Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8367)"
2006 Jan 10
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8468)
This bug is not quite fixed - the example from my original report now =
works using R-2.2.1, but
plot(Uniform, 6)
does not. The bug is due to
if (show[6]) {
ymx <- max(cook, na.rm =3D TRUE) * 1.025
g <- hatval/(1 - hatval) # Potential division by zero here #
plot(g, cook, xlim =3D c(0, max(g)), ylim =3D c(0, ymx),=20
main =3D main, xlab =3D
2004 Jan 20
rstandard.glm() in base/R/lm.influence.R
I contacted John Fox about this first, because parts of the file are
attributed to him. He says that he didn't write rstandard.glm(), and
suggests asking r-devel.
As it stands, rstandard.glm() has summary(model)$dispersion outside the
sqrt(), while in rstandard.lm(), the sd is already sqrt()ed. This seems to
follow stdres() in VR/MASS/R/stdres.R.
Of course for the c("poisson",
2017 Oct 09
Help RFM analysis in R (i want a code where i can define my own breaks instead of system defined breaks used in auto_RFM package)
Hi Hemant,
Here is an example that might answer your questions. Please don't run
previous code as it might not work.
I define the break values as arguments to the function
(rbreaks,fbreaks,mbreaks) If you want the breaks to work, make sure that
they cover the range of the input values, otherwise you get NAs.
# expects a three (or more) column data frame where
# column 1 is customer ID,
2017 Oct 09
Help RFM analysis in R (i want a code where i can define my own breaks instead of system defined breaks used in auto_RFM package)
I'm getting all the rows as NA in Cscore and almost most of the
observation in R and F and M are also NA.
what can be the reason for this. also suggest me the appropriate solution.
On 9 October 2017 at 15:51, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hemant,
> Here is an example that might answer your questions. Please don't run
> previous code as it might not work.
2017 Oct 09
Help RFM analysis in R (i want a code where i can define my own breaks instead of system defined breaks used in auto_RFM package)
I seriously doubt that you are running the code I sent. What you have
probably done is to run your data, which has a different date format,
without changing the breaks or the date format arguments. As you
haven't provided any example that shows what you are doing, I can't
guess what the problem is.
On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 9:40 PM, Hemant Sain <hemantsain55 at gmail.com> wrote:
2011 Mar 14
Standardized Pearson residuals
Is there any reason that rstandard.glm doesn't have a "pearson" option?
And if not, can it be added?
Background: I'm currently teaching an undergrad/grad-service course from
Agresti's "Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edn)" and
deviance residuals are not used in the text. For now I'll just provide
the students with a simple function to use, but I
2017 Oct 10
Help RFM analysis in R (i want a code where i can define my own breaks instead of system defined breaks used in auto_RFM package)
Hello Jim,
i have converted all my variable data type according to your attached
example including date, and my dataset looks like this.
ID purchase date
1234 10.2 2017-02-18
3453 18.9 2017-03-22
7689 8 2017-03-24
but when I'm passing the data
2004 Feb 24
rstandard does not produce standardized residuals
Dear all,
the application of the function rstandard() in the base package
to a glm object does not produce residuals standardized to
have variance one:
the reason is that the deviance residuals are divided
by the dispersion estimate and not by the
square root of the estimate for the dispersion.
Should the function not be changed to produce residuals
with a variance about 1?
R 1.8.1 on
2017 Oct 11
RFM analysis
Hi Hemant,
Let's take it one step at a time. Save this code as "qdrfm.R" in your
R working directory: It includes the comments I added last time and
fixes a bug in the recency scoring.
date.format="%Y-%m-%d",weights=c(1,1,1),finish=NA) {
# if no finish date is specified, use current date
2017 Oct 06
Help RFM analysis in R (i want a code where i can define my own breaks instead of system defined breaks used in auto_RFM package)
I'm trying to perform an RFM analysis on the attached dataset,
I'm able to get the results using the auto_rfm function but i want to
define my own breaks for RFM.
as follow
r <-c(30,60,90)
f <-c(2,5,8)
m <-c(10,20,30)
but when i tried to define my own breaks i got the identical result for RFM
i.e 111 for every ID.
please help me with this with working R script so that i can get
2012 Apr 02
linear-by-linear association model in R?
Dear all, can somebody give me some pointer how I can fit a
"linear-by-linear association model" (i.e. loglinear model for the
ordinal variables) in R? A brief description can be found here
Thanks for your help
2012 Feb 09
passing an extra argument to an S3 generic
I'm trying to write some functions extending influence measures to
multivariate linear models and also
allow subsets of size m>=1 to be considered for deletion diagnostics.
I'd like these to work roughly parallel
to those functions for the univariate lm where only single case deletion
(m=1) diagnostics are considered.
Corresponding to stats::hatvalues.lm, the S3 method for class
2009 Apr 09
Hi guys,
I want to transfer the following code from R into .Call compatible form. How
can i do that?
INT sim;
for(i in 1:sim){
if(i>2) genemat <- genemat[,sample(1:ncol(genemat))]
ranklist[,1] <- apply(genemat, 1, function(x){
(mean(x[cols]) -
ranklist <- ranklist[order(ranklist[,1]),]
2013 Oct 15
Q-Q plot scaling in plot.lm(); bug or thinko?
Hash: SHA1
I've been looking fairly carefully at the Q-Q plots produced by
plot.lm() and am having difficulty understanding why plot.lm()
is doing what it's doing, specifically scaling the standardized
residuals by the prior weights. Can anyone explain this to me ... ?
Multiplying by the weights seems to give the wrong plot, at least for
2007 Oct 29
Strange results with anova.glm()
I have been struggling with this problem for some time now. Internet,
books haven't been able to help me.
## I have factorial design with counts (fruits) as response variable.
> str(stubb)
'data.frame': 334 obs. of 5 variables:
$ id : int 6 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 34 ...
$ infl.treat : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...
$ def.treat :
2003 Apr 07
filtering ts with arima
I have the following code from Splus that I'd like to migrate to R. So far,
the only problem is the arima.filt function. This function allows me to
filter an existing time-series through a previously estimated arima model,
and obtain the residuals for further use. Here's the Splus code:
# x is the estimation time series, new.infl is a timeseries that contains
new information
# a.mle
2005 Apr 13
multinom and contrasts
I found that using different contrasts (e.g.
contr.helmert vs. contr.treatment) will generate
different fitted probabilities from multinomial
logistic regression using multinom(); while the fitted
probabilities from binary logistic regression seem to
be the same. Why is that? and for multinomial logisitc
regression, what contrast should be used? I guess it's
here is an example
2004 Jan 08
Strange parametrization in polr
In Venables \& Ripley 3rd edition (p. 231) the proportional odds model
is described as:
logit(p<=k) = zeta_k + eta
but polr apparently thinks there is a minus in front of eta,
as is apprent below.
Is this a bug og a feature I have overlooked?
Here is the naked code for reproduction, below the results.
2003 May 05
polr in MASS
Hi, I am trying to test the proportional-odds model using the "polr" function in the MASS library with the dataset of "housing" contained in the MASS book ("Sat" (factor: low, medium, high) is the dependent variable, "Infl" (low, medium, high), "Type" (tower, apartment, atrium, terrace) and "Cont" (low, high) are the predictor variables
2010 Nov 10
standardized/studentized residuals with loess
Hi all,
I'm trying to apply loess regression to my data and then use the fitted
model to get the *standardized/studentized residuals. I understood that for
linear regression (lm) there are functions to do that:*
fit1 = lm(y~x)
stdres.fit1 = rstandard(fit1)
studres.fit1 = rstudent(fit1)
I was wondering if there is an equally simple way to get
the standardized/studentized residuals for a