Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "(PR#8376 inconsistency between plot(hist(...)) and hist(...)"
2004 Nov 26
hist and truehist
Up to now I have been using hist() to display the distributions.
Howevere, I noteiced strange numbers on y (vertical) axis, if I used
probability = T or freq = F option. I thought it is a bug and launched
the R-bug system and found some posts on that matter. Brian Ripley
responded to one, that one should look at truehist() for that. Ok I can
use truehist() if I want to see the ratios
2003 Jan 08
Determining the break points by hist() leads to errors (PR#2432)
if I dermine the break points using the hist() function and then try
to re-use these in a new histogram, R fails. Here is an example of the
##First, plot a histogram:
foo <- hist(islands,freq=T)
##Now, try plot it again, with the previously determined break points:
##... this lead to the warning message:
Warning message:
2000 Nov 17
hist() and density
There were some questions about hist() a couple of days ago which
triggered this post. My question/suggestion is about the y-axis in hist.
There are reasons to prefer making the y-axis density=relative
frequency/bin width. One reason is that the height of the plot does not
depend on the bin width; another is that if your histogram is in density
then you can easily superimpose a smooth theoretical
2006 Apr 05
hist function: freq=FALSE for standardised histograms
Dear All,
I am a undergraduate using R for the first time. It seems like an excellent
program and one that I look forward to using a lot over the next few years,
but I have hit a very basic problem that I can't solve.
I want to produce a standardised histogram, i.e. one where the area under
the graph is equal to 1. I look at the manual for the histogram function and
find this:
2003 Mar 08
hist() basic question
This is a very basic question, but I would like to undestand hist(). I
thought that the hist( , freq=FALSE) should provide the relative
frequencies (probabilities), and so they should sum 1, however:
ah <- hist(rnorm(100), freq=F)
[1] 2
bh <- hist(rlnorm(100), freq=F)
[1] 0.4999996
I'm getting similar figures with
2006 Aug 25
How to get back POSIXct format after calculating with hist() results
I have a casting/formatting question on hist.POSIXt:
The histogram plot from POSIXct works perfect (with help of Prof. Ripley
When processing the hist(plot=FALSE) output and then plotting the
results over the x-axis (bins) coming from hist(), I lose the date/time
labels, getting instead integers displayed.
Trying to cast the $breaks with as.POSIXct gives silly results with
2013 Jan 22
density of hist(freq = FALSE) inversely affected by data magnitude
I have a couple of observations, a question or two, and perhaps a
suggestion related to the plotting of density on the y-axis within the
hist() function when freq=FALSE. I was using the function and trying
to develop an intuitive understanding of what the density is telling
me. After reading through this fairly helpful post:
2009 Aug 19
Fw: Hist & kernel density estimates
For the hist estimate
> ylim<-range(dens$y)
> h<-hist(q,breaks="scott",freq=FALSE,probability=TRUE,
+? right=FALSE,xlim=c(9000,16000),ylim=ylim,main="Histogram of q(scott)")
> lines(dens)
For the kernel estimate>options(scipen=4)
> d <- density(q, bw =
2011 Dec 07
Hist and extra space
Hi everyone.
I have an histogram like this one:
I would like to remove the extra space under the histogram so it "touch" the
x axis. Is it possible? Here's my code.
hist(X, freq = F, col = 'gray', axes = FALSE)
abline(v = cyano_euk_min, col = 'red', lty = 3, lw = 2)
abline(v = cyano_euk_max, col =
2005 Jun 17
hist.default documentation
I think there are a couple of things in ?hist that are not quite as
clear as they could be.
freq: logical; if 'TRUE', the histogram graphic is a representation
of frequencies, the 'counts' component of the result; if
'FALSE', _relative_ frequencies ("probabilities"), component
'density', are plotted. Defaults to
2000 Mar 23
Some "new" stuff for hist.R
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Dear all,
I've been hacking on histograms the past couple of days. I wanted to do
two things, add
2000 Jul 09
Modified Histogram functions
Dear all,
I have done further modifications on the histogram functions that I
reported earlier this year, and I hope this can be of use and perhaps
included in the distribution. I have been using this stuff a couple of
months myself, and while it is nothing sophisticated, it has it's
applications. :-) I did a few small modifications today to make it a bit
more compact.
I have modified the
2011 Jun 09
histogram - density on y axis and restriction to interval [0, 1]
To indicate probability densities instead of counts on a histogram, I
specify freq = FALSE.
However, I expect that summing all top y coordinates over all the
intervals of the histogram will provide 1.
v <- c(0.2885, 0.2988, 0.3139, 0.2615, 0.3179, 0.3163, 0.2583, 0.3052,
0.2527, 0.3147, 0.3235, 0.2408, 0.2480, 0.3108, 0.3577, 0.2829, 0.2694,
0.3275, 0.3314, 0.2639, 0.3076,
2009 Jul 26
problems hist() and density
I have a problem with the hist() function and showing densities. The
densities sum to 50 and not to 1! I use R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) and
I load the seqinR library.
My data is the following vector:
[1] 0.1400000 0.2000000 0.2200000 0.2828283 0.1600000 0.1600000
[8] 0.1600000 0.2200000 0.2600000 0.2000000 0.3000000 0.2200000
[15] 0.1800000 0.2200000 0.1600000
2004 Aug 19
probability histogram question
Hello, all;
I get an unexpected result when trying to plot a probability histogram
with R1.9.1 on windows xp:
#with the following code:
> x <- runif(100,0,1)
> hist(x)
> hist(x, freq=F)
> h <- hist(x, freq=F)
> summary(h)
# Length Class Mode
#breaks 11 -none- numeric
#counts 10 -none- numeric
#intensities 10 -none- numeric
#density 10
2004 Aug 21
relative frequencies for hist()
I have problems getting a histogram with relative frequencies on the y-axis.
Here is an example data set:
> a <- c(4.626, 4.627, 4.627, 4.628, 4.629, 4.629, 4.630, 4.631, 4.632,
> d = hist(a,freq=F)
> d$density
[1] 299.9999 100.0000 200.0000 100.0000 100.0000 200.0000
The obtained densities are given by counts/(total n * bin width), with
bin width being
2005 Jan 05
hist.POSIXt filled bars - axis color changes
Hi all,
I'm plotting a histogram of dates and would like to shade the bars, e.g.
-but the axis color also changes, how do I prevent that?
thx in advance
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2008 Jan 31
Bug with hist() ?
Is this a bug from hist() ? The total density is greater than 1.
> test
[1] 0.05077802 -0.50585520 -0.98053648 -0.35513059 0.86767129 0.61736097
[7] 0.14264062 0.26243841 -0.41477782 0.64172618 0.87230953 -0.62570629
[13] 0.43596467 -0.93214106 -0.26781599
> h <- hist(test, freq = FALSE, main="Histogram of correlation", ylab =
"Frequency", xlab =
2005 Nov 02
breaks in hist()
Dear listers,
A quick question about breaks in hist().
The histogram is highly screwed to the right, say, the range of the vector is [0, 2], but 95% of the value is squeezed in the interval (0.01, 0.2). My question is : how to set the breaks then make the histogram look even?
Thanks in advance,
2011 May 24
histogram with density
Hello All,*
*I want to draw a histogram with density curve. *
*For that simply i created a data called*"x" *and i used the function called
* hist(x, col = "blue", freq = FALSE),** *from this function i got a
*After that , i tried this function* ** lines(density(x), col = "red", lwd
= 2 ) *but i could not get the density curve.
So, Again i used