Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "getAnywhere and functions starting with "." (PR#7684)"
2003 Sep 24
getAnywhere (PR#4275)
'getAnywhere' is not reporting methods when there are periods in the class name or the generic name
(in R-devel).
> getAnywhere( 'predict.loess')
A single object matching 'predict.loess' was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for predict from namespace modreg
with value
> getAnywhere(
2003 Aug 05
The function 'getAnywhere' crashes if given a non-existent name containing a period:
> getAnywhere( 'nomethod.noclassforme')
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "nomethod" was not found
However, 'getAnywhere' behaves gracefully if the non-existent name lacks a period:
> getAnywhere( 'nomethod')
no object named `nomethod' was
2005 Feb 03
Shouldn't this work?
> .a <- 5
> exists(".a")
[1] TRUE
> getAnywhere(".a")
Error in exists(x, envir, mode, inherits) :
invalid first argument
getAnywhere doesn't seem to like the "." prefix. Is this a bug?
Robert McGehee
Geode Capital Management, LLC
53 State Street, 5th Floor | Boston, MA | 02109
Tel: 617/392-8396
2003 Mar 26
predict (PR#2685)
There is a bug in `predict' whereby the order of variables sometimes gets
re-arranged compared to the original fit, and then disaster results.
Specifically, the 'variables' and 'predvars' attributes of a 'terms' object
get out of synch. This only happens when the terms in the original formula
get re-ordered during fitting:
test> scrunge.data_ data.frame(
2003 Mar 26
predict (PR#2686)
# r-bugs@r-project.org
`predict' complains about new factor levels, even if the "new" levels are
merely levels in the original that didn't occur in the original fit and were
sensibly dropped, and that don't occur in the prediction data either. (At
least if `drop.unused.levels' was set to TRUE, which the default.)
test> scrunge.data.2_ data.frame( y=runif( 3),
2011 Aug 26
methods() not listing some S3 plot methods...?
Dear List,
This may be related to this email thread initiated by Ben Bolker last
month: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-July/061630.html
In answering this Question on StackOverflow
http://stackoverflow.com/q/7195628/429846 I noticed that `methods()` was
not listing some S3 methods for `plot()` provided by the mgcv package.
At the time I wanted to check the development version of R as
2007 Sep 21
How can I see a function called "+.dlm"?
> methods("+")
[1] +.Date +.dlm* +.POSIXt
Non-visible functions are asterisked
> getAnywhere("+.dlm")
Error in grep(pattern, x, ignore.case, extended, value, fixed, useBytes) :
invalid regular expression '+\.dlm'
Thanks in advance,
Giovanni Petris <GPetris at uark.edu>
2007 Feb 05
Build error with last R-devel tarball
On Windows, with last R-devel tarball (r40647) from
I get the following build error:
E:\biocbld\bbs-2.0-bioc\R\src\gnuwin32> make
---------- Making package utils ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
installing R files
Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) :
2016 Dec 12
why does parent.frame() cycle when called from inside capture.output()?
Hello R devel/help,
I ran into this strange behavior:
# showstack is supposed to walk through the stack of parent
# environments when it is called:
showstack = function() {
env = environment()
for(i in 1:12) {
env = do.call(parent.frame, list(), env=env)
# a simple chain of functions:
g3=function(t) showstack()
2016 Dec 12
why does parent.frame() cycle when called from inside capture.output()?
Hello R devel/help,
I ran into this strange behavior:
# showstack is supposed to walk through the stack of parent
# environments when it is called:
showstack = function() {
env = environment()
for(i in 1:12) {
env = do.call(parent.frame, list(), env=env)
# a simple chain of functions:
g3=function(t) showstack()
2008 Oct 14
Hi List,
I am trying to look up an object using getAnywhere, where the object I
am looking for is given by the _value_ of the variable I am looking
for. Since getAnywhere calls substitue on its argument it is looking
for an object with the name of the argument not its value. Is there a
way to work around this, or do I have to make my own getAnywhere
without the substitute?
This is an example to
2005 Feb 07
sys.on.exit not working (PR#7665)
Full_Name: Mark Bravington
Version: 2.0.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
'sys.on.exit()' doesn't seem to be working, since R1.7.1 at least:
soe.test <- function() {
on.exit( cat( 'In exit code\n'))
str( sys.on.exit()) # should display "language..." I think
(A similar bug was apparently fixed for version 0.65!)
2002 Sep 19
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
# r-bugs@r-project.org
Because I work in different directories, but always want to save my
.Rhistory in the same place, I have changed the system function savehistory
to this:
function (file = "D:/R50/.Rhistory")
When I use q() to quit R, and it asks me whether I want to
2005 Mar 22
trouble building r-devel
I haven't been able to build yesterday's R-devel (or, as a test,
R-devel_2005-03-11) on Windows XP. The error message I'm getting is to
do with 'arithmetic.c', as shown below.
Current R-patched seems to build fine, and I've built previous R-devels
from source fairly often in the past-- though I have no understanding
whatsoever of what's going on. FWIW the only changes
2009 Mar 10
suggestion/request: install.packages and unnecessary file modifications
Dear R-devel
When 'install.packages' runs, it updates all html files in all packages. Mostly, there seems to be no actual change to the html file contents, but the date/time does change. This has causing been me a bit of trouble, because I keep synchronized versions of R on several different machines, and whenever I install a package, many MB of file transfers are required; my slow upload
2009 Apr 16
get() versus getAnywhere()
Using R 2.8.1. I have list object called "AuxData". Inside a browser(),
succeeds, while
fails with the error "no object named ??AuxData?? was found". I'm
curious to know if this could be a bug. If yes, I'll try to come up
with a reproducible example.
2008 Nov 10
how to stop without error message?
Dear list
Can anyone suggest a simple way to abort execution like stop(...) does, but without issuing an "Error: ..." message?
I don't want to set 'options( show.error.messages=TRUE)' because I want normal behaviour to resume after this particular stop.
(Please reply personally as well as to the list, as I'm not subscribed to R-help)
Mark Bravington
2008 Mar 25
regexp with [:upper:] (PR#11032)
Full_Name: Mark Bravington
Version: 2.6.2 patched
OS: Windows XP Pro
Submission from: (NULL) (
> grep( '[:upper:]', letters, val=T) # shurely shouldn't match anything ??
[1] "e" "p" "r" "u"
The converse ( '[:lower:]' and LETTERS) seems to work OK.
--please do not edit the information below--
platform =
2004 Mar 09
update forgets about offset() (PR#6656)
In R1.7 and above (including R 1.9 alpha), 'update.formula' forgets to copy any offset(...) term in the original '.' formula:
test> df <- data.frame( x=1:4, y=sqrt( 1:4), z=c(2:4,1))
test> fit1 <- glm( y~offset(x)+z, data=df)
test> fit1$call
glm(formula = y ~ offset(x) + z, data = df)
test> fit1u <- update( fit1, ~.)
test> fit1u$call
glm(formula = y ~ z,
2004 Sep 08
having trouble building r-devel
Dear R-devel
On my Windows 2000 machine, I can build R-patched but not R-devel (since at least 1/9/2004). An error message pops up during the execution of some R code during "make", as below. In terms of "make" etc., I am totally clueless (not being a user of either Linux or C) and just mechanically follow the instructions in the R documentation; hence I've got no idea