similar to: exists("loadings.default") ...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "exists("loadings.default") ..."

1997 Dec 11
R-alpha: "[.ts" warning "Not returning time series.."
On 11-Dec-97 wrote: >>>>>> "PaulG" == Paul Gilbert <> writes: > > PaulG> I have a class "tframe" with more specific classes indicating > PaulG> how time is being represented, such as > > >> class(tframe(data)) > PaulG> [1] "ts"
2011 Aug 26
methods() not listing some S3 plot methods...?
Dear List, This may be related to this email thread initiated by Ben Bolker last month: In answering this Question on StackOverflow I noticed that `methods()` was not listing some S3 methods for `plot()` provided by the mgcv package. At the time I wanted to check the development version of R as
2006 Aug 29
'CanMakeUseOf' field [was ".. Add 'fields' argument ..]
CanUse? If the 'Suggests' field "lists packages that are not necessarily needed" (Writing R Extensions), then why is the user required to have the package installed to pass R CMD check? Likewise, if a CanMakeUseOf field is added, then why would one choose to use Suggests at all? That is, is there an advantage to requiring that the user have a package available (to pass R CMD
2005 Mar 20
loadings generic?
Can loadings in stats can be made generic? Paul Gilbert
2003 Aug 05
The function 'getAnywhere' crashes if given a non-existent name containing a period: > getAnywhere( 'nomethod.noclassforme') Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "nomethod" was not found However, 'getAnywhere' behaves gracefully if the non-existent name lacks a period: > getAnywhere( 'nomethod') no object named `nomethod' was
1997 Nov 24
R-alpha: random number generator -- S-plus's
--Multipart_Mon_Nov_24_14:51:09_1997-1 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII >>>>> "PaulG" == Paul Gilbert <> writes: MM> The code is basically in V&R 1 and 2; V&R2 on p.167. I have it as a MM> C function that I used to dyn.load into S-plus in order MM> to prove that S-plus was using it.
2005 Feb 11
getAnywhere and functions starting with "." (PR#7684)
Full_Name: Mark Bravington Version: 2.0.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( 'getAnywhere' crashes when its argument starts with a period: > getAnywhere( '.onLoad') Error in exists(x, envir, mode, inherits) : invalid first argument One fix might be to replace the line if ( !is.null(f <- getS3method(gen, cl, TRUE))) { with if ( nchar( gen)
2006 Aug 18
Beginner Help with a fatal error in a first Basic Install
dovecot at Hello, I have been doing my first BasicInstall of Dovecot, following the documentation for VirtualUsers, and piecing together suggestions from other on the list, and out on the web. In dovecot.conf, I have added, default_mail_env = maildir:/var/Dovecot/%d/Accounts/%1u/%u/Maildir:INDEX=/var/Dovecot/indexes/%d/%n auth default { mechanisms = plain user = pgnmail
2007 Feb 05
Build error with last R-devel tarball
Hi, On Windows, with last R-devel tarball (r40647) from I get the following build error: E:\biocbld\bbs-2.0-bioc\R\src\gnuwin32> make ... ... ---------- Making package utils ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing NAMESPACE file and metadata installing R files Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) :
1999 Apr 27
Multivariate ts -- arithmetic bug [ for SOME time-series ] (PR#178)
Paul wrote to R-devel : PaulG> ts() is giving me problems on Solaris: PaulG> R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team PaulG> Version 0.64.0 (April 8, 1999) PaulG> ... >> z <- ts(matrix(1:20,10,2), start=c(1969,1), frequency=12) >> max(abs(z-z)) PaulG> Error: invalid time series parameters specified >> traceback()
2004 Jul 29
cross-compile R darwin2win, almost there
I'm trying to cross-compile R on a Mac OS X box to target Win32. It works quite well, everything works, except for one fortran file ppr.f in the stats package: ---------- Making package stats ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing NAMESPACE file and metadata making DLL ... i386-mingw32-g77 -O2 -Wall -c ppr.f -o ppr.o ppr.f:803: sorry, unimplemented: data
2004 Jul 29
cross-compile R darwin2win, almost there
I'm trying to cross-compile R on a Mac OS X box to target Win32. It works quite well, everything works, except for one fortran file ppr.f in the stats package: ---------- Making package stats ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION installing NAMESPACE file and metadata making DLL ... i386-mingw32-g77 -O2 -Wall -c ppr.f -o ppr.o ppr.f:803: sorry, unimplemented: data
2001 Jun 06
ppr, number of terms, and data ordering
Dear R listers -- I have several questions about using the ppr command in the modreg module. I discovered -- quite by accident -- that if I re-order the data, I obtain different results. The output below shows what I mean. I have two datasets (dataset1 and dataset2) that are identical (tested using proc compare in SAS) except for the fact that the records are in different order. Below I have
2019 May 03
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED on a directory I have permission to access
Hai Paul, Look at this: user=paulg,uid=2381 (from mount -t cifs // /tmp/1 -o user=paulg,uid=2381,gid=1000,domain=AD.ONE.EXAMPLE.CA) Now, look at this : > idmap config * : backend = tdb > idmap config * : range = 3000-7999 > # - You must set a DOMAIN backend configuration > # idmap config for the ONEEXAMPLECA domain > idmap config ONEEXAMPLECA : backend =
2005 Jan 17
find source code
I am using R 2.0.2 on a WinXP I am trying to get the code of the Kruskal-Wallis test but > kruskal.test function (x, ...) UseMethod("kruskal.test") <environment: namespace:stats> > ls(3) [1] "acf" "acf2AR" "add.scope" .............. [181] "kruskal.test" "ks.test"
2001 Jun 08
Hi all, I am doing a projection pursuit regression using the ppr() function from modreg. I would also like to use predict.ppr(). However, I cannot find any information about it in the help files. There is a link to predict.ppr in the index for modreg, but that link is to the help for ppr(). Has predict.ppr() not been implemented? If not, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to implement
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
I've rolled up R-1.9.0.tgz a short while ago. This is a new version with a number of new features, most notably a substantial reorganization of the standard packages, a major update of the grid package, and the fact that underscore can now be used as a regular character in variable names. See below for further changes. Because of the disturbances at the machine that hosted the CVS archives,
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
I've rolled up R-1.9.0.tgz a short while ago. This is a new version with a number of new features, most notably a substantial reorganization of the standard packages, a major update of the grid package, and the fact that underscore can now be used as a regular character in variable names. See below for further changes. Because of the disturbances at the machine that hosted the CVS archives,
2000 Sep 01
Help with Projection Pursuit, ppr().
Hi, Recently, I installed the 1.1.0 version of R (for Windows), since it includes an implementation of Projection Pursuit (I failed to write my own version of PP as a standalone C++ program). As far as I know, R offers two interfaces/sintax for the ppr() function. The first one requieres a regression formula and a data frame. The other requieres X, a matrix with the explanatory variables, and Y,
2019 May 02
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED on a directory I have permission to access
Hello, I am testing Samba 4.9.7 before we upgrade our 4.8 domain member server. I am running into a weird permission error with our test server. My home directory is NFS mounted. The problem comes from a mail directory in my home directory.  I can't access it over SMB/CIFS, it gives me a permission error. From another Linux host that has our home directories NFS mounted, I can access it