Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "forcing R CMD COMPILE"
2011 May 26
Using deriv3() in a separated nonlinear regression model
Hi all,
I'm adjusting a nonlinear regression model for data that has a categorigal
variable present. So, I can use nls() to do this considering the categorical
variable, like this
da <- expand.grid(tr=gl(2,1,la=c("tr")), x=1:12)
da$y <- 10*da$x/(3+da$x)+rnorm(da$x,0,0.1)
plot(y~x, da)
n0 <-
2012 Nov 05
Diference in results from doBy::popMeans, multcomp::glht and contrast::contrast for a lme model
Hello R users,
I'm analyzing an experiment in a balanced incomplet block design (BIB). The
effect of blocks are assumed to be random, so I'm using nlme::lme for this.
I'm analysing another more complex experiments and I notice some diferences
from doBy::popMeans() compared multcomp::glht() and contrast::contrast().
In my example, glht() and contrast() were equal I suspect popMeans()
2011 Jun 01
xtable with conditional formatting using \textcolor
Hello list,
I'm doing a table with scores and I want include colors to represent status
of an individual. I'm using sweave <<results=tex>>= and xtable but I can't
get a result I want. My attemps are
# code R
da <- data.frame(id=letters[1:5], score=1:5*2)
col <- function(x){
2011 Jun 02
Use line break at scrip but avoid line break on graphics
Hello list,
I have plots with long strings in main=, ylab= or xlab=. So, in I my script
I use break long lines to avoid lines hiden on my monitor and in sweave
document pages. I use graphics like this
plot(1, main="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
but I would like a plot result like this
plot(1, main="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb")
2011 Aug 06
How set lm() to don't return NA in summary()?
I've data from an incomplete fatorial design. One level of a factor doesn't
has the levels of the other. When I use lm(), the summary() return NA for
that non estimable parameters. Ok, I understant it. But I use
contrast::contrast(), gmodels::estimable(), multcomp::glht() and all these
fail when model has NA estimates. This is becouse vcov() and coef() has
different dimensions. Is
2011 Aug 06
multcomp::glht() doesn't work for an incomplete factorial using aov()?
Hi R users,
I sent a message yesterday about NA in model estimates (
If I use aov() instead of lm() I get no NA in model estimates and I use
gmodels::estimable() without problems. Ok!
Now I'm performing a lot of contrasts and I need correcting for
multiplicity. So, I can use multcomp::glht() for this.
2011 Feb 15
ternary contour plot
If your propose is to create a ternary plot with points and vectors, I think easier do this with graphics based plots instead of trellis based plots. Although, with little work you can do with trellis too. I gave you a reproducible code to put an arrow in a ternary plot. I use the function locator() to extract coordinates. The code is the following
2012 Apr 11
Lattice densityplot with semitransparent filled regions
I'm doing some graphics for a paper and a need customize such with filled
region above the density curve. My attempts I get something very near what
I need, but I don't solve the problem of use semitransparent filled. Below
a minimal reproducible code. Someone has any idea?
# toy data...
dt <- expand.grid(A=1:2, B=1:3, y=1:50)
dt$y <- rnorm(nrow(dt), dt$B,
2011 May 25
Adjusted Rate Ratios in R
I am trying to calculate Poisson regression based adjusted rate ratios in R,
but R's default in glm does not code the intercept as the global rate. In
SAS I use "cell means" coding so that the intercept is the global rate, but
I do not know how to do this in R. If anyone knows a way to make glm use
"cell means", or an how to find adjusted rate ratios I would be grateful.
2011 Jun 15
Legend in lattice
Dear all, I have been working in a plot based on figure 5.6 of the Lattice book (http://lmdvr.r-forge.r-project.org/figures/figures.html).
have already modified it to include the size of the circles as another
variable, but I would like to modify the legend to show it (like they do
it in http://www.jstatsoft.org/v15/i05/paper). I have divided my variable in intervals:
DATA$s_Shape_2 <-
2012 Apr 12
Encoding of Sweave file error message
I ran the following sweave file in R2.14.1 and upgraded to R2.15
yesterday with the same setup
I got the following error message when I rand the following Sweave file
> setwd("D:/Cic/Sweave/Parasite/Comb/12")
> Sweave("D:/Cic/Sweave/Parasite/Comb/12/ParasiteComb12.Rnw")
Error: c("'ParasiteComb12DS.Rnw'", "'ParasiteComb12.Rnw'")
2003 Jan 08
In an email to the help list John Chambers
wrote about the function helpSilent which is in the methods package,
pointing out that there is no restrictive reason to be in this package.
I did not know about this function and just incorporate it in several
functions of the geoR package where a much less elegant solution was
being used.
I guess other packages could use it as well.
2008 Oct 23
Avoiding Biplot Labels Overllaping
Hi everybody,
I'm trying, without success, to avoid some variables labels to overlap on a capscale (vegan package) object graph.
I was able to move the labels with the coding below, but it moves the entire vector...
for(i in c(2:8))CAPobj$CCA[[i]][,1]<-CAPpotiFTI$CCA[[i]][,1]
And here the graphic script
2011 Jul 06
Tables and merge
----- Original Message -----
From: "Silvano" <silvano at uel.br>
To: <r-help at r-project.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:07 AM
Subject: Tables and merge
> Hi,
> I have 21 files which is common variable CODE.
> Each file refers to a question.
> I would like to join the 21 files into one, to construct
> tables for each question by CODE.
2009 Jun 03
Arc/Info Ungenerate - shp - Maps
Hi list.
I would like to know if someone had already successfully loaded and Arc/Info
Ungenerated (.dat – extracted from
http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html) file on R. I’m able to
do so with shape files using maptools functions, but these ungenerated data
are making me crazy.
I don’t have any of ArcGIS tools (one of them probably can do that), and I
can’t find any free tool that
2009 Aug 30
Change the Order of a Cluster Topology
Hi list, recently, for didactic reasons, I had the need to change a cluster
topology (just the order of my groups, defined in an height of choice), not
the results, obviously. Well I’m looking at hclust or agnes (cluster
package) objects for something that defines the line breakings of the
graphics, so I could try something to change this plot ordering. But, I’m
unable to figure that out.
2008 Nov 11
Multiple XY Lines Plot
Hi list, I’m trying to plot lines in the same graphic. There are lots of
similar topic on the list history. I’ve read about xyplot (lattice) and
other ways to do that but I only got complex error messages, and wasn’t able
even to start a decent R scrip. Well I have some paired information (each H
W ), were H is the y axis and W is the x axis, how could I plot all the four
lines at the same image?
2008 Nov 27
1-Pearson's R Distance
Hi again List,
Well this time I’m writing for a friend (really J). He needs to create a
distance matrix based on an abundance matrix using the 1-Pearson’s R index.
Well I told him to look at the proxy package, but there is only Pearson
Index. He needs it to perform a clustering. Well, as soon as he told me
there proxy only had the Pearson index I thought: “He could just do
something like
2009 Jun 19
Post-Hoc Test for Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
Hi list,
I would like to know if there is a way in R to execute a post-hoc test
(factor levels comparison, like Tukey for ANOVA) of a non-parametric
analysis of variance (kruskal.test() function object). I was looking for
something like the Dunn Test. I’ve searched the internet but nothing seemed
to define a way to it.
Do You have any suggestion? Other equivalent test maybe!
Thanks in
2009 Jan 04
Customized LDA (MASS) object plot
Hi R experts.
I performed an Linear Discriminant Analysis (lda) and now I want to plot the
first two axes (LDA1 and LDA2). Well MASS package have the plot.lda and
pairs.lda to do that. But, they don’t let me personalize them, once they
don’t accept the type=’n’ plot. So I start looking at the lda object
properties, trying to found out my groups (n=4) axis coordinates, curiously
I couldn’t. There