similar to: NUMERIC_POINTER question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "NUMERIC_POINTER question"

2004 Jun 30
AS_NUMERIC and as.numeric - Could someone explain?
Dear List, I stepped into a strange effect which I can't explain to myself (probably due to lack of knowledge on R internals). I have four vectors a,b,c and z of size 10000 each. With these vectors I call .Call("hyp2f1forrey", a, b, b, z, PACKAGE = "hyp2f1") to access SEXP hyp2f1forrey(SEXP a, SEXP b, SEXP c, SEXP x) { int i,n; double *xa, *xb, *xc, *xx,
2010 Jun 15
Error when callin g C-Code
Hi when I call the function below in R, i get the error: Object 'pairlist' can't be converted to 'double'. #include <R.h> #include <Rdefines.h> #include <Rmath.h> SEXP CSimPoisson(SEXP lambda, SEXP tgrid, SEXP T2M, SEXP Ni, SEXP NT) { double sign, EVar; double *xlambda, *xtgrid, *xT2M, *xNi, *xNT, *xtau; SEXP tau; int ltgrid =0; int i = 0; int j = 0;
2004 Feb 11
.Call setAttrib(ans,R_DimSymbol,dim); Crashes.
Hi! I want to return a matrix. The code does the R interfacing. This version does it fine. SEXP ans,dim; PROTECT(ans = NEW_NUMERIC(count*2)); memcpy(NUMERIC_POINTER(ans),result,count*sizeof(double)); memcpy(&(NUMERIC_POINTER(ans)[count]),occur,count*sizeof(double)); /** PROTECT(dim=NEW_INTEGER(2)); INTEGER_POINTER(dim)[0]=2; INTEGER_POINTER(dim)[1]=count;
2012 Dec 10
Changing arguments inside .Call. Wise to encourage "const" on all arguments?
I'm continuing my work on finding speedups in generalized inverse calculations in some simulations. It leads me back to .C and .Call, and some questions I've never been able to answer for myself. It may be I can push some calculations to LAPACK in or C BLAS, that's why I realized again I don't understand the call by reference or value semantics of .Call Why aren't users of
2016 May 10
recursion problem using, list(..,<S4>,..))
This was originally a bug report about Matrix, but the bug is rather a "design" bug in R, or a limitation. This e-mail is a report of the status quo as I see it, and call for comments, sugguests, help/hints for workarounds, or even a suggestion for a programming task helping R core to amend
2004 Jan 09
Call and memory
I use a large real matrix, X, in C code that is passed from R and transposed in place in the C code. I would like to conserve memory and, if possible, allocate space for only one copy of X -- hence I would like to pass a pointer to the data in the X object to the C code. The Writing R Extensions manual says that neither .Call nor .External copy their arguments. They also say that these
2016 Sep 10
c(<Matrix>, <Matrix>) / help(dotsMethods) etc
I have been asked (by Roger; thank you for the good question, and I hope it's fine to answer to the public) : > with Pi a sparse matrix and x,y, and ones > compatible n-vectors ? when I do: >> c(t(x) %*% Pi %*% ones, t(ones) %*% Pi %*% y ) > [[1]] 1 x 1 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix" > [,1] [1,] > 0.1338527 >
2000 May 04
alas, no vecnorm
I wanted a function that would give the euclidean distance of a vector. Then I was happy, because I found vecnorm listed on pg 55 of V&R (3rd edn) which I had just bought today. Then I was sad, because R did not have vecnorm. Then I was happy again, because I bethought myself that I could copy the function vecnorm from splus to my code. Then I was sad again because R complained >
2003 May 20
building a Win32 DLL with R objects?
I've been attemping to create a test dll that contains R objects (actually I simply copied the code from the "Writing R extensions") and got it to build the dll using rcmd shlib main.c (okay, it's simple, but effective). Here's the info so far: this is the contents of the main.c file (not there's no WinMain()). Do we put it in or does the script do it when we compile?
2016 Sep 10
c(<Matrix>, <Matrix>) / help(dotsMethods) etc
>>>>> John Chambers <jmc at> >>>>> on Sat, 10 Sep 2016 09:16:38 -0700 writes: > (Brief reply, I'm traveling but as per below, this is on my radar right now so wanted to comment.) > Two points regarding "dotsMethods". > 1. To clarify the limitation. It's not that all the arguments have to be of the same
2010 Jun 18
C interface
Greetings, I am trying to call simple C-code from R. I am on Windows XP with RTools installed. The C-function is #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <Rmath.h> #include <Rdefines.h> // prevent name mangling extern "C" { SEXP __cdecl test(SEXP s){ SEXP result; PROTECT(result = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); double* ptr=NUMERIC_POINTER(result); double t =
2010 Jun 18
C Interface
Greetings, I am trying to call simple C-code from R. I am on Windows XP with RTools installed. The C-function is #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <Rmath.h> #include <Rdefines.h> // prevent name mangling extern "C" { SEXP __cdecl test(SEXP s){ SEXP result; PROTECT(result = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); double* ptr=NUMERIC_POINTER(result); double t =
2005 Nov 20
use of the 'by' command & converting SPSS ANOVA/GLM syntax into R syntax
I have two questions I would appreciate assistance with: (1) I believe "by" is the command used to split a file. In the following example, "mydat" is the dataframe , "group" the variable I want to split the analysis by & "WK1FREQ,WK2FREQ" the variables attach(mydat) by (GROUP) cor.test (WK1FREQ,WK2FREQ) I have also tried: (by (GROUP) cor.test
2005 Aug 04
Dear R-helpers, The function optim implements algorithms that I would like to use. I have function implemented in R, which given the parameters of which minimization is to take place returns a scalar as well as the gradient. Unfortunately optim requires two function _fn_ and _gr_ where fn returns the function value and gr the gradient. Splitting my function in two functions would be easy,
2014 Sep 07
lbfgsb from C/C++
Hi, I would like to call R's lbfgsb function from my C/C++ code by including R_ext/Applic.h and linking against libR. Currently, I am allocating memory for x (and the other input arrays for lbfgsb) in my C/C++ code via malloc/new. However, this gives a segmentation fault when executing the program. I tried to allocate x via PROTECT(x = NEW_NUMERIC(n)); x_p = NUMERIC_POINTER(x);. This compiles
2013 Jun 27
Read a text file into R with .Call()
Hi, I want to read a text file into R with .Call(). So I define some NEW_CHARACTER() to store the chracters read and use SET_STRING_ELT to fill the elements. e.g. PROTECT(qNames = NEW_CHARACTER(10000)); char *foo; // This foo holds the string I want. while(foo = readLine(FN)){ SET_STRING_ELT(qNames, i, mkChar(foo))); } In this way, I can get the desired character from qNames. The only problem
2012 Dec 06
Use .Call interface
Hi I've written the following program: #include <R.h> #include <Rdefines.h> #include "Projector.h" SEXP Projector2(SEXP L, SEXP G, SEXP W, SEXP xymod, SEXP modif){ int nprot=0; PROTECT(L=AS_NUMERIC(L));nprot++; PROTECT(G=AS_NUMERIC(G));nprot++; PROTECT(W=AS_NUMERIC(W));nprot++; PROTECT(xymod=AS_INTEGER(xymod));nprot++; PROTECT(modif=AS_NUMERIC(modif));nprot++;
2012 Jun 08
Working with optim in C
I've searched to find examples of how to work with the C versions of optim. I've separated out the function just to test on it alone, and currently I'm attempting to use fmmin as follows: !~~CODE ~~! double optimfn(int n, double *par, void *ex) { double * lambda = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*n); double sum = 0; for(int i =0; i < n; i++) { lambda[i] =
2016 Sep 10
c(<Matrix>, <Matrix>) / help(dotsMethods) etc
(Brief reply, I'm traveling but as per below, this is on my radar right now so wanted to comment.) Two points regarding "dotsMethods". 1. To clarify the limitation. It's not that all the arguments have to be of the same class, but there must be one class that they belong to or subclass. (So, as in the example in the documentation, the method could be defined for a class
2012 Sep 16
possible TZ bug in parseISO8601 - "Error in if (length(c(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)) == 6 && c(year, : [...]"
Hey all, Virgin post to this list - hope I've got it right ;o) I've been learning R intensively the last two weeks and gone from newbie status to *reasonably* comfortable with it. Here's an issue I just cannot solve however as it appears to be some kind of bug in R itself. But I won't claim that for sure. I have a function as follows: FindHighRow <- function(searchVector,