similar to: noncentrality paramter in power.anova.test (PR#7244)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "noncentrality paramter in power.anova.test (PR#7244)"

2008 Oct 09
solve cdf for noncentrality (PR#11527)
Full_Name: Jerry W. Lewis Version: 2.7.0 OS: Windows XP Professional Submission from: (NULL) ( If you are saying that there is no need to solve for the noncentrality parameter, please justify this amazing assertion. If you are saying that this need is already adequately addressed in R, then please enlighten me.
2006 Dec 10
Noncentral t & F distributions
Dear List: The square of the noncentral t-statistic with noncentrality parameter \delta is a noncentral F with noncentrality parameter \lambda=\delta^2. So, t^2_{\nu,\delta} = F_{1,\nu,\lambda=\delta^2}. Consequently, it should follow that t^2_{1-\alpha/2,\nu,\delta} = f_{1-alpha,1,\vu,\lambda=\delta^2}. However, this is not what is happening with the following code. The central
2005 Oct 11
Sometimes having problems finding a minimum using optim(), optimize(), and nlm() (while searching for noncentral F parameters)
Hi everyone. I have a problem that I have been unable to determine either the best way to proceed and why the methods I'm trying to use sometimes fail. I'm using the pf() function in an optimization function to find a noncentrality parameter that leads to a specific value at a specified quantile. My goal is to have a general function that returns the noncentrality parameter that
2002 Jan 08
Memory Allocation in R and S-Plus: And functions from R to S-Plus
Hello Everyone, I've been told that the memory allocation in R and S-Plus is different, with R being better at doing simulations for whatever reason(s). I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on the differences in the memory usage/allocation (preferably in layman's terms!). The reason I ask this is because of a simulation I am trying to run. In it, I need to use the pt( )
2008 Feb 21
anova power calculations
I sent a message a couple days ago about doing calculations for power of the ANOVA. Several people got back to me very quickly which I really appreciated. I'm working now on a similar problem, but instead of a balanced ANOVA, I have an unbalanced one. The first part of the question was: You assume that the within-population standard deviations all equal 9. You set the Type 1 error rate at รก
2007 Jul 26
error in using R2WinBUGS on Ubuntu 6.10 Linux
I am trying to run WinBUGS 1.4 from the Ubuntu 6.10 Linux distribution. I am using the R2WinBUGS packages with the source file listed below. WinBUGS appears to run properly, but I get the following message after WinBUGS starts in WINE. Does anyone know what may be causing this error and what the correction may be? Thanks ERROR MESSAGE: fixme:ole:GetHGlobalFromILockBytes cbSize is 13824
2017 Dec 14
delta and sd parameters for power.t.test
What is the rationale behind having both the delta and sd parameters for the power.t.test function? For the relevant noncentrality parameter, we only need the ratio delta/sd. If my effect size is given as Cohen's d, then I only got that ratio and not sd. As far as I see, in such a case, I can specify delta=d and leave sd at its default value 1. Is this correct or am I missing something?
2009 Jun 19
paramter restriction in optim
Hi, I would like to know if you could help me... I need to restrict a parameter in a problem of optimization but I don't know how to do it. function(s){ c<-s[1] a1<-s[2] a2<-s[2] return(-sum()) } optim(...) In fact I need to know how to specify 0<=a1<=1. I've tried but without success Thank you -- View this message in context:
2018 Apr 25
Can't Get Lattice Histogram Minor Tick Marks to Work
Thanks Jeff, I attached a file with the program to my earlier email because the posting guide seemed to imply that non-binary attachments would work. But I see that the file was stripped off. I installed the program file on a web site, but when I downloaded it, the line breaks were stripped out. So I've included the program below: ------------------------------------------------------- #
2001 May 07
qt with ncp?
Does anybody has a function or idea how to calculate qt with a noncentrality parameter? I'm porting a SAS-macro for equivalence (Wellek, 1994 TT2ST) to R and it seems that I need this to calculate tinv (SAS-command, I hope that this is R's qt,...I get the SAS-macro manual next week). thanks Peter -- P.Malewski, Limmerstr.47, 30451 Hannover, 0511-2135008 At work:
2007 Sep 12
Integrate() error message, I am at a loss
Hello! I have a problem with integrate() in my function nctspa(). Integrate produces an error message "evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length". I don't know what that means. Could anyone suggest me what is wrong with my function? These are the examples of function calls that work OK: nctspa(a=1:10,n=5) nctspa(a=1:10, n=5, mu=2, theta=3, renorm=0) This does not work:
2006 Apr 05
Pass paramter via form
Hi, I want to allow users ti search my blog. I have the following code below to initiate the form. <%= start_form_tag :action => ''search'', :search => search %> <p align =center><%= text_field ''search'', ''search'',"size" =>"20" %> <%= submit_tag ''Search'' %></p>
2008 May 08
MLE for noncentral t distribution
I have a data with 236 observations. After plotting the histogram, I found that it looks like non-central t distribution. I would like to get MLE for mu and df. I found an example to find MLE for gamma distribution from "fitting distributions with R": library(stats4) ## loading package stats4 ll<-function(lambda,alfa) {n<-200 x<-x.gam
2011 Apr 03
Inverse noncentral Beta
Hello I could not find whether there is any R-function that implements the inverse of a noncentral Beta. Could someone out there tell me where I can find it? Or how to implement it? Many thanks Ed [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Sep 11
Fitting Data to a Noncentral Chi-Squared Distribution using MLE
Hi, I have written out the log-likelihood function to fit some data I have (called ONES20) to the non-central chi-squared distribution. >library(stats4) >ll<-function(lambda,k){x<-ONES20; 25573*0.5*lambda-25573*log(2)-sum(-x/2)-log((x/lambda)^(0.25*k-0.5))-log(besselI(sqrt(lambda*x),0.5*k-1,expon.scaled=FALSE))} > est<-mle(minuslog=ll,start=list(lambda=0.05,k=0.006))
2009 Mar 23
Parameter Estimation - "3 Paramter Gamma distribution"
Der r helpers, I have a following set of data. Though some other software, I know it follows 3 parameter Gamma distrinution. I need to write a R code for estimating the parameters of 3 Parameter Gamma distribution. c(0,0,18561.9,0,0,0,34400,0,0,0,0,2190,0,0,0,0,60000,0,0,0, ? 19583,0,0,0,109872.87,0,0,0,0,0,0,1244,0,0,25150,0,500,0,0,0, ?
2010 Mar 01
[LLVMdev] paramter attributes and function types
Hi James, > I can see how to apply attributes to function parameters and return values when defining and declaring functions, but I don't see how to do it for function type definitions. you can't. It used to be the case long ago that attributes went on types, but now they go only on calls and function declarations. > Nevertheless, the LLVM Language Reference document suggests, in
2010 Mar 01
[LLVMdev] paramter attributes and function types
everyone-- I'm confused about what I'm seeing in LLVM 2.6, and I have a series of related questions. I can see how to apply attributes to function parameters and return values when defining and declaring functions, but I don't see how to do it for function type definitions. It's certainly absent from the OCaml bindings. I'm also not seeing it in the C-langauge bindings over
2010 Mar 01
[LLVMdev] paramter attributes and function types
On Mar 1, 2010, at 04:43, Duncan Sands wrote: > [I wrote:] >> >> Nevertheless, the LLVM Language Reference document suggests, in the examples for the Function Types section, that parameter attributes are part of function types. > > Where exactly? I don't see it in the online version. See <> and look at the second
2018 Jul 27
SHELL() function Asterisk 13 - can only accept one paramter in string?
Hi all This is a followup on my post "Asterisk 13 - system() dialplan app cannot call bash scripts" from yesterday I've given up trying to use system() to call BASH scripts with parameters from Asterisk 13. Turned out under Asterisk 13.22.0 System() DOES work, but only if you do NOT attempt to pass any parameters to the called script. This works, and reliably calls the script: