similar to: collation order

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "collation order"

2015 Aug 13
Bug in rank with utf8?
Yes, collation is a strange thing, and? Collation order will depend on locale settings, and there are quite a few cases where the collation order of two items is not defined. To add to the confusion, on OSX Mavericks, I see > x <- "\u0663" > y <- 3 > > x == y [1] FALSE > rank(c(x, y)) [1] 2 1 > x [1] "?" > x == y [1] FALSE > x > y [1] TRUE
2015 Aug 13
Bug in rank with utf8?
x <- "\u0663" y <- 3 x == y # FALSE rank(c(x, y)) # c(1.5, 1.5) --
2014 Nov 22
R string comparisons may vary with platform (plain text)
A colleague?s R program behaved differently when I ran it, and we thought we traced it probably to different results from string comparisons as below, with different R versions. However the platforms also differed. A friend ran it on a few machines and found that the comparison behavior didn?t correlate with R version, but rather with platform. I wonder if you?ve seen this. If it?s not some
2012 May 20
dot - comma problem
Dear all I am trying to use the ODB package to connect to an libreoffice-odb database. The libreoffice package is german, thus, decimal separator is a comma. However, I can open the database and upload a it without error, library(ODB) db <-"Test.odb") but a soon as the "" command is executed, the decimal separator in R is changed to comma. Before
2001 Apr 07
Assertion `hdc' failed
i've compiled my own wine from source and have had the same problem twice. can anyone tellme what this means. how to fix it? $ wine icad.exe Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A: Could not stat /cdrom (No such file or directory), ignoring drive D: For language 'en' several language ids were found: en_US - 0409; en_GB - 0809; en_AU - 0C09; en_CA -
2023 May 30
why does [A-Z] include 'T' in an Estonian locale?
Inspired by this old Stack Overflow question I was wondering why this is TRUE: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "et_EE") grepl("[A-Z]", "T") TRE's documentation at <> says that a range "is shorthand for
2014 Nov 23
R string comparisons may vary with platform (plain text)
On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > On 22/11/2014, 2:59 PM, Stuart Ambler wrote: >> A colleague?s R program behaved differently when I ran it, and we thought >> we traced it probably to different results from string comparisons as >> below, with different R versions. However the platforms also differed. A >>
2014 May 14
Bug in read.dcf(all = TRUE)?
Hi, read.dcf() can modify the locale variable LC_CTYPE, and here is a minimal example: > Sys.getlocale('LC_CTYPE') [1] "en_US.UTF-8" > read.dcf(textConnection('a: b'), all = TRUE) a 1 b > Sys.getlocale('LC_CTYPE') [1] "C" After diagnosing the problem, it seems the on.exit() call in read.dcf() is the culprit:
2006 Sep 21
strange matching: maybe a multilanguage collation problem?
Hi, We''re using Ferret in a slightly unorthodox way: We''re indexing a large (>100,000) list of names of places all around the world. Mostly we''re quite happy with it, and have been able to graft on our own particular required functionality with just a little tweaking. There''s one strange problem, though: We''ve got a place in Cyprus called
2017 May 19
test fails when requesting LC_CTYPE
On RedHat Enterprise Linux 6, the test below fails (this is using the stock GCC 4.4.7) from R-devel r72707. LC_CTYPE is unset when I run it, but LANG=en_US.UTF-8 It also failed "yesterday" where as far as I recall the test code looked a bit different. Best, Kasper > ## Results differed by platform, but some gave incorrect results on string 10. > > > ## str() on large
2006 Mar 20
utf-8 support in libc?
Reading thru one of the postgres mailing lists regarding which character encoding to use for a database, someone chimed in and claimed this: Umm, you should choose an encoding supported by your platform and the locales you use. For example, UTF-8 is a bad choice on *BSD because there is no collation support for UTF-8 on those platforms. On Linux/Glibc UTF-8 is well supported but you
2002 Oct 25
Problems starting wine...
I'm hoping someone can help me out with this... I've been running the Wine package in Debian/Woody for quite a while now, and have been able to run most of the windows programs I want to. However, for some reason wine just stopped working for me. Here is the error output for every windows program I run: For language 'english' several language ids were found: en_US - 0409; en_GB
2008 Sep 04
MySQL connection collation
Hi! I have ran on problem with collations. In database.yml I have set: encoding: utf8, but when in console run: >> ActiveRecord::Base.connection.collation => "latin1_swedish_ci" It is Rails 2.1, mysql gem 2.7, mysql 5.1.22. This leads to errors like: Mysql::Error: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation
2010 Aug 18
Automatically retrieve correct collation
Dear List, consider the following scenario: setClass(Class = "A", representation = representation(B = "B", C = "C")) setClass(Class = "B", representation = representation(C = "C")) setClass(Class = "C", representation = representation(something = "character")) Obviously, the collation for sourcing these defs needs to be: C,
2013 Aug 28
State of Unicode collation support in FreeBSD?
[crossposted to -stable and -i18n, replies directed to -stable] Hi everyone, could someone point me to infos regarding Unicode collation support in FreeBSD? All I could find was but that page has not been changed in more than two years. Looking at sources of -current it doesn't look like those changes made it into the source tree yet.
2007 Jan 26
rake test:x recreates tables in MySQL with server (not database) charset and collation
Any thoughts on how to avoid this problem? Already tried: 1. Setting the charset and collation in migration 001 - no effect: def self.up db_name = ActiveRecord::Base::connection.current_database() execute "ALTER DATABASE #{db_name} CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin" end 2. Setting the charset and collation on each table individually - no effect:
2001 Feb 26
For language 'english' several language ids were found:????????
Hi , I am new to Linux and to wine. Under Suse 7.1 I tried to use wine for the first time. I tried to install the Benelux map ("Garmin mapsource"). First error: For language 'english' several language ids were found: en_US - 0409; en_GB - 0809; en_AU - 0C09; en_CA - 1009; en_NZ - 1409; en_IE - 1809; en_ZA - 1C09; en_JM - 2009; en_ - 2409; en_BZ - 2809; en_TT - 2C09; Instead of
2014 Feb 27
Diverted from ESS-help. It is really about R's LANGUAGE, locales and then a wish for sessionInfo() : >>>>> Sparapani, Rodney <rsparapa at> >>>>> on Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:39:33 +0000 writes: >> Just guessing: perhaps this is something that is set when >> R is initialized and not queried every time something is >>
2007 Jan 03
Samba/Cups collating
For sometime now I have not been able to print Collated pages on windows client machines Domain Wide. Our print server is cups, running on Linux Gentoo. If I print directly to the printer within windows I am able to collate. If a Linux machine prints from command line specifying Collate=True while printing pages it works. I have been searching quite some time now to find a fix, or a how to but no
2006 Mar 02
Different Collation (utf8_slovak_ci, utf8_danish_ci, latin1_german1_ci) etc.
One issue left for me to figure out is that in different languages there are different characters and Xapian takes only english characters. Thefore many word entered by users that contains their own language special characters will not return any result. MySQL offers different collations ... Now when I see how much data Xapian can search perhaps I could expand my index spider different European