similar to: substitute() bug by you ? [forwarded]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "substitute() bug by you ? [forwarded]"

2006 Mar 29
Substitute() changed since R2.3.0 (2006-02-02 r37243)?
Hi, I've got the following two versions of R on WinXP: A) R Version 2.3.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-02-02 r37243) B) R Version 2.3.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-03-27 r37579) and a the following "test.R" script: foo <- function(path, ...) { print(path) } bar <- function(x, ...) foo(...) wow <- function(x, ...) capture.output(foo(...)) bar(1, path=2)
2010 Aug 21
Speed improvement to evalList
I've been inspired to look at the R source code by some strange timing results that I wrote about on my blog at (see the posts on "Speeding up parentheses..." and "Two surprising things...". I discovered that the strange speed advantage of curly brackets over parentheses is partially explained by an inefficiency in the evalList and
2009 Aug 20
Problem using findVar( ) in combination with R's lazy evaluation
Hi All, I have a few small questions about the usage of the C findVar( ) function when used in C code called with '.Call'. In my case I create an R function with an argument. This function calls some C code in which I use findVar( ) to retrieve the values from the argument. Ofcourse normally I would just give the values as argument to .Call, but in my project I need to use findVar for
2013 Oct 16
Parallel R expression evaluations
Hi all, I am using R-3.0.1 under Linux platform to embed R into my C++ code. I am facing an error while executing more than 1 R-expressions parallelly. I am executing round(X) and abs(X) parallelly on a set of 50 input rows which resulted in segmentation fault after getting the following errors. Error: unprotect_ptr: pointer not found Error: argument to 'findVar' is not an environment
2009 Nov 28
Hello. In the writing of my OCaml-R binding, I'm sort of confused when it comes to the use of the PROTECT and UNPROTECT macros. Basically, I have C stub functions that are in charge of calling R for everything. Here's a simple example: > CAMLprim value r_findvar (value symbol) { > /* The findVar function is defined in envir.c. It looks up a symbol > in an environment.
2014 Feb 11
getting environment from "top" promise
Hi all, It seems that there is a use case for obtaining the environment for the "top" promise. By "top", I mean following the promise chain up the call stack until hitting a non-promise. S4 data containers often mimic the API of base R data structures. This means writing S4 methods for functions that quote their arguments, like with() and subset(). The methods package
2008 Jul 18
Rcpp from C++
Hi Sri, I haven't really elaborated on it having other stuff to prepare first, but as far as I got you first assign data to a vector: #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #undef R_INTERFACE_PTRS #include <Rembedded.h> #include "Rcpp.hpp" #include <R_ext/Parse.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <Rdefines.h> //assigning a vector SEXP
2005 Aug 17
About R variable references
Hello Group, I could use an advice on how SEXP handles work. My aim is to implement a system where I initially set a few global variables that are used for communication between C and R code. Then I do some work with R code and periodically call a function of my own that will update the system state. Such a design is useful for many purposes (for GUIs to name one). I am not entirely sure that R
2003 Sep 29
Calling C fn crashes (PR#4281)
Full_Name: Ben K. Version: 1.7.1 OS: Win 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( This C code doesn't crash: void init(SEXP rho, int *o){ SEXP vars = findVar(install("vars"), rho); } It's called using: vars < vars$delta <-7 dyn.load("c_fns.dll") print(.C("init",.GlobalEnv,o=as.integer(3))$o) However, this
2001 Apr 14
Postscript font bugs (and a suggestion) (PR#914)
Documentation and other bugs with postscript(): 1. This code crashes R (it asks for a font that isn't there): postscript() plot(0:1,0:1) text(0.5,0.5,'crash',font=6) The bug appears to be in the FixupFont routine in plot.c; on line 236, it checks that the font number is in the range 1..32. Later this crashes PostScriptStringWidth in devPS.c, because only fonts numbered 1..5
2008 May 24
value returned by findFun when the name cannot be found.
Dear list, I have been using "findVar" (defined in src/main/envir.c) happily and would like to use "findFun". However I have trouble when the name searched cannot be found: while "findVar" returns R_UnboundValue, "findFun" does not (the 4 last lines of "findFun" are copied below). error(_("could not find function
2006 May 10
Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated (in R CMD check)
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. I don't get any other warnings or errors. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be? (R2.3.0, OS X) Thanks, Hadley
2006 Aug 22
Rgraphviz installation Problem
Dear Robert, Thanks for your time. I have downloaded Rgraphviz (windows binary) from and put inside R2.3.0 library then i installed from the local zip its says package 'graph' couldnot be loaded. Am i doing the installation correctly? Still the new user. Can you guide me sir? JJ -- Lecturer J. Joshua Thomas KDU College Penang Campus Research Student, University
2006 Oct 02
a question regarding 'lrm'
Hi List, I don't understand why 'lrm' doesn't recognize the '~.' formula. I'm pretty sure it was working before. Please see below: I'm using R2.3.0, WinXP, Design 2.0-12 thanks, ...Tao > dat <- data.frame(y=factor(rep(1:2,each=50)), x1=rnorm(100), x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100)) > lrm(y~., data=dat, x=T, y=T) Error in terms.formula(formula, specials =
2006 Sep 18
Help for methods
Help for help says: The 'topic' argument may also be a function call, to ask for documentation on a corresponding method. See the section on method documentation. and The authors of formal ('S4') methods can provide documentation on specific methods, as well as overall documentation on the methods of a particular function. The
2006 Feb 13
MinGW and the ld bug
Hi. I noticed that Brian Ripley found and corrected a bug in MinGW's ld.exe, see Thanks for this. I wonder if this is the same bug that cause my problems. I have tiny toy package with C code that installs perfectly on R Version 2.2.1 beta (2005-12-18 r36792) [this version was mislabelled "beta" the first few hours on CRAN when the stable
2006 Nov 24
Rgraphviz -404 Page not found
Again i have problem in locating the package for clique-graphs I tried with BioConductor under Browse for packages, it doesn't work atall. Kindly guid me Thanks JJ On 8/23/06, Seth Falcon <> wrote: > > "j.joshua thomas" <> writes: > > > Dear Robert, > > > > Thanks for your time. > > I have
2006 Apr 30
Package-check failure (i386) (PR#8822)
Full_Name: Dan Kelley Version: 2.3.0 OS: OSX Macintosh Submission from: (NULL) ( R2.3.0 has a problem checking one of my self-authored Oce package ( The package builds fine on another machine running a R2.2.1. Both machines are macintoshes running the latest version of OSX. I am reporting this here not to get help - I realize
2008 Jan 16
Pb with defineVar() example in the "Writing R Extensions" manual
Hi, I'm wondering if this code from the "Writing R Extensions" manual is really safe: SEXP mkans(double x) { SEXP ans; PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); REAL(ans)[0] = x; UNPROTECT(1); return ans; } double feval(double x, SEXP f, SEXP rho) { defineVar(install("x"), mkans(x), rho);
2014 Mar 05
[PATCH] Code coverage support proof of concept
Hello, I submit a patch for review that implements code coverage tracing in the R interpreter. It records the lines that are actually executed and their associated frequency for which srcref information is available. I perfectly understands that this patch will not make its way inside R as it is, that they are many concerns of stability, compatibility, maintenance and so on. I would like to have