similar to: typo in browse.pkgs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "typo in browse.pkgs"

2005 May 04
MacOS X: update.packages(type="mac.binary") fails (PR#7836)
Message 2 of today: it works now. After re-installing from the same R-2.1.0.dmg file, and fixInNamespace'ing(*) install.packages(), I managed to update 23 outdated packages from CRAN binaries for MacOS X. What I did was to: 1. change call to .install.macbinaries() into call to install.binaries() in install.packages(). install.binaries() is a function defined utils/R/aqua/GUI.R. 2. I
2006 Dec 19
Hi! As per Thomas' advice, I upgraded R by using "update.packages()" and got the following warning messages: Warning messages: 1: installation of package 'lmtest' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages(update[, "Package"], instlib, contriburl = contriburl, 2: installation of package 'quadprog' had non-zero exit status in: install.packages(update[,
2005 Dec 09
local source packages install from within R session - cross-platform
I realize that others have struggled with this issue...i.e. i am on os.x 10.4 w/ R2.2, and am (perhaps foolishly) also on this quest... i would like to be able to install downloaded source (tar.gz'd) files from within an R session, and have it work in a X-platform way..i am often not connected to the internet and have libraries
2004 Oct 22
install.packages question / suggestion
Hello, when trying to write an R-file, which automatically installs and updates a given list of packages, I had two problems with install.packages() 1) install.packages("<package>") will install <package>, no matter if <package> has already been installed. 2) the readline() at the end of install.packages, which asks the user, if the downloaded files should be
2011 Sep 20
update.packages() as ordinary user, /usr/lib/R/site-library is not writable
I am moving from windoze on a Dell laptop to Debian but I seem to have hit a snag for R. I managed to find the information to point an /etc/apt/sources.list entry at my local CRAN repository and have installed R 2.13.1 for squeeze from the Bristol UK repository. I installed a number of the additional R packages using synaptic which reported no errors but when I run my first
2007 Sep 20
packages MANOR, qvalue, and tkWidgets fail install on Fedora 7 with latest R-beta build
Had some packages fail install so I updated to today's R-beta release. On updating packages the following packages still fail. sessionInfo follows. Mark Warning messages: 1: In install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : installation of package 'MANOR' had non-zero exit status 2: In install.packages(update[instlib == l,
2007 Jun 07
update packages with R on Vista: error
Dear R-list, I have encountered the following error message trying to update R packages: > update.packages(ask='graphics') Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib' is not writable Error in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : unable to
2009 Nov 04
error in install.packages() (PR#14042)
Full_Name: Michael Spiegel Version: 2.10 OS: Windows Vista Submission from: (NULL) ( The following error is produced when attempting to call install.packages. Here is the results of the traceback: > source('') Error in f(res) : invalid subscript type 'list' > traceback() 7: f(res) 6: available.packages(contriburl =
2010 Oct 05
R doesn't want to update packages (Windows 7)
Hello! I've just installed R 2.11.1 on my new home PC. Just the base R. My PC has Windows 7. R was installed in C / Program Files (x86) / R - R-2.11.1 Then - through the menue - I went to Update packages, chose the mirror and R detected the few packages that needed to be updated. After I clicked on OK I got the following error message: > update.packages(ask='graphics') --- Please
2007 Oct 06
help_R2.5 updating
Hi, I run windows vista ultimate in my laptop and run R 2.5 I am trying to update the packages but it comes up with an error message ""Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib' is not writable Error in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, :
2010 Dec 27
package update
I'm running Linux Ubuntu and tried to update my packages using the update.package() command. It appeared to download the updates ok but I got the following message: The downloaded packages are in ?/tmp/RtmpFM82Ry/downloaded_packages? Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib = "/usr/lib/R/site-library"' is
2011 Sep 06
Update packages problem
R-help, I recently updated R from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1 (32-bit Windows version) and now have a problem updating packages. I am running Windows 7 as operating system. As the FAQ suggests, I uninstalled 2.13.0 before installing 2.13.1. On first opening R, I ran "update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) ras also recommended and selected the NS Cran mirror. On doing this the following error
2009 May 16
I can't update
To whom it concenrt I am trying to update the R program 2.9 This is the message that the program give is: > update.packages(ask='graphics') Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-29~1.0/library"' is not writable Erro em install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"],
2010 Nov 13
Updating R packages
I have been trying to update some R packages but I get the following error. Can you advise how mow to get around this . I am using the R for 64 bit windows. --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-211~1.1-X/library"' is not writable
2011 May 08
package update
I tried to update my packages using update.packages() I got the following message: The downloaded packages are in ?/tmp/RtmpyDYdTX/downloaded_packages? Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib = "/usr/lib/R/library"' is not writable Error in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l,
2012 Mar 30
Update Packages error
Anyone knows how to get around this message? I am trying to update some packages in R but I get the following message I use R for 64 bit windows. Warning in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl = contriburl, : 'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-2.14.1/library"' is not writable Error in install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"],
2004 Dec 31
install.packages() for local source file
Wish to install a local source package on Un*x platform from within R. Same thing as I can accomplish from cmdline as $ export R_LIBS=~/R/library $ cd /path/to/pkg $ R CMD INSTALL -l $R_LIBS <pkgname> So, how do you go about this anyway? And isn't this a bug in 'install.packages'? ------- $ R R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 1.9.0
2015 Jul 19
update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE): possible bug
Hello, > version _ platform x86_64-w64-mingw32 arch x86_64 os mingw32 system x86_64, mingw32 status Patched major 3 minor 2.1 year 2015 month 07 day 16 svn rev 68681 language R version.string R version 3.2.1 Patched (2015-07-16 r68681) nickname World-Famous Astronaut I
2008 Jan 19
Updating library
On Vista my R installation is in C:\Program Files\R\R-2.6.0 and there is a library here: %userprofile%\Documents\R\win-library\2.6 If I use the GUI Packages menu to update my library it works ok _except_ for any packages such as lattice and the VR bundle that come with R. For those I get this (this is what I got when I tried to update lattice but I get a similar message for the VR bundle
2007 Sep 18
Problem updating packages
Hello, everybody I have R 2.5.1 now installed on a laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium. I have problems updating the packages. Here is what I get at the prompt when I try to update: > update.packages(ask='graphics') --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- trying URL '' Content type