Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "R and Java"
2005 Dec 01
Transfer String Array from R to java
I have a data frame which has the following data.
X14A_U133A_StatPairs X14A_U133A_Detection X14B_U133A_Signal
1 AFFX-BioB-5_at 403.0 409.3
2 AFFX-BioB-M_at 757.3 574.4
3 AFFX-BioB-3_at 284.4 327.3
4 AFFX-BioC-5_at
2006 Feb 22
heatmap.2 in gplots package
Hello all,
I am using the heatmap.2 function in the gplots package. I want to supress the reordering of the columns of the data matrix i pass to the function. I used the statement,
where z, is the matrix of data. The output i want should have the rows reordered along with the dendrogram and the columns should be in the original
2005 Nov 25
read.table without sep
Hello all,
I have a data file table.txt which i have attached. I am trying to pass the
columns as arguments to a function "totnorm" where i am displaying a total
normalization plot. The function is given below:
2005 Nov 25
read.table without sep
Hello all,
I have a data file table.txt which i have attached. I am trying to pass the
columns as arguments to a function "totnorm" where i am displaying a total
normalization plot. The function is given below:
2005 Nov 17
[Rd] Scan data from a .txt file
[Re-directing to R-help, as this is more appropriate there.]
I tried copying the snippet of data into the windows clipboard and tried it:
> dat <- read.table("clipboard", header=T)
> dat
Name Weight Height Gender
1 Anne 150 65 F
2 Rob 160 68 M
3 George 180 65 M
4 Greg 205 69 M
> str(dat)
`data.frame': 4 obs.
2005 Dec 01
Row wise function call.
I have another issue.i have a function which calculates the log2(col i
/col2) value, where i stands for columns 3,4,...etc.
data<-read.table("table.txt", header=TRUE)
for(n in 3:ncol(data)){
Where x- the row number of the data frame(data).
i want to store the ratios for each row in a object z, which can be
2005 Oct 17
Display a plot in an applet.
I am trying to display a plot produced in R as part of an Applet. Stating
more clearly, i want to display a scatter plot(X axis data:1,2,4,5 and
Y-axis data:4,6,5, 7)produced in R as an Applet. How can this be done?
Please let me know.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Nov 18
Image display in R
Hi all,
I am trying to display a matrix of plots(images), for example a 3*3 matrix
of 9 image plots, such that when a user clicks on a image i can show the
enlarged plot. I tried the multiple graphic device(using mfcol=c(3,3) and
mfg), but it creates multiple plots in a single image file. So, i won't be
able to highlight a particular plot when the user clicks on it.
To be more clear, can i
2005 Nov 18
Image display in R
Hi all,
I am trying to display a matrix of plots(images), for example a 3*3 matrix
of 9 image plots, such that when a user clicks on a image i can show the
enlarged plot. I tried the multiple graphic device(using mfcol=c(3,3) and
mfg), but it creates multiple plots in a single image file. So, i won't be
able to highlight a particular plot when the user clicks on it.
To be more clear, can i
2005 Nov 17
Scan data from a .txt file
Hi all,
Am trying to read data from a .txt file in such a way that i can access the
column names too. For example, the data in the table.txt file is as below:
Name Weight Height Gender
Anne 150 65 F
Rob 160 68 M
George 180 65 M
Greg 205 69 M
i used the following commands:
2006 May 06
R and Java
I m tryng to execute the code below and I have a problem with the R-Java connection.:
import org.omegahat.R.Java.*;
public class REvalSample {
public static void main(String [] args) {
String [] rargs = {"--slave", "--vanilla"};
System.out.println("Sample program to call R engine from Java");
ROmegahatInterpreter interp = new
2006 Apr 09
using R in a java application
Dear All,
I'd like to write a little application in java wich should pass some commands and data to R and displays the results (tables and charts) in a java frame. First I wanted to work with Omegahat's SJava but had lots of issues already at the installation.
Then I heard some rumors that SJava generally is not a very active project and runs rather buggy (that's true?). So my
2005 Sep 21
R , Java & DCOM
I am working on a Java project that will run primarily on Windows. As
part of the project I would like to use the R engine.
However, from what I have seen on this list & the SJava list, installing
SJava on Windows can be troublesome.
As a result I was wondering if anybody had used DCOM to access R from a
Java program on Windows (if it is all possible).
Any pointers to documents and/or
2003 Sep 24
SJava help
I installed SJava 0.66-1 on my linux RH 7.2 machine. I am using R-1.7.1.
I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH up then called library(SJava) and it was fine. But
when I called .JavaInit(), I got weird error that states it could not
find java/lang/Hashtable. The session is below and shows my java
configuration. I am using j2sdk1.4.2_01 from Sun.
Thank you very much.
Weiming Zhang
> .javaConfig
2010 Jan 12
trouble with installing SJava
How i can solve this error when i install SJava package
R CMD INSTALL -c /usr/local/lib/R/SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz
* installing to library ?/usr/local/lib/R/site-library?
* installing *source* package ?SJava? ...
checking for java... /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java
Java VM /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java
checking for javah... /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/javah
2007 May 16
Installing SJava - problem
Hi there.
I am trying to install SJava on my windows xp machine.
I downloaded the windows source file SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz from the web site
I have folloed the XP command line instructions as directed in the table
underneath the download link:
cd $RHOME/src/library
unzip SJava_0.69-0.zip
cd SJava
./configure.win $RHOME
cd $RHOME/src/gnuwin32
make pkg-SJava
2004 Sep 10
loading Sjava
I'm excited about SJava, and I'ld love to get it working, but can't get
past loading the package.
.First.lib fails on this statement:
> library.dynam("SJava", "SJava", "C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1091/library")
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2004 Aug 30
problem with SJava
I am trying to install SJava on Windows XP as
described on
at the level configure.win:
$rhome/sjava/configure.win returned "argument 'c:/...'
When i tried to install like the readme file, it
returned in R
> library(SJava)
using JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04
> .JavaInit()
Error in .JavaInit() :
2003 Dec 10
How can I call R from Java or C?
Hi all,
I am new to R. I have been looking for a way to call R functions from
Java or C.
What I have found so far is: I can execute R commands in batch mode from a
file and redirect the output to another file. However, I am not sure this
is the way to do it.
About C, is it true that I can only call R from a C process,only if that C
process is invoked within R itself? So is it R->C->R ?
2004 Sep 09
SJava, Client X11
I have installed the SJava package (see http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava/ )
without any problem.
I was able to run the examples (see
http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava/examples/index.html )
from R, on my “R Linux server” and directly on the display of the server,
But, if I run theses examples on an “X11 client”, under Linux or windows,
with a “correct configuration” of the X11 client