similar to: Bug in axis labels (PR#7860)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Bug in axis labels (PR#7860)"

2005 May 16
Re: Calling R functions from Java (D0c)
Hello kanglin: Try to transfer from Java Object JList to R Object Data.frame, you could use public Rconnection r_connection = null; ..... ..... this.r_connection.assign("dataframe_ex",java list_ex); Best regards, Ricky Chen EIM ProMOS Technologies Inc. No.19 Li Hsin Rd.,Science-Based Industrial Park, HsinChu,Taiwan,R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-5798308 Ext : 8512
2004 Oct 20
Odd behaviour with scale()
Moi! A student here has been getting a bit irritated with some side effects of scale() (OS is Windows XP, the behaviour occurs in R 2.0.0, but not 1.7.1). The problem is that she scales a variable in a data frame, then does a regression, and tries to get some predictions for some new data. However, at this point she gets an error (see the example below). This seems to be because the
2005 Jun 19
Trouble building R2.1.0 from source on Linux: package VR
Hi, Following on from suggestions made last week, I decided to install R 2.1.0 on my Linux machine. I'm running into a problem there however, as shown: make[1]: Entering directory `/d0/home/fgibbons/tmp/R2.1.0/R-2.1.0/src/library/Recommended' make[2]: Entering directory `/d0/home/fgibbons/tmp/R2.1.0/R-2.1.0/src/library/Recommended' begin installing recommended package VR WARNING:
2005 May 12
R2.1.0: Bug in list.files
R2.0.1 (MS Windows) > list.files(myloc,"*.zip",full=T) [1] "P:/SARsoftware/Rlibraries/" [2] "P:/SARsoftware/Rlibraries/" R2.1.0: > list.files(myloc,"*.zip",full=T) Error in list.files(path, pattern, all.files, full.names, recursive) : invalid 'pattern' regular expression Bug? or have I missed something
2011 Sep 13
Mathematical expressions in the group labels in lattice
Hi, I am working with the lattice package and I want to label to groups in the xyplots with mathematical expressions. I short example for this library(lattice) Case<-factor(rep(1:2,each=300)) xx<-rnorm(600,0,1) yy<-rnorm(600,0,1) xyplot(yy~xx|Case) This results in two scatter plots with label "1" and "2". I would like to substitute this labels by math expression. I
2005 Apr 28
R2.1.0: X11 font at size 14 could not be loaded
Hi, I have just noticed the following problem with R2.1.0 running on SuSE 9.1, [However, version 2.0.1 (2004-11-15) on the same machine works Okay]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > hist(rnorm(100)) Error in title(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...) : X11 font at size 14 could not be loaded > version _
2010 Sep 09
Axis break with gap.plot()
Hi everyone. I'm trying to break the y axis on a plot. For instance, I have 2 series (points and a loess). Since the loess is a "continuous" set of points, it passes in the break section. However, with gap.plot I cant plot the loess because of this (I got the message "some values of y will not be displayed"). Here's my code: library(plotrix); #generate some data x
2011 Apr 28
Putting x-axis in opposite order
Hi all, please consider this plot: xx <- seq(4, 0.01, by = -0.04) yy <- rnorm(xx) plot(xx, yy, type="l") Here you see my original 'xx' was in decreasing order, however R puts it in the increasing order. I understand that in any plot x and y axis grow is increasing order, however I am wondering whether I can manipulate this to suit my above particular problem, so
2009 Mar 04
adding value labels on Interaction Plot
Hello - and sorry for what might look like a simple graphics question. I am building an interaction plot for d: d=data.frame(xx=c(3,3,2,2,1,1),yy=c(4,3,4,3,4,3),zz=c(5.1,4.4,3.5,3.3,-1.1,-1.3)) d[[1]]<-as.factor(d[[1]]) d[[2]]<-as.factor(d[[2]]) print(d) interaction.plot(d$xx, d$yy, d$zz, type="b", col=c("red","blue"), legend=F, lty=c(1,2), lwd=2,
2005 Jun 16
Potential minor GUI bug
Is this an interface bug? Using RGUI for windows I run into a "Not Responding" process (I "smartly" coded an infinite loop, yaiks!), I hit esc and the interpreter was stopped and I recovered the console functionality but the caption on the R icon in my windows taskbar (the individual icon shown for every software currently running in the session) was not updated so the
2002 Aug 30
Can neither find or create RInterpreter.DLL
Hi, I am doing my first steps with R. This worked so far: - Installed R1.5.1 from binary distribution - Installed SJava 0.62.8 from binary distribution - Executed Java statements within R Problem: If I call R from Java, I get an UnsatisfiedLinkError: RInterpreter.DLL not found. This DLL is completely missing, I searched all drives for it. In "Calling R from Java" I found a hint:
2002 Oct 15
glm and Newey-West estimator
Dear R-users, has anybody combined the glm function with the Newey-West estimator of variance, similar as in Stata 7.0? I'd like to estimate corrected standard errors within a logistic regression model, taking into account the auto-correlated binary observations within individuals. I use R1.5.1 on Mac OS X (10.2). Thanks, Christof
2002 Aug 05
Formatting POSIXt values in plot axis labels
Hello. I have an XYY series that I would like to graph with matplot() or some other single function that will do the trick. The X in question is a vector of POSIXt values obtained from strptime(). Is it possible to tell matplot() how to handle POSIXt x values? I have examined the examples at , but would prefer not have to overlay the
2002 Dec 23
Strange axis labels?
Moi! I'm trying to add a rather long label to a y-axis, and it's so long that it won't fit into one line. However, things get strange when I try and split it over 2 lines. The problem seems to be the plus/minus symbol, which means I have to use expression(). I'm using R1.6.1 on Windoze 2000. As an example: thing1 <- expression(paste("log odds of survival probability (
2005 Aug 29
Hi, I have a matrix with 700.000 x 10.000 cells with floating point data. I would like to work with the entire table but I have a lot of memory problems. I have read the ?memory I work with Win 2000 with R2.1.0 The only solution that I have applied is: > memory.limit(size=2048) But now my problems are: - I need to work with more than 2 Gb. How I can exceed this limit? - When apply some
2005 May 25
No ~ in JGR
R2.1.0 JGR 1.2 W2k Hello all! I??ve just installed JGR on my both R-equipped computers and am very pleased with the look and functionality. Except in one, very important, way. I can??t figure out how to get the ~ sign from the keyboard to the console. Copying it from old code works fine. Using the traditional GUI works as usual. I have a Swedish keyboard layout, where ~ shares key with ??
2005 Jun 24
Packages and their Management
I was reading with interest Prof. Ripley's article in the May 2005 edition R News entitled "Packages and their Management in R2.1.0". Does anybody know if it is possible to install.packages() directly from a Subversion repository; I thought it might be possible to add an option method="svn" to the function? Ideally, one might want to add the Subversion version
2010 Jul 08
[LLVMdev] simple way to print disassembly of final code from jit?
Thanks for all the hints everyone. Based on your suggestion, O.J., I've added code to toy.cpp from the tutorial to disassemble. ready> 1+1; ready> movabsq $140737353367568, %rax movsd (%rax), %xmm0 ret Evaluated to 2.000000 ready> Which looks correct by inspection - printing the byte array to stdout and feeding it to llvm-mc offline produces the same code as one would also
2015 May 15
unreachable peer
Hey all, I have a public peer system (yy.yy.yy.yy) that is reachable via my home uplink ( 15:59:30.244199 IP > yy.yy.yy.yy.https: tcp 0 15:59:30.281931 IP yy.yy.yy.yy.https > tcp 0 15:59:30.281945 IP > yy.yy.yy.yy.https: tcp 0 15:59:30.305020 IP > yy.yy.yy.yy.https: tcp 105 15:59:30.344004 IP
2012 Mar 08
how to modify the tickment of x-axis
hi I plot a series of observation data every minutes in a day as the attachment below plot(wnd,type='l',lty=1,col='red',lwd=1,xlab=xxlab,ylab=yylab,ylim=YY) In the figure, the x-axis tickment is the number of data How can I change it fore example 1h 2h 3h 4h and so on ? -- TANG Jie Email: totangjie at Tel: 0086-2154896104 Shanghai Typhoon Institute,China