Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "GUI File>Load workspace "bug" in Windows (PR#7710)"
2005 Jul 20
Default arguments for setMethod() (PR#8021)
Full_Name: Bert Gunter
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
There appears to be either a bug or documentation problem in
setMethod/setGeneric with how default arguments are handled. The setMethod Help
Method definitions can have default expressions for arguments. If those
arguments are then missing in the call to the generic function, the default
2004 Nov 09
colnames argument in sqlFetch backwards? (PR#7355)
Full_Name: Bert Gunter
Version: 2.0.0 patched
OS: Win2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
The TRUE/FALSE options of the colnames argument in sqlFetch (RODBC) seem to be
reversed, at least for .xls files.
## z is a connection to an xls workbook opened by odbcConnectExcel()
> dat<-sqlFetch(z,'SuccessRates',colnames=FALSE)
> dat[1:5,]
RecID Name Run Grams Lost Run
2002 Dec 18
workspace vs. image
Hello [R]ians,
I'm hoping someone can clarify the difference between a Workspace Image
and Working Directory. I created a directory on my PC, say,
"C:\Program Files\R\Project1" and then saved my objects in
"C:\Program Files\R\Project1\.Rdata".
Then, in a subsequent session, I reloaded these objects using
> load("C:/Program Files/R/Project1/.RData")
2009 Jun 05
Show location of workspace image on quit?
When I quit R, it says:
> q()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]:
and since I've probably got 3 R sessions running in however many
different directories and I might have jumped around with setwd() , I
forget exactly where R wants to save its workspace image. So could q()
be changed to say what file it is going to save to before it does?
Currently I have to hit 'c', then do
2009 Mar 08
Prevent saving the workspace while running a script in batch mode
Dear R-user,
I'm running a certain R script in DOS batch mode. Is there a way to prevent
R from saving the workspace once this script is finished? I'm asking this
because the resulting .RData file has the size of >70MB. I don't need this
file since my script already writes the required output and this makes the
whole process very slow (>15 minutes each time)
FYI, my script:
2009 Mar 30
Can I read a file into my workspace from Rprofile.site?
I am running R version 2.8.1 on Windows XP OS.
When I launch R, I would like to automatically read a file containing my
database connections, user ids, and passwords into my workspace.
I tried including this in my Rprofile.site file:
old <- getOption("defaultPackages")
options(defaultPackages = c(old, "Rcmdr","RODBC", "utils"))
2017 Jun 23
MODISTools Help
##MODISTools example
setwd('~/Documents/Modis data')
#####MODISTools with buffalo data
###Read in data rename for easier coding
tbdata <- read.csv('~/Desktop/All TB data for EVI, NDVI.csv')
firstobs <- subset(tbdata, capture.ID == 'B1-1108')
firstobs <- firstobs[,c(1,2,2,3,4)]
colnames(firstobs) <- c('id',
2017 Jun 23
MODISTools Help
On 6/22/2017 7:05 PM, Caroline wrote:
> ##MODISTools example
> library(MODISTools)
> library(lubridate)
> setwd('~/Documents/Modis data')
> #####MODISTools with buffalo data
> ###Read in data rename for easier coding
> tbdata <- read.csv('~/Desktop/All TB data for EVI, NDVI.csv')
Since this dataset is only on your desktop it cannot help us
2008 Jun 12
save workspace while running R on a cluster
I have a question about running R in a cluster environment. The shell script
I am running looks like this:
cd /nfs/apollo/2/c2b2/users/mb0001/Data
R --save < calculate.R >& script.out
I have used the "-save" command to save the R workspace (If, I understand it
2003 Oct 08
Saving workspace image
Hi folks,
On quitting R with q(), is it possible to save the workspace
to a directory other than the one R was started from?
(I sometimes have a project "master" directory with the major
R code and data in that directory, but divisions of the project
having their specific stuff in sub-directories. So if I quit while
running a sub-project, I'd like to save the workspace back into
2017 Jun 22
MODISTools Help
1. You should always cc the list unless there is a clear reason not to.
2. You still have failed to follow the posting guide: You say you have
difficulty troubleshooting your code, but you have shown us no code.
You got an error message that seems explicit, but with neither code
nor data, I do not know whether anyone can make sense of it. In any
case, I certainly cannot.
2012 Nov 02
Strange behaviour of setwd/getwd
I've found the following strange behaviour R (RStudio) which has been
confirmed by another user in RGui.
Inside a script I want to set two variables:
default.wd = getwd()
tmp.wd = setwd(choose.dir())
After choosing tmp.wd the value of default.wd is shown in Workspace, but
getwd() is giving back the correct string of tmp.wd.
Is there a workaround for the problem?
I'm working on
2002 Jun 09
GUI Command Equivalent for setwd()
Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me if there's a command prompt on R1.5.0 Windows that will
bring up the GUI dialog box that performs the same function as setwd() only
interactively? I've hunted around, but can't seem to find anything.
Something like file.choose().
Best wishes, Jess
Jess Mar
Department of Mathematics
University of Queensland
2002 Mar 01
Setting working directory (PR#1338)
Full_Name: Jeffrey M. Freedman
Version: 1.4.1
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm running R version 1.4.1 (NOT DARWIN VERSION) and it crashes every time I set
a working directory (either from the menu or using setwd) to a path that is
longer than a certain number of characters. This was not a problem in version
Thank you.
2009 Oct 30
R-help Digest, Vol 80, Issue 30
Dear friends,
I will be very happy if anyone tell me the way to change work directory
I mean not use the function setwd() which can only change temporary, when
you close the console, it will the old directory.
Sys.setenv(R_USER = '') also doesn't work.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 May 16
a problem sourcing a file using chdir=TRUE
Dear R-users,
I used to give commands such as:
> source(file="~/path/to/file.R", chdir=TRUE)
but with the latest v. 2.1.0 it does not seem to work anymore.
I tried to figure out what it was going on and it seems that the string
for which
> class(file)
[1] "character"
is changed to
> class(file)
[1] "file" "connection"
when the connection is
2012 Mar 28
Making Knitr work
Might not be the best place to ask, but i could get lucky..
I have setup an eclipse environment to write sweave files lately and wanted to switch to knitr. I could get it to work on easy files, but my earlier written sweave file fails to be knit properly.
Here is the error message:
Quitting from lines 273-276: Error in setwd(base.dir) : kann Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht wechseln (it says: cannot
2013 Feb 07
assignInNamespace to create a setwd() replacement: how to use unlockBinding()?
In my .Rprofile for Windows, I had the following functions defined to
mirror a few features
I miss from linux:
(a) replace setwd() with a version that stashes the current directory so
it can be easily restored
(b) writes a short version of the current R directory to the Windows
title bar: I can always see where I am,
with multiple Rgui windows.
(c) creates a cd() shorthand for setwd(), but
2012 Jul 30
locked binding of setwd() in R 2.15.x causes .Rprofile to fail
[Env: Win XP, R 2.14.2, R 2.15.0]
I have a replacement function for setwd() in my .Rprofile which displays
the current R path in the R window
title. It no longer works in R 2.15.x, giving the error below. Worse,
the error prevents the rest of my
.Rprofile script from completing.
Is there some way to rescue this, i.e., preserve this behavior in
R 2.15? If not, how can I modify my script so it
2009 Oct 25
Trying to save both an rgl plot and a bar plot errors
I am basically using a script that is designed to first create an rgl 3d scatter plot followed by a barplot on the same data. After this is done, the program is to first save the barplot as a .tiff file then to save the rgl 3d graph as a .png file. Once this is done, it is to repeat this 3d plot and barplot combo with saving 49 more times. The plotting script excerpt will be posted at the