similar to: Column names in qr() and chol() (PR#8258)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Column names in qr() and chol() (PR#8258)"

2003 Apr 28
qr(x,LAPACK=TRUE) (PR#2867)
Hi, I think there is a problem with the LAPACK version of qr() in version 1.7.0. (version below). 1. The documentation states that LAPACK=TRUE is the default, but the code has LAPACK=FALSE. 2. With LAPACK=TRUE qr() is never pivoting, even in cases where it very clearly should be. e.g. set.seed(0) X<-matrix(rnorm(40),10,4);X[,1]<-X[,2] qrx<-qr(X,LAPACK=TRUE) qrx$pivot # note, no
2006 Apr 24
Handling large dataset & dataframe [Broadcast]
Here's a skeletal example. Embellish as needed: p <- 5 n <- 300 set.seed(1) dat <- cbind(rnorm(n), matrix(runif(n * p), n, p)) write.table(dat, file="c:/temp/big.txt", row=FALSE, col=FALSE) xtx <- matrix(0, p + 1, p + 1) xty <- numeric(p + 1) f <- file("c:/temp/big.txt", open="r") for (i in 1:3) { x <- matrix(scan(f, nlines=100), 100,
2007 Oct 03
inverse of matrix made by low.tri function
Hi all, I am using R trying to get a inverse matrix of (X^T)X , but I keep getting the error message like: no b argument and no default value for sprintf(gettext(fmt, domain = domain), ...) . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my code X<-Matrix(rep(1,500),100,5) X[lower.tri(X)]<-1-10^-7 XtX<- t(X)%*% X XtXu<-lu(XtX)
2012 Apr 23
linear model benchmarking
I cleaned up my old benchmarking code and added checks for missing data to compare various ways of finding OLS regression coefficients. I thought I would share this for others. the long and short of it is that I would recommend ols.crossprod = function (y, x) { x <- as.matrix(x) ok <- (!! y <- y[ok]; x
2009 Mar 31
error during DPpackage compilation
Dear All, I've had trouble compiling DPpackage as a user in one system. It works fine as root in other machines. I can see any clues in error messages My guess is that it is a permissions matter. Any help is appreciated. OS: Linux Kernel: 2.6.27 SMP Arch: Intel 64 bits gfortran not available Thank you. ----------------------><8------------------------------------- g77 ? -fpic ?-g
2003 Oct 30
Change in 'solve' for r-patched
The solve function in r-patched has been changed so that it applies a tolerance when using Lapack routines to calculate the inverse of a matrix or to solve a system of linear equations. A tolerance has always been used with the Linpack routines but not with the Lapack routines in versions 1.7.x and 1.8.0. (You can use the optional argument tol = 0 to override this check for computational
2010 May 21
Data reconstruction following PCA using Eigen function
Hi all, As a molecular biologist by training, I'm fairly new to R (and statistics!), and was hoping for some advice. First of all, I'd like to apologise if my question is more methodological rather than relating to a specific R function. I've done my best to search both in the forum and elsewhere but can't seem to find an answer which works in practice. I am carrying out
2007 Jan 11
warning in GAM
Hello, I have a problem when doing gam (from gam library; I am using R 2.4.0, windows xp platform) When doing: example(gam) There is this error message (which also happens when using my data) .... Warning: a final empty element has been omitted the part of the args list of 'list' being evaluated was: (coefficients = fit$beta, residuals = fit$y - fit$eta, fitted.values = fit$eta,
2002 Oct 29
pretty not pretty
Hi, I have a following vector: > smallch [1] 0.0652840 0.1181300 0.0319370 0.0155700 0.0464110 0.0107850 [7] 0.0158970 0.0375900 0.0603090 0.0310300 0.0105920 0.0540580 [13] -0.0177740 0.0039393 Pretty (R 1.5.1) has problems with zero: > pretty(smallch) [1] -2.000000e-02 -3.469447e-18 2.000000e-02 4.000000e-02 6.000000e-02 [6] 8.000000e-02 1.000000e-01 1.200000e-01
2002 Oct 29
pretty not pretty
Hi, I have a following vector: > smallch [1] 0.0652840 0.1181300 0.0319370 0.0155700 0.0464110 0.0107850 [7] 0.0158970 0.0375900 0.0603090 0.0310300 0.0105920 0.0540580 [13] -0.0177740 0.0039393 Pretty (R 1.5.1) has problems with zero: > pretty(smallch) [1] -2.000000e-02 -3.469447e-18 2.000000e-02 4.000000e-02 6.000000e-02 [6] 8.000000e-02 1.000000e-01 1.200000e-01
2003 Jul 18
This is a multipart message in MIME format. --=_alternative 00812CFCCA256D66_= Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Two points in respect to PR#2867. First, the trivial one: (1) In Lapack.c, on lines 806 and 812, there are calls of F77_CALL(dgeqp3). But the error messages on lines on lines 809 and 815 refer to "dqeqp3", i.e., they currently have a "q"
2008 Oct 03
Bug or inaccuracy in cumsum( )
I came across this: shouldn't the last value be a more exact zero? It did not do that with 1 - sum( rep(0.1, 10) ) > 1 - cumsum( rep(0.1, 10) ) [1] 9.000000e-01 8.000000e-01 7.000000e-01 6.000000e-01 5.000000e-01 4.000000e-01 3.000000e-01 2.000000e-01 [9] 1.000000e-01 1.110223e-16 > version _ platform
2011 Jul 17
I am estimating Value at Risk using PerfomanceAnalytics package. The?variables are stored in a data frame. I formated the data variables using zoo() and as.xtx() but it is not working. The working example is below. ##########################################################? reguire(zoo) require(PerformanceAnalytics) reguire(xts) ? year<- c(1991-12-30, 1992-12-30, 1993-12-30, 1994-12-30) R1
2012 Dec 07
Problem with special characters
I have the following problem: I am using igraph and entering a graph from an external (.txt) file using read.graph("a.txt","ncol") In a.xtx the name of the nodes contains special characters (such Polish names, etc). In the R console, the visualization of the names is not correct and I am loosing some of the special characters. Any help will be greatly appreciate. Renato
2003 Sep 20
Full_Name: Mark MacLennan Version: 1.7.1 OS: Solaris 8 Submission from: (NULL) ( Bug PR#2867 appears to still be occurring ... I am running Solaris 8 using gcc 3.3 and while running the tests for R 1.7.1 I get the following error message regarding Lapack routine dqeqp3 I don't know how serious an issue this is! Thanks for any help! Mark ----- running code in
2011 Apr 15
Function for deleting variables with >=50% missing obs from a data frame
Hello R users! I have several data frames where some of the variables have many missing observations. For example, Q1 in one of my data frames has over 66% of its observations missing. I have tried imputation with mice but it does not work for all the data frames and I get the following message or a similar message to this: iter imp variable 1 1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11
2011 Feb 13
BMS package and leading minor problems
Hello, Could somebody please tell me what the following is about? I try to run BMS function for quite a small dataset (400 rows and 50 columns) to get model suggestions, but I end up getting following error message: > bms<-bms(dat) Error in chol.default(XtX.start) : the leading minor of order 36 is not positive definite I've done it before, it worked for some other data set
2016 Nov 10
tons of dovecot/config processes
Hi. I've noticed that dovecot (using here) starts dovecot/config processes that stay for long time. Example: [root at ixion-pld ~]# service dovecot restart Stopping Dovecot service.......................................................................................................................................[ DONE ] Starting Dovecot
2005 Jun 07
Winbindd problems ... nevers answered ?
Hi i have 3 PDC on my network, and after reboot the first PDC, my winbindd can't call with it : [root@gw squid]# wbinfo -t checking the trust secret via RPC calls failed error code was NT_STATUS_INVALID_COMPUTER_NAME (0xc0000122) Could not check secret [2005/06/07 10:20:30, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_interface_version(261) [22308]: request interface version [2005/06/07
2005 Jul 05
calling fortran functions CHOL and DPOTRF form Fortran
Hi all, I'm working out some Fortran code for which I want to compute the Choleski decomposition of a covariance matrix in Fortran. I tried to do it by two methods : 1) Calling the lapack function DPOTRF. I can see the source code and check that my call is correct, but it does not compile with: system("R CMD SHLIB ~/main.f") dyn.load("~/") I get: Error in