similar to: R make install and demo(graphics) issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "R make install and demo(graphics) issue"

2006 Apr 19
AIX libjpeg still looms
Simon, Did you get a chance to review your AIX configuration? I'd be curious to know the differences with my own as while I have R installed, I still get the error related to libjpeg.a. Error in get(getOption("device"))() : X11 module cannot be loaded In addition: Warning message: unable to load shared library '/usr/local/R/lib/R/modules/': Could not load module
2006 Feb 08
R 2.2.1 installation trouble on SGI/Sun (PR#8575)
Hi, I'm upgrading to R 2.2.1 and have bumped into some problems. I have been successful with installing on x86 and PPC Linux, but am unable to install R on Solaris 7 and on IRIX 6.5. Configuration and compilation go through just fine, but "make install" fails: gmake[1]: Entering directory `/scratch/atossava/R-2.2.1/doc' installing doc ... ../tools/install-sh: no destination
2008 Jul 17
AIX 5.3 --enable-R-shlib --with-x ---with-iconv make error with R-2.7.0 and R-2.7.1
Hi guys, I am trying to compile a 64bit version of R 2.7.0 on AIX 5.3. And I am running into some troubles. I also try the latest version 2.7.1 and get the very similar errors. The machine info: ----------------------- $uname -srvp AIX 3 5 powerpc ---------------------- My configuration is this: ---------------------------------------------------------- ./configure \
2006 May 12
X11 and vfonts modules on AIX 5.2
I am trying to get R-2.2.1 to pass make check on an AIX 5.2 at work (I know R-2.2.1 is not the latest release, but I encountered make errors in my attempts to install either R-2.3.0 or the R-patched_2006-05-10 on the version of AIX I am on. I will post those errors in a separate posting from this.) So far, configure and make finish without error for R-2.2.1 using gnu make, gcc-4.1.0, and
2007 Sep 27
R "capabilities" on a cluster node
R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) I' running some simple R jobs via the Sun Grid Engine on our Linux cluster in preparation for some bigger ones. I checked R's capabilities on the cluster nodes (after failing to create a png file) and am getting the following warning message: [Run on a cluster node using qrsh:] > capabilities() jpeg png tcltk X11 http/ftp sockets
2011 Aug 06
F15 / Wine / StarCraft2 / libjpeg8 not found.
Hello, I'm using Fedora 15 and trying to use Wine to install Star Craft 2. I'm seeing the following error when attempting to run the Installer: err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find I've installed all the libjpeg packages I thought might be required: Installed Packages libjpeg-turbo.i686 1.1.1-1.fc15
2020 Apr 09
Building libjpeg-turbo with LTO
Adding a couple of lld folks. I helped Shishir debug this, the link line looked like: /home/sjessu/build/bin/clang -O0 -flto -o jcstest jcstest.o ./.libs/libjpeg.a and the issue was that libjpeg.a was created with the system ar instead of llvm-ar. It worked when recreating libjpeg.a with llvm-ar. I noticed that the lld code has some special handling for the case when there is a missing
2005 May 02
MacOS X 10.4 build problem
I have attempted to build the release R 2.1 on MacOS X 10.4 Tiger using gcc 4.0 The build is dying thus: building package 'graphics' mkdir ../../../library/graphics mkdir ../../../library/graphics/R mkdir ../../../library/graphics/demo mkdir ../../../library/graphics/po mkdir ../../../library/graphics/man Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load
2006 Apr 15
cannot load rJava in R
Hi all! I recently tried to install the rJava package on my notebook (Debian Etch / Kernel 2.6.15 / jdk 1.5.0-5 / R 2.2.1 / rJava ?? the repo one, have a look below). I compiled R myself with "--with-readline=no" and "--enable-R-shlib flags". Now, each time loading the library rJava I encouter the same error. I reinstalled several times (as root), always the same problem:
2020 Apr 08
Building libjpeg-turbo with LTO
Hi, I have tried to build libjpeg-turbo <> with LTO in LLVM, using both clangbut get many errors in lld that look like the following: ld: error: undefined symbol: jpeg_std_error >>> referenced by jcstest.c:76 >>> lto.tmp:(main) ld: error: undefined symbol: jpeg_CreateCompress >>> referenced by
2005 Sep 20
[3.5 Server] Problem with libjpeg.a or absence of
Hello CentOS, I am trying to compile zoneminder which requires libjpeg.a I jave installed okay. Is there a package or do I have to recompile the libjpeg package Sean -- +---------------------------------------------------+ |VOIP= FreeWorldDial: 689482 VOIPBUSTER: thecivvie | |GPG Key |
2010 Jul 28
Using jpeg() without X
When I tried this, I'm having this error. Can somebody help me on this. Are there any alternatives or workaround for this? I'm having hard time to convince our admin to install X11 library and headers since they are not included on the default OS installation. Thanks in advance :) > jpeg("test.jpg") Error in jpeg("test.jpg") : X11 is not available >
2009 Mar 06
hplip problems - configure: error: "cannot find libjpeg support"
I'm trying to get hplip-2.7.12 installed, and I'm reasonably sure that I had it installed on this box before my problems last month. Anyway, it will not build at the moment. It stops the Configure with "configure: error: "cannot find libjpeg support". However, Package libjpeg - 6b-37.i386 is already installed. Similarly, attempting to install hplip-3.9.2 stops with
2012 Feb 07
Canonical package directory name for JAR files?
We have an R package which needs to include a JAR file. Is there a canonical directory for it?
2005 Jul 27
unable to source a .R file using RJava
I am unable to source a ".R" file using RJava. I tried a couple of different tests: 1) using java and the evaluation method core dumps 2) using ./RJava --example --gui-none to invoke source core dumps. 3) The line of R works if I go directly thru R and not RJava. Version info and code are below. Any help would be appreciated. --Laura O'Brien Applications
2013 Jun 04
[LLVMdev] Address Sanitizer on Android
I have simple standalone ASan examples working on Android, and now I'd like to try using ASan with the Android build system. I'm building the release_33 branch of llvm+clang+compiler-rt with CMake. To test, I'm looking at libjpg, because with just a small change its it compiles in a few seconds and without needing any additional dependencies. When I run 'djpeg' on
2005 Dec 16
R compile on AIX 5.3
I'm trying to compile R on AIX 5.3. I've gotten "configure" to work but "make" generates the following errors: Target "R" is up to date. Target "R" is up to date. Target "R" is up to date. Target "R" is up to date. Target "Makedeps" is up to date. Target "libbz2.a" is up to date. Target "Makedeps"
2009 Sep 25
update of openssh-server i386 4.3p2-36.el5, dependencies
Any ideas why there is such a dependency hell? It's a server host, I don't need any GTK stuff etc. > yum install openssh-* output: --------- Dependencies Resolved ============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size
2005 May 31
Tiger problems
I get the following when I try to run R from the terminal (I think ok from the gui, but not what I want to do): dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/ Versions/A/ImageIO Expected in: /sw/lib/libJPEG.dylib Trace/BPT trap Any suggestions? I have installed the
2006 May 26
Building V2.3.0 on Tru64 V5.1B
Hi, I am going to be attempting a build of R for the alphas (our main need is to collate and present graphically, performance metrics we gather on our applications). We have: CC=cc, CXX=cxx, Fortran V5.51 (f77, f95), GNU make 3.80, Perl 5.8.4 I am hesitant to rebuild GCC on this platform, and would like to know if others have success in building R with native C, C++ and Fortran. I plan on