Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Capitalize the title in DESCRIPTION files? (PR#7969)"
2005 Mar 20
Re: [R-SIG-Mac] NaN and linear algebra
No, blas/veclib is tested, so aprt this extreme case you should report
some other more commonly used cases in which something fails on OS X.
This will help us to work it out.
As said, I'll try some tests without using veclib and let you know.
I've fowarded this mail to r-devel, which seems to be the right place,
so for future msg on the subject please use r-devel.
2006 Jan 12
Firths bias correction for log-linear models
Dear R-Help List,
I'm trying to implement Firth's (1993) bias correction for log-linear models.
Firth (1993) states that such a correction can be implemented by supplementing
the data with a function of h_i, the diagonals from the hat matrix, but doesn't
provide further details. I can see that for a saturated log-linear model, h_i=1
for all i, hence one just adds 1/2 to each count,
2004 Oct 23
R_LIBS and R Cocoa GUI for Mac OS X (PR#7308)
Full_Name: David Firth
Version: 2.0.0
OS: Mac OS 10.3.5
Submission from: (NULL) (
When running R in R Cocoa GUI 1.0 (v2004-10-14), I have
> Sys.getenv()[["R_LIBS"]]
[1] "/Users/david/Library/R"
> .libPaths()
[1] "/Users/david/Library/R/library"
[2] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library"
The pasting of
2004 Jan 28
\link{\url{anything}} gives Rdconv trouble (PR#6496)
Full_Name: David Firth
Version: 1.8.0
OS: Mac OS 10.2.8
Submission from: (NULL) (
In .Rd files, we use \url{stuff} to refer to a URL on the web. Just as the
documentation says.
Perhaps this isn't a bug, then, but certainly it's a trap for the unwary. If
the construction
appears in a .Rd file, then
Rdconv --type=html ...
gets stuck and appears
2006 Jul 11
Linux/MacOSX and "X11 protocol error: BadWindow..." warnings
This concerns behaviour which has been noted previously, for
example see
and especially the thread
I find that it affects both my Linux and Mac OS X setups.
It is a feature which has caused some (at least John Fox in
2004 Mar 15
effect size
Having searched google '[R] aov effect size' without any results I
wonder if I not completely miss something.
Is there any R function that calculates the effect size of an AOV's main
effect or interaction effect? It should be related to the F's and the
degree of freedom of the error, but the multitude in numbers in aov()
baffle me a bit.
2011 Jul 14
Correct behavior of Hmisc::capitalize()?
from example(capitalize) of the Hmisc package (v 0.8.3) you get:
> capitalize(c("Hello", "bob", "daN"))
[1] "Hello" "Bob" "daN"
Is that "daN" correct?
If so, then this behavior that only *all lowercase strings*, which the
code indicates, will be capitalized is not documented.
> Hmisc::capitalize
2004 Jan 25
warning associated with Logistic Regression
Hi All,
When I tried to do logistic regression (with high maximum number of
iterations) I got the following warning message
Warning message:
fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: (if
(is.empty.model(mt)) glm.fit.null else glm.fit)(x = X, y = Y,
As I checked from the Archive R-Help mails, it seems that this happens when
the dataset exhibits complete separation. However, p-values
2005 Apr 23
Enhanced version of plot.lm()
I propose the following enhancements and changes to plot.lm(),
the most important of which is the addition of a Residuals vs
Leverage plot.
(1) A residual versus leverage plot has been added, available
by specifying which = 5, and not included as one of the default
plots. Contours of Cook's distance are included, by default at
values of 0.5 and 1.0. The labeled points, if any, are those
2006 Jan 10
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8468)
This bug is not quite fixed - the example from my original report now =
works using R-2.2.1, but
plot(Uniform, 6)
does not. The bug is due to
if (show[6]) {
ymx <- max(cook, na.rm =3D TRUE) * 1.025
g <- hatval/(1 - hatval) # Potential division by zero here #
plot(g, cook, xlim =3D c(0, max(g)), ylim =3D c(0, ymx),=20
main =3D main, xlab =3D
2008 Nov 11
exponential of a matrix
Is the matrix exponential available in some package?
The cannonical reference is "Nineteen dubious ways to take the exponential of a matrix". (Love that title)
Terry T.
2002 Feb 04
ASCII characters: from decimal code to R octal?
Is there a straightforward way to convert character information from
decimal representation to the octal one used by R?
I'd like something like a function ascii(number,base=10), such that
> ascii(91)
[1] "\133"
I can easily do the mapping from 91 to 133, but what is a good way to
operate on 133 to deliver "\133"?
Would a lookup table be a better solution?
2001 May 09
Fortran subroutines dblepr, realpr, intpr
I am making my first attempts at using some Fortran code with R, and
so far it's going OK. To print from my Fortran programs, it seems I
need subroutines dblepr, realpr and intpr. From the excellent
"Writing R Extensions" document:
"Three subroutines are provided to ease the output of information
from FORTRAN code.
subroutine dblepr(label, nchar, data, ndata)
2006 Feb 01
: Model formula question
I have a data set with a continuous predictor X, a factor A and a continuous
variable Y.
I am trying to build a linear model of the form:
Y = (b0 + b1*X1)*B(A)
where B(A) is a constant for each level of the factor A.
I am not quite sure how to formulate the appropriate model formula. If I
Y ~ ( 1 + X)/A
, I get estimates for as many constants and slopes as the number of
2015 Apr 25
Title case in DESCRIPTION for package where a word is a function namei
> On 25 Apr 2015, at 13:11 , Prof J C Nash (U30A) <nashjc at uottawa.ca> wrote:
> Hendrik pointed out it was the parentheses that gave the complaint.
> Single quotes and no parentheses seem to satisfy R CMD check. Perhaps
> that needs to be in the WRE.
Well, it is in ?toTitleCase:
...However, unknown
technical terms will be capitalized unless they are single
2000 Oct 26
Rgui and tcltk
I am having a little problem in relation to sending output to the R
Console window, when a function is called by pushing a button in a Tk
window. Actually there seem to be two components to the problem:
-- the R prompt does not re-appear until <return> is pressed
-- text output to the R Console window *disappears* after <return> is pressed
The following, in R 1.1.1 under
2003 Jul 10
RE: packaged datasets in .csv format (David Firth)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:53:27 +0100
> From: David Firth <david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk>
> Subject: [R] packaged datasets in .csv format
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Message-ID:
> <307D34CE-B1F3-11D7-A8D2-0050E4C03977 at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk>
2000 Nov 25
assigning to data frames with whole columns of NAs
I suppose this could be described as a feature (it seems to be similar in S-Plus), but it looks to me more like a bug. Why can't the assignment below to a row of "emptyframe" (or "anotherframe") be made? This with R --vanilla (version info below).
Regards -- David
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865
2006 Feb 02
Request for users of my R-Tcl/Tk examples, limmaGUI or affylmGUI
[PLEASE REPLY _OFF_ THE LIST, i.e. DON'T CC to r-help at ...]
I don't see this sort of thing very often on the mailing lists, so list
moderators and others should feel free to tell me if it breaches list
etiquette and/or delete my post if necessary. But I can't see what harm
it could do...
I am just wondering approximately how many people use / have used some of
the R stuff
2015 Apr 25
Title case in DESCRIPTION for package where a word is a function namei
How about allowing underscore? (I believe WRE is silent on this, and I
have not tried submitting a package with underscore in the title.) As I
pointed out in my OP, _optim()_ works. And we have the advantage that we
can distinguish package from function.
The purpose of consistent editing is surely to provide the affordances
that save us from needing extra documentation, as per Donald Norman's