Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Bug in 'rot=' of scales argument of barchart (PR#7296)"
2004 Oct 19
barchart fails when grouping variable has more than 7 levels (PR#7293)
Full_Name: Andreas Kiermeier
Version: 2.0.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I've struck a problem drawing barcharts after installing R 2.0.0. Previously
I've used the following command
print(barchart(100*result ~ sample,
data=dioxin.2003.fresh.ub.p, stack=TRUE, ylim=c(0,102)))
to draw a stacked barchart of the
2005 Oct 18
Lattice graphics strip labels for shingles
Dear all,
back in 2002 Martin Henry H. Stevens wrote
> How do I control the text in strips? Specifically, I want to put in the
> ranges generated in shingle(x) where x is continuous.
with an answer from Deepyan Sarkar (see strip.new towards the end of this
message). I assume that the answer worked back then, but I've tried
2005 Jan 06
Using the Rprofile file to automatically plot data on Sta rtup of R version 2.0.1.
Dear John,
I belive your problem has to do with the sequence of startup. I think that
.Rprofile is called before the required libraries are attached.
You might like to try putting your code into a .First() function and run it
that way.
Dr Andreas Kiermeier
33 Flemington Street
Glenside SA 5065
Phone: +61 8 8207 7884
Fax: +61 8
2009 Dec 08
re-ordering x-lables using barchart()
Hi R Users,
I'm trying to re-order the "site names" ("Waseca", "Morris", ...). I'm using
following code:
barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
groups = year, layout = c(6,1), aspect=.7,
ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)",
scales = list(x = list(abbreviate = TRUE, rot=45,
2005 Feb 15
Trellis barchart, column display order issue
I have searched the archives and instructions high and low but have not
found what I need.
I have a dataframe named Data with columns:
AdjResND0 - the numeric result
Parameter - the classification (chemical name)
Sort - the order I want the chemical names to appear, with leading zeros
so all are the same length
Client.Name - the sample name
I am trying to generate a series of 1 page barcharts,
2009 Mar 29
Two variables on one lattice barchart
I created the barchart below using the lattice package, however I can't seem
to find a way to add another variable as a line (see the desired
square/lines that I drew for the last 10 years of the plot). Can anyone
help me with this? Your help is much appreciated!
Schart<-barchart(Catch~Year,data=SNA, scales=list(col = "black", tck = c(1,
2005 Feb 23
package check - empty line at end of .R file
Dear R-devel members,
I'm in the process of building a package (akmisc) for my own use (Win XP, R
2.0.1 Patched - see details at end).
As I was adding functions (and hence more source .R files) to my package it
got to the point were "R CMD check" failed with the following error (output
has been cut).
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .try_quietly({ :
2006 Apr 14
Adding values to top of bars in barchart
Given the following data frame ("freq.sp"),
> str(freq.sp)
`data.frame': 42 obs. of 4 variables:
$ behav : Factor w/ 6 levels "approach","bowride",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
2 2 ...
$ species: Factor w/ 7 levels "COAST_SPOT","EAST_SPINR",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 1 2 3 ...
$ n : int 193 194 563 357 570 369 74 194 208 633 ...
$ pct :
2011 Apr 07
dotplot as a background for multiple barchart plots (with Lattice)
Hi R users,
I'm kind stuck in my R experience...
I want to have a multiple barchart with n windows, but with the same
background for each window, and I want that background to be a recorded
First, is it possible ?
If so, I guess I have to call a record plot in the panel function but how ?
As there is no panel.plot and I can't use the recorded plot as an
argument for the
2007 Jun 06
Multiple color schemes for barchart (lattice)
Hello R-help.
I am trying to make a stacked barplot where the color of the sections of
each bar depend on another variable.
> myData[1:11,]
score percent marker cellType Malignant
1 0 100.00000 ESR1 (ER) Bladder.M(5) TRUE
2 0 80.00000 PAX8 Bladder.M(5) TRUE
3 1 20.00000 PAX8 Bladder.M(5) TRUE
4 0 100.00000 ESR1 (ER) Brain.N(3) FALSE
5 0
2006 Aug 14
Lattice barchart with different fill pattern
Dear list,
I am new to lattice plots.
I want to make a barchart with 10 and more levels.
I need to use a grey scale for printing purposes.
The problem is that with 10 or more levels in factors it is very
difficult to distinguish each level in the plot and legend, since the
greys are very similar (some levels have value of zero and don't appear).
Here is an example of my problem:
df <-
2010 Apr 20
the bar width of barchart plot in lattice package
Dear R users,
I am trying to use the following code to make a barchar plot. The bars in
the plot turn out to be a little narrow. Is there any way to modify the
width of the bars? Thank you!
scores = gl(2, 5, label=c('Sensitivity', 'PPV'), length = 100)
sequences = gl(5, 1, label=c('Lemna minor', 'Dugesia japonica A',
2012 Oct 23
Understanding lattice barchart() display
I've a data frame with this structure:
'data.frame': 1987 obs. of 11 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 24 levels "B(W)","BC-1",..: 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 ...
$ sampdate : Date, format: "2000-07-18" "2000-07-18" ...
$ tclass : Factor w/ 8 levels "Annelida","Arachnida",..: 1 5 5 5 5 ...
$ torder : Factor
2010 Jul 05
Data Labels in a barchart (Lattice or otherwise)
Can anyone please help me with how I could add labels with the value for
each bar in a barchart? (similar to how data labels can be added in Excel) I
have done a lot of searching but havent been lucky.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Data-Labels-in-a-barchart-Lattice-or-otherwise-tp2278027p2278027.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Apr 22
how to reorder of groups and specify ylim for each row in lattice barchart
R experts,
Is there anyway to reorder inside each group? In the following example, the
bar of year 1932 is always plotted before the bar of year 1931, may I change
the order inside each groups of bars?
barchart(yield ~ variety | site,data=barley, groups = year, layout =
c(1,6),auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space =
"right"),ylab = "Barley Yield
2010 Nov 30
Error bars in lattice barchart with groups
Dear R-users,
i want to plot gene regulation data in a lattice barchart. To illustrate
the problem i encounter, the following code uses the "barley"dataset:
barley[["SD"]] <- 5
PLOT <- barchart(data=barley, yield~variety|site, groups=year,origin=0,
2010 Feb 20
Error Bars in lattice- barcharts
I am attempting to write a script that adds error bars to a barchart. I
basing my attempt heavily on the following thread:
I can't seem to get around the problem that was discussed in the thread. The
following example should illustrate my problem. Sorry about the messy
example but I am 1) trying to make it as close as possible
2009 Aug 18
three dimensions barchart
Dear R community,
I have one problem with figures.
I draw the Relative Distribution graph,
it looks like barchart(X,Y plot),
but I have ten(year) Relative Distribution grapgs,
have any command am can combine ten barcharts(X,Y plot) to become a three
dimensions barchart(X,Y,Z plot)?
All help highly appreciated
One Relative Distribution graph:
2010 Jan 22
Rotating the axis labels in the basic graphic device ?
Hello dear R help group,
I learned recently that one can change the rotation of labels in the axis,
when using a lattice plot, for example:
barchart(yield ~ variety , data = barley,
groups = year,
ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)",
scales = list(rot = 45))
My question is: Is there an application of "rot" in something like
2008 Aug 13
Comination of two barcharts and one xyplot
Hi Rhelpers,
I would like to have some help with a plot which is beyond my capabilities. This plot that I am seeking involves an overlay of two different barcharts and one xyplot.
The code that I have used is the following :
# df1$Year.ord created to obtain the right order i.e. 2015M < 2015K