similar to: Shutdown by to much data (PR#8065)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Shutdown by to much data (PR#8065)"

2004 Mar 04
-R port:host:hostport - communication lost after some minutes
Hi As this '-R' command initially works fine I guess it must be a bug. I have to login at a computer which is hidden behind NAT. The user (joe) at the computer then connect to my server with the command: ssh -R 1234:localhost:22 Then I login to and connect back to joes computer: ssh -p 1234 localhost I get successfull connection every time but after a few
2005 Mar 17
Compilation problem chan_capi and Eicon Diva 4Bri
Hi *, I want to integrate the Eicon Diva 4Bri Card to Asterisk. Eicon drivers and capi is installed. I use the latest dev version from eicon compiled and installed for my fedora 2 system. I found the chan_capi for asterisk from Also loaded the patch and applied to the chan_capi source tree. I changed the Makefile to include the capi20.h from eicon:
2007 Jan 24
Capturing output from external executables, in windows
Hi, Any help on the following would be much appreciated I wish to capture the output (currently going to console) from an external executable. The executable is successfully run using system("program -switch ") and the output printed to the DOS console. How do I capture this output? I have tried redirecting the output to a text file, and then reading this in
2003 Jun 12
Programcode and data in the same textfile
I have the following problem. It is not of earthshaking importance, but still I have spent a considerable amount of time thinking about it. PROBLEM: Is there any way I can have a single textfile that contains both a) data b) programcode The program should act on the data, if the textfile is source()'ed into R. BOUNDARY CONDITION: I want the data written in the textfile in exactly
2002 Nov 22
Need help with pipe()
Hello. I have an R program that calls gawk (GNU Awk 3.06 for Windows) from within pipe() to preprocess a large file before it is read into a data frame with read.table(). I've recently upgraded from Win98SE to WinXP, and have also upgraded from R1.5.0 to R1.6.1 over the past month or so. This program worked before the upgrade(s), but now fails. I observe the following sort of behavior with
2009 Jun 18
Questíon regarding the use of write.csv2, write.table ...
Hi all, I use "write.csv" and "write.table" to write a data frame in a file like following: write.csv2(allRandomTestCase_XDroped, "allRandomTestCase.csv") But in the created file "allRandomTestCase.csv" an additional column with consecutive numbers is automatically added to the column of the data frame "allRandomTestCase_XDroped". That is why my
2003 Jul 15
(no subject)
Hi I got a problem with creating a textfile: how can I create a textfile, which has a headline like: #data1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the problem is, how to bind text and matrix, so that the "read.table"-function will ignore the text and read the numbers. Thank you for help Michael -- 2
2002 May 17
Hi, I have a data file with columns separated by ";" I read this file without any problem using read.csv2( ) but I had problems trying to read it with read.table( ... sep=";"). So it is not a problem for me, but I wonder if there is a bug here. drt <- read.csv2("t.txt", header=TRUE) # ok dcs <- read.table("t.txt", header=TRUE,
2001 Apr 06
automatic levels
Hello, I've imported a csv, semi-colon spearated file with read.csv2, containing one column of rownames and one column of floating point numbers. When I look at the column of data with framename$columnname, I get the values of the column plus level values. Are these level values created automatically ? The problem is when I try to calcluate the correlation coefficient between this set of data
1998 Oct 28
W95 and no update from samba shares
Hi, i have a annoying problem that drives me crazy. We have set up a Digital/Unix box with samba and the clients (W95) can mount the shares from this box. On the Unix side we create a textfile which will be periodically (or not) appended with new data. A Application on the W95 side reads this file. The Problem is, that the textfile has new lines, the Application don't see them !!! To
2005 Feb 19
I have a odd question...
Hi all. I am going to do a simple "voting application" for a radiostation. The idea is to have listeners call in to vote on songs. What I want to do is to take a phonenumer for each song and present the result on a simple webpage. Eg. To vote on song number one, call 555-1111 To vote on song number two, call 555-2222 etc etc. When the listener calls in, a playback tells him:
2005 Nov 17
Help with read.csv2
Hello, I am importing the following file ;aa;bb;cc 1988;12;12;12 1989;78;78;12 1990;78;78;12 1991;78;78;12 1992;78;78;12 1993;78;78;12 1994;78;78;12 ------------------------------------------------ data<-read.csv2("test.csv",header=T) ------------------------------------------ it gives X aa bb cc 1 1988 12 12 12 2 1989 78 78 12 3 1990 78 78 12 4 1991 78 78 12 5 1992 78 78 12 6
2001 Dec 19
hello there, I ` m a newbie in R so please excuse my maybe simple question! I have several (the number of the files changes) textfiles. Each textfile contains one column with 3 rows (3 numerical values). I want to combine each file with another file and create new textfiles which then contain 2 columns with 3 rows. How can I do this in R? Do I have to use cbind? How Do I use cbind for my
2009 Aug 10
how use cat() function?
i  want to print in the console and to have an excel file like this no_GWP                NbOfPolicyClass1[0-1000]     NbOfPolicyClass2[1000-3000]        NbOfPolicyClass3[> 3000] No_GWPMax=8    NbpolicyClass1=5                   NbpolicyClass2=4                            NbpolicyClass3 =3              i have do it like this:!!! data1 <-
2007 Nov 09
fixture_file_upload and edge rspec?
Hi all, I had some specs that were using fixture_file_upload that were passing just fine. Then I froze edge rails to get some 2.0 functionality, then a I upgraded to trunk rspec to deal with uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper After a couple other of tribulations, I have now gotten down to just a couple of not passing specs, all using the fixture_file_upload.
2012 Oct 12
Problem to read non-standard csv file
Hi all, I have a problem to read csv file with comma as decimal. The numbers were readed as strings. I used the following string in R, but I do not understand why it does not work. tab <- read.csv2("Specimen_RawData_1.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",", nrows = -1) In addition, I copy/past into the post the link to the csv file generated by my instrument.
2008 Nov 14
External_nodes definition not working. Client states "could not find node"
Hello folks, Im trying to migrate from static nodes-definition to external nodes definition. My script looks like this stolen from {{{ #!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use YAML qw( Dump ); use Switch; #initialize vars our @classes; our %parameters; Function to fill @classes and %parameters with correct values .... print Dump( {
2011 Oct 22
cycling through a long list of files and names
R2.13.2, W7x64 Dear list, Excuse my ignorance, but I have gone through the R help (?parse, ?eval, etc.) and still really don't know how to do the following. I have the general following structure that I would like to automate [edited to make it shorter]: >>> city1997 <- dataCleaning(read.csv2("C:\\city\\year1997.txt")) city1997 <- wasteCalculations(city1997, year
2009 Aug 10
(sans objet)
i have written this in R, > data1 <- read.csv2("c:/Total1.csv",sep=",") > data2 <- read.csv2("c:/GWPMax1.csv",sep=",") > M <- merge(data1, data2, by.x = "Policy.Number", by.y = "Policy.Number") > nrow(data1) [1] 20 > nrow(M) [1] 12 > NbOfPolicyWithoutGWPMax <- nrow(data1)-nrow(M) >
2009 Aug 06
problem with r import data
Good moorning, yesterday, i asked for how we can import data into R i found that it is necessary to make the file in csv format then use L<- read.csv2("path of file") now i see that the dimension of my table importing into R is 1 colonne (i have realy 20) and (655555) the number of all my lines in the excel file (i want to have only the 2600 lines in my table) Also, when i say to do