similar to: extending lattice to S4 classes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "extending lattice to S4 classes"

2005 Aug 24
histogram method for S4 class.
Hi, I'm trying to develop an histogram method for a class called "FLQuant" which is used by the package FLCore ( FLQuant is an extension to "array". There is an method that coerces flquant into a data.frame suitable for lattice plotting. The problem is that when I coerce the object and plot it after it works but if the method is
2005 Aug 24
histogram method for S4 class.
Hi, I'm trying to develop an histogram method for a class called "FLQuant" which is used by the package FLCore ( FLQuant is an extension to "array". There is an method that coerces flquant into a data.frame suitable for lattice plotting. The problem is that when I coerce the object and plot it after it works but if the method is
2003 Sep 05
Problem with S4 slots in C code (PR#4073)
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C3738F.63DE3390 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" #I want to be able to create a new S4 class and read data into it using C code # Here is a very simple S4 object inheriting from "array", but with 5
2007 Jul 03
How to get the names of the classes exported by a specific package.
Hi, I'm writing some functions to generate Rd files for a S4 package. I want to have 2 character vectors with the names of the S4 classes and the methods exported by a package. To get the info about methods I'm using "getGenerics(where="package:FLCore")" however I can not find a similar process to get the S4 classes. Are there functions to access this information
2004 Jan 08
S3, S4, namespace
I have encountered an issue which I have been unable to resolve, involving an S3 generic (print) being declared S4 generic in a package, and the method being exported. This all works fine - the problem occurs when I try to import the method to another package. Here is the bit that works fine. ------------- #the .r file for package bar
2008 May 20
S4 generic for lowess
Hi, A lowess method is defined in our package for one of our S4 classes. To explicitely define the generic this is being used if (!isGeneric("lowess")) setGeneric("lowess", useAsDefault = lowess) This works fine for many other methods inherited from various R packages. In this case a warning is issued in R CMD check: * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
2007 Oct 09
Package compile under Windows on 2.6.0
Dear all, We are experiencing some trouble when compiling R packages using R 2.6.0 and the new Rtools installer under Windows XP. (1) First, compiling any package using the new setup stops with an errorrelated to some "/" issue on the inst folder. This folder only contains a CITATION file ---------- Making package FLCore ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing
2010 Jan 11
Problem with S4 generic function print
First, if I have an S4 class boo should I define S3 method for printing or should I define S4 method print(..). I mainly need to define print function only because some user might call it and then I would like to dispatch the call to right function instead. Second, it seems that by defining S4 generic function print, it is possible to break argument hinting on the status bar.
2005 Nov 22
install.packages in R 2.2.0
Dear all, I am having trouble with install.packages() when specifying a non-CRAN repository. The command below works in R 2.1.0 and R 2.1.1 compiled from source in Linux, bringing up the Tcl/Tk interface for selection, but in 2.2.0 I get > install.packages(repos='') Error in install.packages(repos = "") : argument
2004 Feb 26
package 'stats' needs import directive for 1.9.0?
I maintain the Irregular Time Series (its) package on CRAN. I am currently testing a release. Under 1.8.1 I am able to define a S4 generic 'start' as follows: if(!isGeneric("start")) {setGeneric("start", useAsDefault=start)} Under 1.9.0, Rcmd check generates an error, as 'start' is not recognised. If I use the NAMESPACE directive IMPORT, all is well:
2008 Apr 17
LinkingTo for 2 packages
Hello, One of our packages contains C++ code that needs to be compiled against 2 other packages. So the LinkingTo field in DESCRIPTION looks like this LinkingTo: FLCore,FLash Both packages are also in the Depends field. In R 2.6.2, first thing we noticed was that both names could not have any space between them, althoguh the example in the html version of "Writing R Extensions" does
2007 Mar 15
R 2.5.0 devel try issue in conjuntion with S4 method dispatch
Hi, after updating R 2.5.0 devel yesterday we today observed many new unexpected failures in our daily package build and test system runs, which can be traced to recent changes in the implementation in try() (as noted in NEWS). Investigating this new implementation I come across an issue in conjuntion with using S4 classes and methods. try(expr) does not return an object with attribute
2006 Oct 04
Default argument value for "["
Dear all, After installing R 2.4.0, a definition of "[" for an S4 class has stopped working as the default for drop in the generic, TRUE, appears to override the default in the method The method is defined for demonstration purposes as setMethod("[", signature(x="FLQuant"), function(x, i="missing", j="missing", k="missing",
2011 Dec 30
PCI/VGA passthrough and function level reset (FLR)
I''m wondering if FLR really must be supported by the PCI card for PCI/VGA passthrough to work or if it will work anyway. I have read in the VTdHowTo that trying to pass through hardware without the FLR feature will result in an error. At the same time I read on a pdf document on the VMWare website ( that:
2008 Feb 24
Generic Functions
Hi I have some problems in defining new generic functions and classes. Just have a look at the following example: require(fPortfolio) setClass("PROBECLASS", representation( type="character" ) ) isGeneric("setType<-") #Returns TRUE #I would like to define a specific function for
2008 Feb 24
Generic Functions
Hi I have some problems in defining new generic functions and classes. Just have a look at the following example: require(fPortfolio) setClass("PROBECLASS", representation( type="character" ) ) isGeneric("setType<-") #Returns TRUE #I would like to define a specific function for
2012 Jun 29
How vital is having "FLReset+" for VGA Passthru in DomU?
I was reading the Wiki page here: don''t know how updated it is, BUT at the top it said: -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- _Xen 4.1 xl tools notes _ * Only devices with FLR capabilities are supported. * Passing through a PCI card without FLR capability
2005 Dec 29
trouble with S4 methods for group "Summary"
Hello. This question concerns the Methods package. I have created a new class and am trying to set a method for it for S4 group generic "Summary". I have run into some signature problems. An example: > setClass("track", representation(x="numeric", y="character")) [1] "track" > setGeneric("max", group="Summary")
2005 Dec 20
Overlaying lattice plots
Hillary, Richard M wrote: > Morning chaps, I have a little question for your capable minds... Say > I have an observed and predicted set of quants (in my case, length > frequencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice > plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel? > Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...) > Rich Hi Richard, If
2005 Dec 20
Overlaying lattice plots
Hillary, Richard M wrote: > Morning chaps, I have a little question for your capable minds... Say > I have an observed and predicted set of quants (in my case, length > frequencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice > plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel? > Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...) > Rich Hi Richard, If