 2 1 23456 1 2 2 23457 2 4 7 23458 2 4 7 34567 2 4 7 45678 and I want the last row for each unique combination of A/B/C, where by "last" I mean greatest TS. A B C TS other columns 1 1 1 56789 1 2 1 23456 1 2 2 23457 2 4 7 45678 I did this simply in SAS: proc sort data=DF; by A B C descending TS
2006 Mar 23
Estimation of skewness from quantiles of near-normal distribution
I have summary statistics from many sets (10,000's) of near-normal continuous data. From previously generated QQplots of these data I can visually see that most of them are normal with a few which are not normal. I have the raw data for a few (700) of these sets. I have applied several tests of normality, skew, and kurtosis to these sets to see which test might yield a parameter which
2006 Mar 02
Combining plaintext and plotmath expressions
I searched the archives and did not find a solution, so I pose this question to those well-versed in the use of plotmath and expressions. I have a list of strings in an external CSV file which I wish to use sometimes as plot axis labels and sometimes as plot titles. These strings combine plaintext and a few mathematical expressions (Greek letters, subscripts). Moreover, I sometimes need to
2006 Jan 10
"Missing value representation in Excel before
I reproduce from memory my exhaustive look into this issue. RODBC uses the Microsoft ODBC DLL's developed by Microsoft. These DLL's perform an automatic determination of column type based on the contents of the first N rows of cells in each column, where N [0,16]. N may be set in the Windows system registry, and there are a few other things that may be set in the system registry which
2005 Sep 09
PowerPoint graph insertion
Yes: I have Tufte's monograph on my desk. (along with 4 statistics texts) Yes: I am not the biggest fan of PowerPoint. Yes: I am using R to generate charts, plots, trends, etc. I have to summarize them each week. When I consider how to organize this data my first thought is to generate an HTML file with links to the R-generated plots, which HTML file organizes the plots in the required
2005 Dec 23
how to specify dev.print target by a variable?
I want to do the following: DEVw=500 DEVh=350 fname="my_plot" dev.print(file=fname, device=FOO, width=DEVw, height=DEVh, bg="transparent") How do I do this such that I can specify FOO to be one of several choices? (GDD, PNG, postscript, etc.) If I make FOO a character variable, then "dev.print" complains. I tried a simpled "substitute" but
2015 Dec 14
[patch] Fix automatic domain in ngettext(), Bug 14605
A short overview of the problem: Automatic domain in ngettext() does not work when used inside a package. How to test: 1. Download the small test package "minimal_1.0-0.tar.gz" attached to the bug report. 2. As the package contains Finnish translations, start R with Finnish language settings. Prepending "LANGUAGE=fi " to the command line that starts R works for me on Linux, if
2014 Jun 29
[patch] Fix n arg in mclapply call to ngettext
Regarding the following code, warning(sprintf(ngettext(has.errors, "scheduled core %s encountered error in user code, all values of the job will be affected", "scheduled cores %s encountered errors in user code, all values of the jobs will be affected"), paste(has.errors, collapse = ", ")), domain = NA) has.errors is a vector whose elements are the
2006 Feb 02
How do I normalize a PSD?
Dear Tom, Short answer, if your using spec.pgram(), use the smoothing kernel to get a better estimate at the frequency centered in the bandwidth. If your frequency bin of interest is wider than the bandwidth of the kernel, average across frequencies (I think). The estimate appears to be normalized already. If you are calculating your PSD independently, then oversample (e.g. 2, perhaps 4 or more
2011 Aug 26
Multiply Iterated Measurements and Pairwise Comparison
I am familiar with pairwise t-tests, corrections for multiple testing, etc. however I have a problem whose answer I have not found after extensive R-help archive and Google searching. What I have done in the past: I have N items which are measured, exposed to a condition, and then measured again. I wish to know if the condition changes the items so I can perform a t-test. Better yet I can
2010 Jun 18
Confidence interval calculation for intersection of two quadratic lines
How do I calculate the confidence interval for the value x given by the intersection of two quadratics (i.e. parabolas)? I fit two quadratics of the form: y = C1 + B1*x + A1*x^2 y = C2 + B2*x + A2*x^2 to two sets of points N1 and N2. I test for whether they intersect, if they do then I calculate the roots of: 0 = (C1 - C2) + (B1 - B2)*x + (A1 - A2)*x^2 to determine where they intersect
2005 Nov 29
violating.runs I read from the news that the criteria for the violating is 5 but 1)I cannot find "5" in the code of the function. Where is the "5" ? 2)What is the easiest way to change it ? 3)Is there any more criterias made somewhere ? Yours sincerelly, Tommi Viitanen
2013 Apr 25
lsfit: Error in formatting error message
Hi, in R-3.0 I get the following error when calling lsfit with more observations than variables, which seems to come from an error in the formatting of the error message (note that this was not happening in 2.15.3): > nobs <- 5; nvar <- 6; lsfit(matrix(runif(nobs*nvar), ncol=nvar), runif(nobs), intercept=FALSE) Error in sprintf(ngettext(nry, "%d response", "%d
2009 Apr 07
typo in R-ints.texi's description of P_ macro
I think there are some missing words in "R Internals"'s description of the P_ macro. It currently has "A macro as a wrapper for ngettext", which I think ought to be something like "The macro P_ may be used as a wrapper for ngettext". The following patch also makes the 2 alternate definitions of P_ have the same argument names, StringS and StringP. Expanding the
2005 Oct 30
smbmount codepage/iocharset settings vs NT4
Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a backup server for a somewhat antiquated NT4 server. Backup server is CentOS-4 (~ RHEL-4), kernel-2.6.9-11.EL, samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E, rsync-2.6.3-1, LANG=en_US.UTF-8. NT4 shares are mounted on the server and rsynced to local disk. This setup is working pretty well, however on the NT box there are some files with names containing odd characters like
2014 Sep 10
install.packages misleads about package availability?
In the context of installing a Bioconductor package using our biocLite() function, install.packages() warns > install.packages("RUVSeq", repos="") Installing package into '/home/mtmorgan/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.1-2.14' (as 'lib' is unspecified) Warning message: package 'RUVSeq' is not available
2006 May 01
Show/Hide with AJAX
I''m trying to implement a show/hide details function. I have the show part done, but I''m not sure how to get it to hide. My app looks like this so far: View: <%= link_to_remote "Show/Hide", :update => "details", :url => { :action => "show", :id => leif } %> <p id="details"></p> Action: def show @leif =
2018 Apr 19
Intro & Chrome v.
There should be no issue with the varying bit rate. For an MP3 stream, you can change bit rates mid-stream all you want as long as you keep the sample rate and channel counts the same. If you check chrome://media-internals, you'll see that you're getting a PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE. Since Chrome v64, it has been a lot more picky about the streams it accepts. I suspect that Icecast is
2018 Apr 18
Intro & Chrome v.
Hi there, Any other versions of Google Chrome and all version of other browsers are working. I have done my best to set up the intro to match the live stream. - intro is 256 kbits/s 48 kHz ISO-MPEG2 L3 - live is 256 kbits/s 48 kHz ISO-MPEG2 L3 - live is 128 kBits/s 48 kHz, possible ISO-MPEG2 L3 - there is no intro Of
2013 Dec 05
[PATCH 3/3] fish: improve the command error messages
- when a command needs no parameters, tell that explicitly instead of "command should have 0 parameters" - use gettext's plural form when printing the number of required arguments - improve the error message for a variable number of parameters limited only in the maximum number of them, using also a plural form --- generator/ | 20 ++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed,