similar to: Favor

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Favor"

2005 Aug 13
Broken tkrplot on Mac OS X
Dear all-- I have been trying to get the tkrplot package to work in order to use the bioconductor package genArise. I am trying to build it on a Mac running OS 10.4.1 with R 2.1.1. Following a stanadard install from R here the error I get when I try to load tkrplot > library(tkrplot) Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Error in
2012 Aug 27
simplest way (set of functions) to parse a file
Hello, What would be the best set of R functions to parse and transform a file? My file looks as shown below. I would like to plot this data and I need to parse it into a single data frame that sorts of "transposes the data" with the following structure: > df <- data.frame(n=c(1,1,2,2),iter=c(1,2,1,2),step=as.factor(c('Step 1', 'Step2', 'Step 1',
2004 Aug 27
Is this a problem with methods??
Dear R-devel list members, we have developed a package and it works perfect in R 1.9.1 but when we prooved with R-devel we get the next output from the R CMD check: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "@<-" Execution halted ERROR: installing package indices failed ** Removing '/home/pgomez/genArise.Rcheck/genArise' ERROR Installation failed.
2004 Oct 29
Samba Add Machine Script
All, Currently we are running Samba 3.0.7 on Solaris 8 and we are experiencing a problem that the user system are not being added automatically with the add machine script: /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -d /dev/null -s /bin/false %m If we run it manually it works. Any ideas? Thanks, Randy Corral Information Systems Brooks Automation Phoenix, Arizona 602-861-9395 ext. 228 Fax: 602-861-1442
2007 Apr 18
Gentleman and Ihaka , 2000 paper question
In their paper, "Lexical Scope and Statistical Computing", the authors ( Gentleman and Ihaka ) go to great length explaining why R's use of lexical scoping creates advantages when doing statistical computations. If anyone has or is familiar with this paper, could they provide the main program code for how the "newton" function would be called in their example on page 500
2014 Oct 28
duda (URGENTE) R
Hola quisiera saber de que manera puedo generar numeros aleatorios enteros entre 0 y 4, para completar una matriz de un automata celular Muchas gracias Juan Nicolás Corral GómezEstudiante Carrera de EcologíaPontificia Universidad Javeriana [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Dec 07
Help with Keyword Corral
I've been trying to get Keyword Corral ( installed with Wine 1.0.1 on Ubuntu 8.10 and the best I can manage is the program appears to start up and then quits. Unfortunately, I've only recently moved to Ubuntu and there's a lot I don't have a clue about. I've tried running it in a Virtualbox VM but
1999 Aug 30
Single precision
I am trying to port a huge Fortran routine that has been written using type Real (single precision) instead of Real*8. R works only with double precision and I got absurd results when calling the routine. Is it possible to make it work properly without changing the source code? I am running V0.64.1 of R for Unix. Thanks -------------------------- Carlos Corral van Damme GNSS Unit, GMV
2016 Mar 09
32 bit programs and libraries on a 64 bit architecture
greetings. today i attempted to update update for the nss-util. i selected the x86_64, clicked apply, error message popped up showing a conflict because the i686 was also installed. opened yumex to see what i686 was installed and found a bunch of i686. because system is a dual core 64 bit, i decided to remove all i686 packages, programs first, then lib files. during reboot, thought hit that
2003 Jun 03
Question about looking up names
I think I now understand how R looks up names. Could anyone tell me if I have this right? First it looks up the nested environments created by lexical scoping. Then, if it gets to the top (.GlobalEnv) it also looks through the list of things that have been "attach"ed. It never looks in the call stack unless you explicitly ask it to, or mess with the environment frames. The reason I
2010 Apr 13
<<- how/when/why do you use it?
Hi all, Today I came across scoping in the R intro<> (after reading Robert Gentleman fortune<> on lexical scooping) , and am very curious about the <<- assignment. The manual showed one (very interesting) example for "<<-", which I
2003 Feb 28
Lexical scoping question
Hello, Could someone please tell me what I am thinking about incorrectly: f <- function(y) { g <- function(x) x + y g } In the following, I get what I expect based on my understanding of lexical scoping: (f(1))(3) # 4 (f(2))(3) # 5 But now, fs <- lapply(c(1, 2), f) fs[[1]](3) # 5 (Why not 4 ?) fs[[2]](3) # 5 Checking the environments of these functions, I see that
2017 Dec 18
sieve_pipe_socket_dir not created at startup for configured pipe service
Hi, all I?m new to the list but not to dovecot. I?ve been using it in a basic configuration for some time, but finally decided to tweak my deployed system to take advantage of some more dovecot features. In particular I?m trying to set up pigeonhole to implement spam retraining with imapsieve. All of this is with dovecot 2.2.31 (65cde28) and pigeonhole 0.4.19. Before going any further let me
2002 Aug 06
Questions about lexical scope
Dear R-users, The numerical integration example given in Gentleman and Ihaka (2000), "Lexical Scope and Statistical Computing," JCGS, 9, 491-508, is very interesting and helpful in understanding how lexical scope is about. However, I got some questions that I just can't figure out. First all, allow me to copy the two functions given by the authors: midpoint <- function(f, a,
2008 Jun 10
Parse XML
Could someone provide a link or examples of parsing XML document in R? Few specific questions below: For instance I can retrieve specific nodes using this: node <- xpathApply(xml, "//" %+% xtag, xmlValue) 1) I want to be able to retrieve parent node for this node, how can I do this? getParentNode() does not seem to cut it. 2) How can I retrieve children nodes for a particular
2006 Aug 14
Big Thanks to Johnny
As a result of following Johnny's handy dandy guide, the postfix/clamav/spamassassin/squirrelmail/dovecot install on one of my new 4.3 boxes was mostly painless. I've been using postfix and keeping in touch with Wietse since 98-ish so I'm quite comfy with postfix, but all this new fangled mail scanning stuff is a bit confusing to an old dog like me. :-) It seems to mostly work,
1999 Aug 18
scan errors
Dear friends. Is there any way to ignore the error produced when the function scan(file="...") cannot open the file (due to, e.g., the file does not exist)? I am also very interested in ways to label a contour plot. Yours. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2003 Apr 22
lexical scope
Hi everyone another documented feature that was a bit unexpected for me: R> x <- 19 R> f <- function(t){t+x} R> f(100) [1] 119 --as expected: x is visible from within f() ..but... R> g <- function(a){x <- 1e99 ; return(f(a))} R> g(4) [1] 23 --the "x" that is visible from within g() is just 19, which is not the one I expected it to find. R> rm(x)
2001 Apr 09
fastest R platform
Hello, everyone! I picked up R several months ago and have adopted it as my choice for statistical programming. Coming from a Java background, I can honestly say that R is not only free, it is better tha S-plus: the lexical scope in R makes it very simple to simulate Java's object model. For this, I encourage everyone to read the artcle: Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka (2000) "Lexical
2004 Mar 11
Summary: and environments
To use the modify the solution from Tony and I so that you can pass the name of the function, rather than the function itself, like this: x <- 7 fx <- function(y) print(x*y) f <- function(fun, x) { fun <- get(fun) environment(fun) <- environment()"fun",list(3)) } f("fx",2) --- Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 08:22:45 +0100 From: