similar to: Pb with agrep()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Pb with agrep()"

2010 Nov 17
Bug in agrep computing edit distance?
I posted this yesterday to r-help and Ben Bolker suggested reposting it here... Dickison, Daniel <ddickison <at>> writes: > > The documentation for agrep says it uses the Levenshtein edit distance, > but it seems to get this wrong in certain cases when there is a > combination of deletions and substitutions. For example: > > >
2010 Nov 16
Bug in agrep computing edit distance?
The documentation for agrep says it uses the Levenshtein edit distance, but it seems to get this wrong in certain cases when there is a combination of deletions and substitutions. For example: > agrep("abcd", "abcxyz", max.distance=1) [1] 1 That should've been a no-match. The edit distance between those strings is 3 (1 substitution, 2 deletions), but agrep matches
2012 Jan 19
bug en funcion 'agrep'
Estimados R-users: Estoy intentando usar la función 'agrep' para hacer búsquedas en cadenas de texto. El parámetro max.distance permite controlar la medida de aproximación de búsqueda de la función de Levenshtein. No obstante, cuando hago búsquedas específicas no obtengo siempre el resultado deseado y no se si es un bug o que no entiendo bien el algoritmo de búsqueda. Por
2012 Dec 11
How do you use agrep inside a loop
Hi all. This is my first message at I'm hoping I have some beginner's luck and get some good help for my problem! FYI I have just started using R recently so my knowledge of R is pretty preliminary. Okay here is what I need help with - I need to know how to use agrep in a for loop. I need to compare elements of a vector of names with other elements of the same vector.
2004 Feb 11
Hi all, I have two questions 1 - I have the version 1.4.1 of R, and it doesn't have the 'agrep' function in the base library. Is there a way to make this funcion avaliable in R 1.4.1? I mean, how to 'copy' it from R 1.8.1 and 'paste' it in R 1.4.1? 2 - The AGREP function doesn't give me the Levenshtein distance (edit distance). Is there a function in R that does
2010 Nov 09
agrep pmatch recursive???
Hello R Helpers, Business - 64 bit windows 7, R 2.11.1 I am trying to match the character contents of one list, called 'exclude', to those of a second list, called 'dataset' dataset is a list of file names with folder locations, and looks like this when called: > dataset [1] "A/10-10-29a-13.cdf" "A/10-10-29a-14.cdf" "A/10-10-29a-15.cdf"
2009 Jun 30
possible agrep bug; R 2.9.1, Mac OS X 10.5 (PR#13789)
Same behavior was noted on R 2.9.0 OS X and WIndows. > t(sapply(seq(0.01, .99, length=20), function(x) c(x, length(agrep("Staatssekretar im Bundeskanzleramt","Bundeskanzler",max.distance=x))))) [1,] 0.01000000 0 [2,] 0.06157895 0 [3,] 0.11315789 0 [4,] 0.16473684 0 [5,] 0.21631579 0 [6,] 0.26789474 0 [7,] 0.31947368 0 [8,] 0.37105263 0 [9,]
2008 May 29
help (using ?) does not handle trailing whitespace (PR#11537)
> ?agrep > Results in: No documentation for 'agrep ' in specified packages and libraries: you could try '"agrep ")' There is white space after agrep, that ? doesn't ignore. --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i486-pc-linux-gnu arch = i486 os = linux-gnu system = i486, linux-gnu status = major = 2 minor =
2004 Feb 13
"Marcos Sanches" <marcos.sanches at> wrote: Ls1<-length(s1) Ls2<-length(s2) for ( p in 1:ls1){ for (q in 1:ls2){ t1<-levenshteinFast(s1[p],s2[q]) ... Ls1=42000 Ls2=70000 I think I will wait for months untill this program ends. Do you have any sugestion to increase the speed? The first suggestion has to be "search HARD in the
2003 Oct 15
2 in trouble with R-patched ?
...unless its me missing something... >"prompt", agrep=F) Error: couldn't find function ".class1" > traceback() 12: initialize(value, ...) 11: initialize(value, ...) 10: new("ObjectsWithPackage", value, package = pkg) 9: metaNameUndo(unique(these), prefix = "M", searchForm = searchForm) 8: methods:::getGenerics(ns) 7:
2020 May 24
How to make IMAPS SSL Cert for Dovecot that works with Thunderbird
Hello all, What are the instructions for making an SSL cert for Dovecot IMAPS? Two methods have been tried, and work, with Evolution; however generate the following error when Thunderbird tries to connect. Thank you, method 1 : self signed openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -sha512 -x509 -days 365 -nodes -keyout mykey.key -out mycert.pem method 2 : Let's Encrypt (LE) CA Created with Certbot
2008 Aug 26
String search: Return "closest" match
Hi, I have to match names where names can be recorded with errors or additions. Now I am searching for a string search function which returns always the "closest" match. E.g. searching for "Washington" it should return only Washington but not Washington, D.C. But it also could be that the list contains only "Hamburg" but the record I am searching for is
2005 Nov 07
[LLVMdev] LLVM 1.6 Release Branch
Everything builds fine on sparc. The configure script needs to be fixed though (see previous email). Sparc testing results: make check: # of expected passes 1189 # of expected failures 34 Regressions Single Source: None New Failures Single Source (new tests): 2005-05-12-Int64ToFP: llc,jit Regressions MultiSource: Applications/d/make_dparser: llc, cbe, jit
2011 Jul 14
(no subject)
Good Afternoon R Community, I often work with very large data bases and want to search for select cases by a particular word or numeric value. I created the following simple function to do just that. It searchs a particular column for the phrase and returns a data frame with the rows that contain that phrase (for a particular column). Search<-function(term, dataframe,,
2009 May 05
noisy quantisation
The following creates a point process version of a sinewave (maybe there's a better way): p<-amp*cos(2*pi*freq*(1:n)/n ) + 0.5 as.numeric(runif(1:n)<p) I get something like this: 1 o oo oo o o ooooo o 0 ooo o o o o o ooo ooo In case it's not obvious, this is a noisy version of 1 ooooooo ooooooo 0 ooooooo
2005 Nov 07
[LLVMdev] LLVM 1.6 Release Branch
Tanya Lattner wrote: > > Everything builds fine on sparc. The configure script needs to be fixed > though (see previous email). I'm not getting the error with the configure script (on Kain, anyway). I've tried it with --with-f2c and with f96 (NAG Fortran compiler) in and out of my $PATH. Can you verify that the configure script works for you without the --with-f2c option?
2011 Jul 24
[LLVMdev] [llvm-testresults] bwilson__llvm-gcc_PROD__i386 nightly tester results
A big compile time regression. Any ideas? Ciao, Duncan. On 22/07/11 19:13, llvm-testresults at wrote: > > bwilson__llvm-gcc_PROD__i386 nightly tester results > > URL > Nickname bwilson__llvm-gcc_PROD__i386:4 > Name > > Run ID Order Start Time End Time > Current 253 0 2011-07-22 16:22:04
2006 Sep 06
How to get multiple partial matches?
Hi, I'm very new to R, and am not at all a software programmer of any sort. I appreciate any help you may have. I have figured out how to get my data into a dataframe and order it alphabetically according to a particular column. Now, I would like to seperate out certain rows based on partial character matches. Here is an (extremely) abreviated example of my data set Probe Ch1
2008 Jun 02
(PR#11537) help (using ?) does not handle trailing whitespace
>>>>> "BDR" == Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at> >>>>> on Fri, 30 May 2008 22:34:28 +0100 (BST) writes: BDR> I think it is ESS that is parsing this as a help BDR> request (so it can divert it to an ESS buffer). BDR> Looks like this is an ESS issue, not an R one. yes, indeed, hence much more belonging the ESS-help
2011 Mar 02
CentOS 5 install won't make with shared libs enabled
Hi, I've been trying to get a shared library version of the R package(version 2.12.1) installed on a CentOS 5 system. (It installs fine without but other packages demand shared libs - namely Rapache). I've tried this with yum but don't know of any flags to set to tell it to installl with shared libs enabled. I then tried a local R install as non-root with source packages: after