similar to: simple C function segfaults

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "simple C function segfaults"

2006 Mar 07
double pointer matrix
Hello, I'm having some difficulty to understand how I could take the proper result from the following listing: -- cut --- #include <stdlib.h> #include <R.h> #include <Rmath.h> void retMat ( double **y, int *n, int *m, double *a, double *b) { int i, j; y = malloc( (*n) * sizeof( double ) ); for (i=0; i<*n; i++) { y[i] = malloc (
2004 Mar 03
generating normal numbers: GetRNGstate, PutRNGstate
Hi I'd like to generate thousands of normal numbers from my C function using the C API functions provided R. I have two options: 1. double norm_rand(); (page 61 of R extension 1.8.1) 2. double rnorm(double mu, double sigma); (page 58 of R extension 1.8.1) If my understanding of R-exts is correct, then I only need to call GetRNGstate once, and then call 1000 norm_rand, and then call
2008 Jul 03
GetRNGstate and PutRNGstate
Hi, I've got a simulation function, written in C and called from R, that uses the R random number functions. It's not a very complicated simulation - 280 lines total, with the main function (the one called with .C) repeatedly calling another function, with multiple calls to unif_rand() in both functions. At the beginning of the main function I call GetRNGstate(), and the last thing I do
2005 Jun 28
GetRNGstate() crashes in Windows
Hi, Has anyone managed to successfully call GetRNGstate() / PutRNGstate() without crashing in a Windows environment (spec. XP)? I've compiled successfully using both the latest Cygwin, latest Mingw, and the version of Mingw suggested in "Building R for Windows" website, but when the executable runs, it crashes; the functions themselves can run when I omit
2006 Jan 05
random seed question
Greetings, I am trying to write a C++ subroutine of my random number generator. Based on tutorial in Writing R Extensions, one should call GetRNGstate() before and PutRNGstate() after calling R's random variate generation routines. Now suppose my function would generate n(n>1) numbers by a loop, do I need to call these two functions at each iteration? This certainly increases computation
2002 Jan 24
random number generation issues with r and compiled C code
Dear People, I have been writing a simulation routine that is currently entirely written in c++. I've been using the R standalone math library to give me random number generation for this. However, I have had to set the seed myself, and I am using set_seed(time(NULL), clock) for every call to unif_rand(). However, this works really badly. The random numbers aren't uniform at all. Does
2009 Nov 13
random numbers in C
I need some random numbers in my C program. Here a small example: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <R.h> void rand (int* n) { int len = *n; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) Rprintf("%1.5f ", unif_rand()); } dyn.load("rand.dll") .C("rand", as.integer(10)) dyn.unload("rand.dll")
2005 Jun 14
Calling C from Fortran
I would like to call C routines from Fortran under linux as suggested in section 5.6 of the "Writing R extensions" documentation. I'm familiar with Fortran but not with C. I understand the example provided in Fortran: subroutine testit() double precision normrnd, x call rndstart() x = normrnd() call dblepr("X was", 5, x, 1) call rndend() end but I don't understand
2005 Jun 14
Calling C from Fortran
I would like to call C routines from Fortran as suggested in section 5.6 of the "Writing R extensions" documentation. I'm familiar with Fortran but not with C. I understand the example provided in Fortran: subroutine testit() double precision normrnd, x call rndstart() x = normrnd() call dblepr("X was", 5, x, 1) call rndend() end but I don't understand the purpose
2002 Jan 14
trouble using R Mathlib as standalone
Dear People, I am trying to use R's Math library as standalone, as documented in /src/nmath/standalone. I am using C++ in Debian testing, and the versions are as follows: ii g++-3.0 3.0.3-1 The GNU C++ compiler. ii r-mathlib 1.4.0-1 `GNU S' - Standalone R math library I have a file ( as follows. I don't think that lattice.hh or mh.hh are very
2010 Jun 15
Error when callin g C-Code
Hi when I call the function below in R, i get the error: Object 'pairlist' can't be converted to 'double'. #include <R.h> #include <Rdefines.h> #include <Rmath.h> SEXP CSimPoisson(SEXP lambda, SEXP tgrid, SEXP T2M, SEXP Ni, SEXP NT) { double sign, EVar; double *xlambda, *xtgrid, *xT2M, *xNi, *xNT, *xtau; SEXP tau; int ltgrid =0; int i = 0; int j = 0;
2012 Sep 07
Producing a table with mean values
Hi All, I have a data set wit three size classes (pico, nano and micro) and 12 different sites (Seamounts). I want to produce a table with the mean and standard deviation values for each site. Seamount Pico Nano Micro Total_Ch 1 Off_Mount 1 0.0691 0.24200 0.00100 0.31210 2 Off_Mount 1 0.0938 0.00521 0.02060 0.11961 3 Off_Mount 1 0.1130 0.20000 0.06620 0.37920 4 Off_Mount 1
2005 Nov 30
RNG stuck via Fortran call
Having not much success with my previous question I try to reformulate it: I'm simulating a Markow chain in Fortran interfaced with R. Each loop of my Fortran calls various functions of the R RNG through the wrapper given below. In a run of 100 iterations of the Markov kernel, after 20 iterations, the RNG seems like frozen. For example, the first call to the RNG in my loop is:
2011 Nov 17
.Call in R
Hi R developers, I am new to this forum and hope someone can help me with .Call in R. Greatly appreciate any help! Say, I have a vector called "vecA" of length 10000, I generate a vector called "vecR" with elements randomly generated from Uniform[0,1]. Both vecA and vecR are of double type. I want to replace elements vecA by elements in vecR only if sum of elements in
2012 Sep 11
Maintaining specific order when using aggregate or change order on axis
Hi All, I'm using the following code to produce some stacked bar graphs. *setwd("C:\\Users\\Tinus\\Documents\\NMMU\\R\\Seamounts")* *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* * * *#Extract mean values from data file* * * *Coral <- SChla[185:223,] #Reduce SChla to Coral only* *coral <- with(Coral , aggregate(cbind(Pico, Nano, Micro), list(Depth),FUN=mean))*
2009 Jun 30
Matrix with random number
Hello! I have a program in Fortran and would like to build a matrix with random numbers, I have a function in C. However, I have problems with the use of function in R. Code to compile: R CMD SHLIB mat.f myrbeta.c -o Code in C. #include <R.h> #include <Rmath.h> void F77_SUB(fseedi)(void){   GetRNGstate(); } void F77_SUB(fseedo)(void){   PutRNGstate(); } void
2006 Aug 03
question about dll crashing R
I have ported some R code to C to make it faster. I can perform .Call("foobar",....) once and it works fine. Absolutely correct answer. If I put a loop inside foobar and run the main code routine more than 100 times, it crashes R. Or if I call .Call("foobar"....) seperately more than two tims it crashes R. For the most part I am doing matirx multiplies using EXP
1998 Nov 03
smbclient sees the virtual samba server but not the windows clients
Hello Again! I now have a virtual host serving (almost) samba and a real one serving samba under the original name. On the local machine, I can access the the virtual host through smbclient and smbmount. Everything seems all right. Unfortunately, the virtual host won't serve the windows-9x machines. The virtual (and real) host both appear on the network browse list but when the win clients
2012 Sep 19
Help reproducing a contour plot
Hi All, I am trying to reproduce this using R instead. [image: Full-size image (38 K)] I tried using the following code *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* *Atlantis <- SChla[16:66,]* *head(Atlantis)* * * Seamount Station Depth Pico Nano Micro Total_Ch dbar Latitude Longitud 16 Atlantis 1217 Surface 0.0639 0.1560 0.0398 0.2597 2.082 -32.71450 57.29733
2009 Jul 30
user supplied random number generators
?Random.user says (in svn trunk) Optionally, functions \code{user_unif_nseed} and \code{user_unif_seedloc} can be supplied which are called with no arguments and should return pointers to the number of seeds and to an integer array of seeds. Calls to \code{GetRNGstate} and \code{PutRNGstate} will then copy this array to and from \code{.Random.seed}. And it offers as an example void