similar to: pbinom with size argument 0 (PR#8560)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "pbinom with size argument 0 (PR#8560)"

2000 Dec 14
Accuracy problem in dchisq for non-central chi-squared
Hi, I think I have identified a inaccuracy in dchisq when the non-centrality parameter is non-zero and large. Here's a little test: sys.dchisq.test <- function(N = 100000,mean = 0) { z <- rnorm(N,mean = mean, sd = 1) x <- z^2 xmin <- min(x) xmax <- max(x) br <- seq(xmin,xmax,length = 101) dbr <- br[2]-br[1] hist(x,br) p <- dchisq(br,df = 1,ncp =
2001 Oct 10
Weird feature when creating function lists with apply
Hi R-fellows, can anyone explain this weird feature? I am trying to create a list of functions with apply, and it appears that there is something strange going on when the function evaluates the argument a. When I duplicate a into a local variable b, the result changes !?! Any pointers? Thank in advance. Cheers, Uffe # Create a function which returns a function > f1 <- function(a)
2012 Aug 20
The difference between chisq.test binom.test and pbinom
Hello all, I am trying to understand the different results I am getting from the following 3 commands: chisq.test(c(62,50), p = c(0.512,1-0.512), correct = F) # p-value = 0.3788 binom.test(x=62,n=112, p= 0.512) # p-value = 0.3961 2*(1-pbinom(62,112, .512)) # p-value = 0.329 Well, the binom.test was supposed to be "exact" and give the same results as the pbinom, while the chisq.test
2003 Jan 22
small bug in binom.test?
Hi all, I am wondering whether there is a small bug in the binom.test function of the ctest library (I'm using R 1.6.0 on windows 2000, but Splus 2000 seems to have the same behaviour). Or perhaps I've misunderstood something. the command binom.test(11,100,p=0.1) and binom.test(9,100,p=0.1) give different p-values (see below). As 9 and 11 are equidistant from 10, the mean of the
2006 Oct 19
R-experts: A quick question, please. >From a lab exp, I got 12 positives out of 50. To get 90% CI for this , I think binom.test might be the one to be used. Is there a better way or function to calculate this? > binom.test(x=12, n=50, p=12/50, conf.level = 0.90) Exact binomial test data: 12 and 50 number of successes = 12, number of trials = 50, p-value = 1 alternative
2007 Apr 05
binom.test() query
Hi Folks, The recent correspondence about "strange fisher.test result", and especially Peter Dalgaard's reply on Tue 03 April 2007 (which I want to investigate further) led me to take a close look at the code for binom.test(). I now have a query! The code for the two-sided case computes the p-value as follows: if (p == 0) (x == 0) else if (p == 1) (x == n)
2002 Mar 22
binom.test and small N
running R 1.4.1 on MAC and 1.2.2 on Linux When I use run binom.test with small N the results are a little perplexing to me >binom.test(9,20,p=0.5) gives the below plus other stuff 95 percent confidence interval: 0.2305779 0.6847219 Now: >pbiom(9,20,0.6847219) [1] 0.02499998 # i.e., lower 2.5% of distribution >pbinom(9,20,0.2305779) [1] 0.9923132 >pbinom(8,20,0.2305779)
2010 Mar 13
What can I use instead of ks.test for the binomial distribution ?
Hello all, A friend just showed me how ks.test fails to work with pbinom for small "size". Example: x<-rbinom(10000,10,0.5) x2<-rbinom(10000,10,0.5) ks.test(x,pbinom,10,0.5) ks.test(x,pbinom,size = 10, prob= 0.5) ks.test(x,x2) The tests gives significant p values, while the x did come from binom with size = 10 prob = 0.5. What test should I use instead ? Thanks, Tal
2007 Jul 03
generating correlated Bernoulli random variables
Hi all, I was wondering how to generate samples for two RVs X1 and X2. X1 ~ Bernoulli (p1) X2 ~ Bernoulli (p2) Also, X1 and X2 are correlated with correlation \rho. Regards, Vineet [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 22
pbinom( ) function (PR#8700)
Full_Name: Chanseok Park Version: R 2.2.1 OS: RedHat EL4 Submission from: (NULL) ( pbinom(any negative value, size, prob) should be zero. But I got the following results. I mean, if a negative value is close to zero, then pbinom() calculate pbinom(0, size, prob). dbinom() also behaves similarly. > pbinom( -2.220446e-22, 3,.1) [1] 0.729 > pbinom( -2.220446e-8, 3,.1)
2000 Oct 02
binom.test bug?
R. 1.1.0 The example below is self explanatory. ## 1 ## # works fine > binom.test((50*.64),50,.5,alt='g') ... Exact binomial test ... ## 2 ## # WHAT ! ? > binom.test((50*.65),50,.5,alt='g') Error in binom.test((50 * 0.65), 50, 0.5, alt = "g") : x must be an
2005 Feb 11
Re: [R-SIG-Mac] Bug running pbinom() in R-GUI?
On Feb 10, 2005, at 7:38 PM, George W. Gilchrist wrote: > Today I was running a graduate level stats lab using R and we > encountered a > major problem while using the current build of the Cocoa GUI: > >> From the GUI: >> system.time(pbinom(80, 1e5, 806/1e6)) > [1] 14.37 4.94 30.29 0.00 0.00 >> > >> From the command line on the same machine: >>
2005 Aug 27
two-tailed exact binomail test
I am trying to find a definition for the two-tailed exact binomial test but have been unsuccessful. Can you help? --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 May 17
pbinom gotcha (PR#1569)
This came up due to a question from Anders Hald: Bernoulli calculated an approximation to the smallest n so that P(0.58 <= x/n <= 0.62) >= 1000/1001 What is the exact value? Now try n <- 6350:6500 Pr <- function(n)pbinom(0.62*n,n,0.6) - pbinom(0.58*n,n,0.6) + dbinom(0.58*n,n,0.6) plot(n,Pr(n),type="b") abline(h=1000/1001) min(n[Pr(n)>1000/1001]) Next, try Pr
2005 Feb 23
Re: [R-SIG-Mac] Bug running pbinom() in R-GUI?
The real problem is that pbeta can take forever. That's bug #7153 and a fix is within reach. Morten
2001 Jun 09
AW: binom.test appropriate?
No, since I'd like to test null: p <= p0 alternative: p > p0. and my understanding is that binom.test tests null: p = p0 (can only be a "simple" null hypothesis according to help(binom.test)) alternative: p > p0 (or p < p0 or p != p0). Thanks, Mirko. > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Douglas Bates [mailto:bates at] >
2006 Dec 17
fischer.test help
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2011 Nov 01
Sample size calculations for one sided binomial exact test
I'm trying to compute sample size requirements for a binomial exact test. we want to show that the proportion is at least 90% assuming that it is 95%, with 80% power so any asymptotic approximations are out of the questions. I was planning on using binom.test to perform the simple test against a prespecified value, but cannot find any functions for computing sample size. do any exist?
2009 Mar 28
Error in R??
Can someone explain why I am getting the following error: in the r code below? Error in solve.default(diag(2) + ((1/currvar) * (XX1 %*% t(XX1)))) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0 In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) The R code is part of a bigger program. ##sample from full conditional
1998 Jun 30
R-beta: Re: [S] pbinom
Btw, all the pbinom() examples posted to S-news today return the proper result in R Martin >>>>> "JS" == James Stapleton <stapleton at> writes to S-news : JS> More interesting behavior of pbinom: >> pbinom(3,2,.8) JS> [1] 1 >> pbinom(30,2,.8) JS> [1] 0.9967653 >> pbinom(40,2,.8) JS> [1]