Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "About R variable references"
2005 Mar 24
Robust multivariate regression with rlm
Dear Group,
I am having trouble with using rlm on multivariate data sets. When I
call rlm I get
Error in lm.wfit(x, y, w, method = "qr") :
incompatible dimensions
lm on the same data sets seem to work well (see code example). Am I
doing something wrong?
I have already browsed through the forums and google but could not find
any related discussions.
I use Windows XP and R
2005 Apr 02
Building new graphic device drivers with g++
Dear Group,
I'm trying to build a set of new graphic device drivers. I use the
devNull example a a beginning point:
$ R CMD SHLIB devNull.c
gcc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o devNull.so devNull.o
(everything works OK)
$ R CMD SHLIB devNull.cpp
g++ -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o devNull.so devNull.o
(everything works OK)
The difficulties start when trying to compile manually. I compile the
2009 Jul 09
Strange t-test error: "grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels" while it does...
Could anyone tell me what is wrong:
> length(unique(mydata$myvariable))
[1] 2
and in t-test:
Error in t.test.formula(othervariable ~ myvariable, mydata) :
grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels
I re-checked the code and still don't get what is wrong.
Moreover, there is some strange behavior:
/1 It seems that the error is vulnerable to NA'a, because it
2012 Oct 18
legend of maps generated by function symbols
I generated maps with the function symbols (graphics). These are basic
maps generated with :
where x et y are spatial coordinates corresponding to replicates of
I would associate legend to this kind of maps, is it possible?
Marion Jacquot
Laboratoire de Chrono-environnement
Universit? de
2010 May 13
Help with reading information of "summary"-Object
I am quite new to R - but quite expierience in programming. Nonetheless
I have some problemes in accessing information of the "summary" object.
Here is what I do:
model <- lm ( y ~ myVariable )
"summary(model)" gives me an object which has a lot of information about
the regression. Now I'd like to access programmatically the level of
significance which is
2009 Oct 28
variable labels to accompany data.frame
Often it is useful to keep a "codebook" to document the contents of a dataset. (By "dataset" I mean
a rectangular structure such as a dataframe.)
The codebook has as many rows as the dataset has columns (variables, fields). The columns (fields)
of the codebook may include:
? variable name
? type (character, factor, integer, etc)
? variable label
2005 Aug 29
can a class find out it''s instance name?
Hi friends - a javascript question....
Does the prototype object add some way for a class to find out the
variable name of its instance variable?
Or does javascript have some built in way to do this?
This is confusing to describe - but if I define a variable as some
var myVariable= new Widget(''fdfa'');
can some built-in method inside the Widget class be
2016 Apr 25
Is set_var allowed with pjsip_wizard.conf ?
On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Olivier <oza.4h07 at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2016-04-25 18:14 GMT+02:00 George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>:
>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 10:00 AM, George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Olivier <oza.4h07
2011 Jul 30
Problem with effects package
Dear List,
Several times I use this package I get the error message shown below.
When I work out simple examples, it turns out to be fine, but when
working with real and moderate size data sets I always get the same
Do you know what could be the cause of the problem?
Error in apply(mod.matrix[, components], 1, prod) :
subscript out of bounds
Error in
2011 Feb 11
tzone and DST
I'm reading in ~3 years worth of data that includes hourly timestamps.
Presumably to avoid DST confusion, all the data is in PST time zone -- no
discontinuities in the spring or fall.
The data comes in a csv file, which I'm reading with
myvariable <- read.csv("my_data_file.csv",header=FALSE,
2001 Nov 21
reading data from stdin
Hello s/r users!
I've been digging around in the s- and r-mailing lists,
but i actually didn't find any answer to my question.
So here it is:
How can i realize the following:
myexec | R r_script > outfile.txt
myexec some executable writing data to stdout
"cat data.txt" can serve as a test
2012 Dec 01
setvar from chan_dahdi.conf
Would someone be able to give an example of a working use of setvar from chan_dahdi.conf? I am trying to create a custom variable like I use in sip.conf but I have been completely unsuccessful getting any variable set using setvar to appear for a DAHDI
channel. I am running 1.8.11-cert8 and am using the newer format (but I have tried using the older [channels] format). Here is an example:
2004 Nov 26
Coplot Given text
I am unsuccessful in suppressing "Given : myvariable" from a coplot. There was such a question in the past but the thread breaks down. I am sure this is a "for dummies" question :-). I tried:
coplot(myvar~myvar | myvar, show.given=FALSE, xlab="....", ylab="...", main=" ")
and some other variations (including without main=" ")
help with gotoExitingHandler(R_NilValue, call, entry); . Implementation of error handling internally
2014 Feb 26
help with gotoExitingHandler(R_NilValue, call, entry); . Implementation of error handling internally
I?m trying to leverage R_ToplevelExec to implement C level try/catch.
The way it is implemented allows for running a function in a top level context. This context gets an empty handler stack, so either the function runs correctly or it jumps. When it jumps, it does not find a handler, so it jumps to the top level context.
R does not allow me to call begin context and end context
2011 Apr 03
converting "call" objects into character
Dear all,
I would like to log the calls to my functions. I am trying to do this using the function match.call():
> fTest(2)
fTest(x = 2)
[1] 2
I can see "theCall" printed into the console, but I don't manage to convert it into a character to write it into a log file
2009 Sep 04
< 0 x 0 matrix >
Does anybody know, what is going on here?
> diag(sqrt(1))
[1,] 1
> diag(sqrt(0.3333))
<0 x 0 matrix>
> sqrt(1)
[1] 1
> sqrt(0.3333)
[1] 0.5773214
BR, Markku Karhunen
University of Helsinki
2004 Jul 06
Wrong object type produced - LANGSXP should be LISTSXP (PR#7055)
Full_Name: David Bauer
Version: 1.9
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
In the file gram.y, the xxsubscript function generates a LANGSXP with another
LANGSXP as its CDR. I believe that this is a mistake and that the second
LANGSXP should be a LISTSXP. The inputs a1, a3 are parameters to the subscript
function (a2), and as such they should be in a dotted-pair list.
David Bauer
2009 Feb 24
[LLVMdev] Broke my tail (call)
On Tuesday 24 February 2009 22:19:27 Arnold Schwaighofer wrote:
> What i was trying to say is that if you have
> i32 a() {
> %1 = tailcall b()
> ret %1
> }
> i32 b() {
> %1 = tailcall c()
> ret %1
> }
> i32 c() {
> %1 = tailcall d()
> ret %1
> }
> i32 d() {
> ret i32 5
> }
> only d() will actually
2011 Mar 29
new syntax: bash-like pipe operator
Dear R Community,
One thing that always bugged me about R is the abundance of multi-level nested statements, like:
a) you have to read them inside out as opposed to left-to-right
b) in the console you always have to go back and type the parenthesis if you want to nest your statement
I kind of like the UNIX pipe operator as a very good abstraction of a
2009 Feb 24
[LLVMdev] Broke my tail (call)
0, i32 %1)
>> Note that if you have a series of sequential recursive tail calls this
>> move will only performed once (at the bottom of the recursion,
>> respectively when the recursion returns) so it's impact on performance
>> should be minimal.
> Hmm, that makes it sound as though the moves between a tail call and the
> following return are