similar to: bug loading libraries with winXP and 2.2.0 but not 2.1.1 (PR#8200)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1400 matches similar to: "bug loading libraries with winXP and 2.2.0 but not 2.1.1 (PR#8200)"

2005 Oct 10
bug loading libraries with winXP and 2.2.0 but not 2.1.1 (PR#8201)
Hi, thanks for the report - but it should have gone to the Bioconductor list, and the package maintainer, thanks. New versions of multtest and a few other packages will percolate up in the next few days to resolve the problem. Best wishes, Robert kompass at wrote: > Full_Name: Ken Kompass > Version: 2.2.0 > OS: winXP pro (2002 version, SP2) > Submission
2006 Nov 18
Why SAM has totally diffent results in R2.1.1 and R2.4.0
Hi, I am using SAM (from siggenes_1.2.11 package) method to select genes from a microarray data set. After installing the latest R2.4.0 on my computer, to my surprise the results are totally different from that calculated using R2.1.1. Even the example code doesn't work the same way under these two versions of R. Does anybody know what is going on? Thanks for any suggestions.
2004 Jan 20
Re: Need help on how to list functions from a loaded package...
To All How does one get a list of functions from a loaded package so that one can then get the appropriate help for each of the functions. Currently my method is based on a lot of trial-and-error. Here's an example of what I mean... >From this forum I learn that an interesting package called "multtest" exists on Bioconductor. I then use R Console's "Packages" --
2002 Mar 06
Problem in .First.lib
Hello! I downloaded a package "multtest" (from in R, and installed it by 'R CMD <package>' (after unzipping and taring). The problem is when I say 'library(multtest)' in R, the following error is generated: Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
2006 Feb 01
R CMD check barfs at 'suggested' package
I have been running R CMD check for the first time on of our own packages, which otherwise builds, installs and runs just fine. The package depends on package akima and suggests package multtest; suggesting multtest is indicated because a) it loads a lot of other Bioconductor packages, very slowly, and b) it is only needed for one specific subroutine, which executes require(multtest)
2010 Nov 12
installing dependencies: binary vs source
Hi, Installing from binaries on Windows: > install.packages("multtest") Warning: dependency 'Biobase' is not available trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 1645590 bytes (1.6 Mb) opened URL downloaded 1.6 Mb package 'multtest' successfully unpacked
2006 Feb 01
Rd files with unknown sections
Hi, With recent versions of R-devel, "R CMD check" complains about some "Rd files with unknown sections". hpages at gladstone:~> R CMD check multtest_1.9.4.tar.gz ... ... * checking Rd files ... WARNING Rd files with unknown sections: /home/hpages/multtest.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/multtest/man/boot.resample.Rd: notes
2011 Nov 30
install "multtest" and "preprocessCore" packages in Bioconductor library
Hi Nguyen, > Subject: [R] install "multtest" and "preprocessCore" packages in > Bioconductor library > Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:57:36 -0800 > From: UyenThao Nguyen <unguyen at> > To: r-help <r-help at> > CC: uth.nguyen at <uth.nguyen at> > > Hi All, > > I've tried to
2005 Dec 14
Problem with dir.create (R2.2.0 Windows XP 2002 SP 2)
I've run into a problem with dir.create on R2.2.0 Windows XP 2002 SP 2. setwd("d:/") print(dir.create("d:\\otis-sim\\rdata", recursive=T)) print(dir.create("d:\\otis-sim\\", recursive=T)) Both return false and fail to create the directories. setwd("c:/") print(dir.create("d:\\otis-sim\\rdata", recursive=T)) Returns true and succesfully
2005 Oct 30
Yates' correction for continuity in chisq.test (PR#8265)
Full_Name: foo ba baz Version: R2.2.0 OS: Mac OS X (10.4) Submission from: (NULL) ( chisq.test(matrix(c(9,10,9,11),2,2)) Chi-square value must be 0, and, P value must be 0 R does over correction when | a d - b c | < n / 2 &#65292;chi-sq must be 0
2005 Oct 18
Subsetting a list
Colleagues, I have created a list in the following manner: TEST <- list(c("A1", "A2"), c("B1", "B2"), c("C1", "C2")) I now want to delete one element from the list, e.g., the third. The command TEST[[3]] yields (as expected): [1] "C1" "C2" The command TEST[[-3]] yields: Error:
2005 Aug 04
Odd timing behaviour in reading a file
Hi all, please don't ask me why I tried this but....... I have observed some odd behaviour in the time taken to read a file. I tried searching the archives without much success, but that could be me. The first time I read a (60Mb) CSV file, takes a certain amount of time. The second time takes appreciably longer and the third and subsequent times very much shorter times. See below, $
2005 Nov 11
no package 'Matrix' at the repositories
Yesterday, I installed R2.2.0 for Windows [Version 2.2.0 (2005-10-06 r35749)]. Unfortunately, 'install.packages("Matrix")' produced the following message: Warning in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, : no package 'Matrix' at the repositories I installed lme4, maps, mapproj, CircStats, scatterplot3d, gregmisc, Hmisc without
2005 Sep 01
source(file) => file becomes readonly
Hello, when I work in R, I write code in a text file that I run with the "source(filename)" command. In R2.1.1 the file is read-only while the source command is executed. This was not the case in R2.0.1. Is this a bug-fix or is it possible not to have the file read-only when executed? Best regards Vidar
2005 Nov 28
str and structable error
Hallo I encountered a behaviour which puzzles me (but finally I did get what I wanted). I used structable and strucplot but I wanted to change names of variables in structable object. I tried to subset it, use names but to no avail. So I tried str and expected to get a structure of an object but: > sss<-structable(Titanic) > str(sss) Error in "[.structable"(x, args[[1]],
2005 Jul 26
docu buglets for ar and friends
This is R2.1.1 The documantation opened by ?ar, section for returned value, does not document all the components of the returned list. In addition to the 13 components documented, it also contains the component $frequency This also applies to the help page opened by ?ar.ols -- Kjetil Halvorsen. Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction. -- Mahdi Elmandjra
2005 Nov 09
using abline and a fitted 2nd degree formula
Hello all, R2.1.1, Wk2 I am doing some two-step plotting, first using plot() to illustrate the datapoints and then using abline() to place a trend line from a fitted model into the plot. Everything works well as long as the formula of the fitted model i of the type: m1 <- lm(Dependent ~ Independent) then abline(m1) puts the proper straight line into the plot. But if I use: m2 <-
2005 Nov 24
type III sums of squares in R
Hi everyone, Can someone explain me how to calculate SAS type III sums of squares in R? Not that I would like to use them, I know they are problematic. I would like to know how to calculate them in order to demonstrate that strange things happen when you use them (for a course for example). I know you can use drop1(lm(), test="F") but for an lm(y~A+B+A:B), type III SSQs are only
2006 Jan 18
phyper returns 1 if x==k (PR#8499)
Full_Name: Utz J. Pape Version: 2.2.0 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( If I use phyper and set parameter x equal to k (meaning that all balls I draw are white) phyper returns 1 which is not (always) correct: pape at xxx:~> R2.2.0 --vanilla R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.2.0 (2005-10-06 r35749) ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software
2005 Jul 17
printing the name of the arguments passed to a function
R2.1.1 Win 2k I have a function, B, within a function, A. I would like to have B print the name of the argument passed to it (not the value of the arguments). i.e., A<-function() { B<-function(x,y) { fit1<-lm(y~x,data=jo) print(summary(fit1) I want B to print the string "age" and the string "height". } B(age,height) }