Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "mono fonts (was RE: RE: [R] SAS or R software)"
2004 Dec 20
RE: [R] SAS or R software
Yes, par(family="mono") would work, except that I get R segfaults from this
> plot.new()
> par(family="mono")
> par(cex=8)
> strheight("foo")
Process R segmentation fault (core dumped) at Mon Dec 20 16:07:56 2004
on R 2.0.1 (2004-11-15), Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3
In my code I call strheight and strwidth several times in
2004 Dec 21
mono fonts (was RE: RE: [R] SAS or R software)
> >
> > I've tested values of cex. Anything above 2.1249 seems to
> segfault.
> The X11 device works pretty hard to find a font to use and if
> it really
> can't find anything it should throw an error, not segfault. Are you
> able to debug this and see where it is failing?
I haven't had time to get gdb correctly pointed at a source tree
2004 Dec 20
RE: [R] SAS or R software
What version of GCC?
We user GCC 3.4.0.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Schwartz [mailto:MSchwartz@MedAnalytics.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 4:30 PM
> To: Warnes, Gregory R
> Cc: Paul Murrell; Jain, Nitin; R-Devel; Frank E Harrell Jr
> Subject: RE: [Rd] RE: [R] SAS or R software
> On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 16:13 -0500, Warnes, Gregory R wrote:
2004 Dec 20
RE: [R] SAS or R software
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank E Harrell Jr [mailto:f.harrell@vanderbilt.edu]
> This is neat Greg. Just installed the latest gregmisc. Do you
> automatically used fixed width fonts for this, for alignment
> of columns?
Unfortunately, I haven't found any way to select fixed-width fonts, so I
convert the character vector into a matrix of individual characters
2007 Nov 07
strwidth and strheight for rotated text
Dear All,
I would like to plot text with a box around it. I used strwidth and
strheight to compute the size of the box which is plotted with rect:
z <- rnorm(10)
# horizontal text works
x1 <- 5
y1 <- 0
label <- "Label"
cha <- paste(" ", label, " ", sep = "")
xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = par("cex"))
yh <-
2008 Jan 24
R CMD check and postscript fonts
I came across this by using R cmd check - otherwise I would probably not have
One of my functions does something like this:
# postscript()
# plot(1, xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 4), type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
# text(1:10, 2, c("a","b"), cex = seqcex, family="mono",font=2)
Which results in the error:
Error in text.default(1:10, 2,
2008 Dec 10
Wine should use Mono and Gecko installed in the system
Wine FAQ says Wine is not an emulator, but in fact, it works like an emulator - it
does not enhance Linux API, but simply creates a virtual Windows environment completely isolated from other parts of the system.
* If one runs a .NET based program, Wine requires Win32 Mono to be installed
under Wine, instead of Mono already installed in the system.
* If a program tries to do html rendering, Wine
2010 Mar 17
Cropped graph using lattice
I'm fitting data from a mixture experiment, and I'd like to present the results in a ternary graph with contours. I found this code by Walmes Zeviani
which is just what I want--except I would like the axis titles and labels to be proportionately larger than the ternary graph itself, for legibility in publication. When I
2008 May 04
Categorizing Fonts using Statistical Methods
Dear list members,
Every "modern" OS comes with dozens of useless fonts, so that the
current font drop-down list in most programs is overcrowded with fonts
one never will use. Selecting a useful font becomes a nightmare.
In an attempt to ease the selection of useful fonts, I began looking
into sorting fonts using some statistical techniques. I summed my ideas
on the OpenOffice.org
2007 Mar 01
setting font in plots
Dear Reader
I am trying to change the font in a plot and after several trials finally
came up with the following code.
plot(var_a, var_b, pch = 16, font.lab = 10, font = 10)
points(var_a, var_c, pch = 3, font = 10)
legend(0.1, 0.8, legend = c(?var_b?, ?var_c?), pch = c(16,3))
It does change the font in the plot (Courier), but not in the legend that
does not accept the "font = ..."
2007 Jul 26
How to auto-scale cex of y-axis labels in lattice dotplot?
When I create a dotplot in lattice, I frequently observe overplotting
of the labels along the vertical axis. On my screen, this illustrates
overplotting of the letters:
dat=data.frame(let=rep(letters,each=reps), grp=rep(1:reps, 26),
dotplot(let~y|grp, dat)
Is there a way to automatically scale the labels so that they are not
I currently do
2006 Mar 13
[R] dotchart: Gap between text and chart (PR#8681)
(Moved from r-help)
On 3/13/2006 9:33 AM, Dietrich Trenkler wrote:
> I have some data which I would like to display with dotchart. The
> labels are very long, so the chart becomes too small. Setting cex=0.7
> seems to be a good compromise, but the gap between the text and the
> chart still is too large. I did not find a "gap" parameter in the
> description of dotchart...
2007 Dec 11
Mono in postscript device
Plotting a graphic into a postscript device using family="mono" returns the
following error message:
>> family 'mono' not included in PostScript device
Looking at postscriptFonts() however lists the "Courier" font as availeable
mono font. So where is the problem?
Thanks guys for your help.
Best regards
R version 2.5.0
2008 Jun 16
Specifying fonts in R
I am a novice user of R. I got hold of "R Graphics" by P. Murrell the other
day and am trying to follow examples in the book. In chapter 3, the section
on font specification gives 16 "basic" font families and face combinations
available in R (Figure 3.9). However, the book also warns that even if a
font specification is given, it does not mean that the font will always be
2000 Dec 28
some (may be related) problems with windows(rescale=) (PR#794)
Before reporting 4 problems with windows(rescale=) I want to congrat on R1.2 and to thank r-developers for quickly adding the rescale workaround to the windows version.
Happy New Year
Jens Oehlschlaegel
2000 Dec 28
some (may be related) problems with windows(rescale=) (PR#795)
If these things bother you, could you please supply fixes? For some reason
you omitted the part of the help page dealing with one of these (which is
as documented), and I also think you are confusing `plot' and `device'
sizes. The latter will be the displayed device surface, I believe.
Nothing on the help page suggested that the fine details of the R read-only
parameters will be as you
2015 Dec 30
Default R Font Changed After Upgrade to Debian 8
Good day,
I have been unable to solve this issue. Do you get grainy fonts when running the test case
plot(1:10, main = "abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", cex.main = 4, cex.lab = 4, cex.axis = 4)
What version of libcairo is on your system ?
Dario Strbenac
PhD Student
University of Sydney
Camperdown NSW 2050
2000 Apr 18
strheight() crashes without opened device (PR#524)
My mistake, but also a bug.
I did not open a device and called strheight("X").
==> R crashed
...\rgui --vanilla
> strwidth("X")
Error in strwidth("X") : plot.new has not been called yet
> strheight("X")
R crashed.
(Happens also on Solaris.)
Uwe Ligges
--please do not edit the information below--
platform =
2004 Sep 14
documentation error par("cin") and par("cra") (PR#7227)
Dear all,
the help of par() claims that
cin and cra are
c(width, height)
but it appears to be rather
c(height, width)
Best regards
Jens Oehlschl?gel
> plot.new()
> strheight("W", unit="inches")
[1] 0.1354167
> par("cin")
[1] 0.1354167 0.1875000
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
2008 Feb 21
linebreaks in mathplot
Dear HelpeRs,
I would like to do sg similar to:
plot(c(0,100), c(0,100), xaxs="i", yaxs="i", type="n")
txt <- paste("a =", a, "%\n b =", b, " km2", sep="")
text(95, 95, txt, adj=c(1,1))
just with the "km2" formatted with 2 in a superscript.
I thought
txt <- substitute("a = "*a*" %\n b