similar to: akima 0.4-5, interpp() bug = COMMON block problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "akima 0.4-5, interpp() bug = COMMON block problem"

1998 Oct 13
Assembler messages?
Up to now I have got the base R and about half of the packages working on SuSe Linux 5.3 using gcc, g77 and xdevel. The other half, for example: pspline, logspline, KernSmooth, akima, tripack, ppr, principal.curve, cluster, funfit, repeated, event, etc., just won't install. Some of them give warnings at expressions in subroutines (repeated, event, pspline,etc.. I will ask about this in
1998 Oct 13
Assembler messages?
Up to now I have got the base R and about half of the packages working on SuSe Linux 5.3 using gcc, g77 and xdevel. The other half, for example: pspline, logspline, KernSmooth, akima, tripack, ppr, principal.curve, cluster, funfit, repeated, event, etc., just won't install. Some of them give warnings at expressions in subroutines (repeated, event, pspline,etc.. I will ask about this in
2003 Jan 20
Fortran linking problems
In a box running Mandrake 9 with R 1.6.2 I get problems when trying to install packages Matrix and Akima. It seems my gcc compiler and fortran do not talk to each other. Thanks in advance for any help, Gelu The errors are: * Installing *source* package 'Matrix' ... checking for gcc... gcc checking for C compiler default output... a.out checking whether the C compiler works... yes
2006 Feb 13
Package compiling problem in Linux
Hi, I am trying to install packages in R-2.2.1 on a Redhat WS4 system. I get the following error messages trying to install, for example, the akima package: > R.version.string [1] "R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20" > install.packages("akima", lib="/usr/lib/R/library", repos = "") . . . gcc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o
2008 Jul 09
Help with installing add-on packages
Dear R users. Recently I wanted to update my R distribution to the current one (R-2.7.1). I am running a Fedora core 8 distirbution. The installation went fine, but when I tried to add some additional packages the majority made an exit with an error. Only a few least demanding (e.g. RColorBrewer) managed to get through the installation process. What happened between the versions 2.6.x and 2.7.x
2009 Jan 08
interpolation to abscissa
Readers, I have looked at various documents hosted on the web site; I couldn't find anything on interpolation. So I started r and accessed the help (help.start()). (by the way is it possible to configure r to open help in opera instead of firefox?) Initially I read the help for the akima package but couldn't understand it. Next I tried the asplines package help. I tried to copy the
2007 Apr 03
bivariate interpolation
Hi. I'm trying to take a data set with two independent and one dependent variable and enter a x,y value to predict the dependent with a nonparametric technique. I've been using interpp in the akima package, (windows xp, R 2.4.1), but get values that are orders of magnitude off when the predictors are slightly out of the range of the data set. Can you recommend a function for me?
2008 Sep 18
Problem installing packages in newer versions of R
Dear all, I was wandering what could be wrong with my system (regularly updated Fedora core 8) so that installing packages does not succeed with almost every package. I follow the procedure specified in the help file R-admin section 6.3. This is not a feature new to the current version but happened (to me) in the previous version as well. Additionally R-help html pages try to follow wrong links
2016 Apr 27
AKIMA or translating to FORTRAN a R function calling a FORTRAN routine
Hi, I am hired to translate into FORTRAN R functions. It works great and my customer is happy. I am going to translate a function that call aspline in the library AKIMA. This function call 2 FORTRAN routines that must be include (I guess) in the package AKIMA. And I have some questions. Is the fortran code really included in the R package AKIMA ? In other word, do I have a mean to call these 2
2004 May 25
Bivariate interpolation
Hello, Is there any other bivariate pointwise interpolation command besides akima's interpp? I tried to search through the J. Baron's page without luck. The problem is that I have got regularly spaced data (in x and y) what is not acceptable for interpp. I am not very much interested in the method of interpolation as the data are dense and the error would not be to high. Thanks in
2009 Nov 20
AKIMA: z values at a set coordinate
Dear all. I am using the akima function to produce 3d contour plots using interp based on irregular data. using the eg in the akima manual library("akima") data(akima) plot(y ~ x, data = akima, main = "akima example data") with(akima, text(x, y, formatC(z,dig=2), adj = -0.1)) ## linear interpolation <- interp(akima$x, akima$y, akima$z) image (, add=TRUE)
2023 Jan 26
akima interp results to zero with less than 10 values
The akima package has a problematic license (it doesn't allow commercial use), so it's been recommended that people use the interp package instead. When I use interp::interp instead of akima::interp, I get reasonable output from your example. So that's another reason to drop akima... Duncan Murdoch On 26/01/2023 9:35 a.m., PIKAL Petr wrote: > Dear all > > I have this
2023 Jan 26
akima interp results to zero with less than 10 values
Dear all I have this table > dput(mat) mat <- structure(c(2, 16, 9, 2, 16, 1, 1, 4, 7, 7, 44.52, 42.8, 43.54, 40.26, 40.09), dim = c(5L, 3L)) And I want to calculate result for contour or image plots as I did few years ago. However interp does not compute the z values and gives me zeros in z matrix. library(akima) > interp(mat[,1], mat[,2], mat[, 3], nx=5, ny=5) $x [1] 2.0 5.5
2000 Apr 17
akima core dumps on loading (PR#521)
Full_Name: Massimo santini Version: 1.0.1 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( I've just dl the .rpm of R 1.0.1, installed it and then launched insatll.packages("akima") after re-launching R [--vanilla], the command library(akima) has the only effect to coredump the program. Here is the output of gdb and strace... --- GDB (commands given can be seen from the
2000 May 04
acepack, akima and tripack will not load (PR#533)
Full_Name: Michael R. Allen Version: 1.01 OS: linux redhat Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, Thought you might be interested. I tried to load the package tripack needed by the sgeostat package. After some careful searching, three packages were found which had the same error. Here is the output. Mike > library(acepack) Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local),
2004 Oct 28
akima error
I am trying to load the GRASS library and am getting the following error: > library(GRASS) Loading required package: akima Error: package 'akima' could not be loaded In addition: Warning message: There is no package called 'akima' in: library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) This is on R 2.0.0, library(GRASS) is installed, and update.packages()
2011 Jun 01
interpolation and extremum location of a surface‏
Hello, I have a x,y,z file.Z is not corresponding to a simple analytical function of x and y (see below). I am trying to find the minimum location of this surface and the z value corresponding to this location by a spline interpolation or from a polynomial fit. I tried with the akima package but as the location of the point I am looking for (the minimum) is outside of the convex hull it's
2010 Oct 24
Contour Plot on a non Rectangular Grid
Dear All, I would like to plot a scalar (e.g. a temperature) on a non-rectangular domain (or even better: I would simply like to be able to draw a contour plot on an arbitrary 2D domain). I wonder if there is any tool to achieve that with R. I did some online search in particular on the list archives, found several queries similar to this one but was not able to find any conclusive answer. I
2010 Nov 03
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
== Summary == * Problem: BibTeX entries extracted from R packages via citation() require too much manual editing to be of general use. * Proposal: Date: fields should be made mandatory in package DESCRIPTION files, perhaps beginning with warnings from R CMD check * Proposal: Package authors should be encouraged to use a (new) Contributors: field in the DESCRIPTION file rather than packing all
2008 May 29
akima interpolation and triangulation question
Dear all; First of all, this is probably a more conceptual question than a R-related one, but still want to give it a try. When working with the interpolation function "interp" from the package akima and the triangulation function "tri.mesh" from package tripack I've got NA's for the interpolation and "error" for the triangulation. The data is arranged in a