similar to: checking for _non-existing_ documentation entries.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "checking for _non-existing_ documentation entries."

2004 Sep 21
checking for _non-existing_ -> documentation and sources at one place.
Wolski wrote: #>>>Has anyone a tool which is able to generate from #>>>#appropriately commented R-code files (e.g. <<example>>= #>>>#-example section) Rd files: Mark Bravington mentioned something similar in the 'mvbutils' package: Wolski wrote: # # #Hi! # #Is it working with S4? Mark's reply: Don't know whether it works with S4
2004 Nov 23
str() resets class for environments
I noticed the following today --- str() seems to remove any extra class information added to an environment. > e <- new.env() > class(e) [1] "environment" > class(e) <- c("foo", class(e)) > class(e) [1] "foo" "environment" > str(e) Classes 'foo', 'environment' length 0 <environment> > class(e) [1]
2003 May 24
Re: R-devel Digest, Vol 3, Issue 23
I am another person who has had trouble documenting S4 classes and (particularly) methods. The methods package itself is pretty cool by the way, but it is a pity that there are as yet no guidelines on S4 in the "Writing R Extensions" document. I have actually put together a guide on S4 documentation myself for the use of my own lab which is at
2003 Mar 26
predict (PR#2686)
# `predict' complains about new factor levels, even if the "new" levels are merely levels in the original that didn't occur in the original fit and were sensibly dropped, and that don't occur in the prediction data either. (At least if `drop.unused.levels' was set to TRUE, which the default.) test> data.frame( y=runif( 3),
2004 Jan 27
Directory-like data organisation w/ environments?
Dear r-users! I wonder if there is a way of designing a directory like structure for holding my data using environments? It would be nice if I could implement a kind of 'cd' command to change to a differend environment etc. Can anybody give me a hint? -cl -- Christoph Lange MPI fuer biologische Kybernetik |Phone: +49-7071-601-607| Postfach 2169, D-72012 Tuebingen |FAX:
2008 Mar 30
Hi the devel list. I am adapting the package.skeleton to S4 classes and methods I would have been very proud to post a new working function on this list. Unfortunately, I do not manage to solve all the problems. Mainly - sys.source does not compile a file with setClass - dumpMethod does not exists yet In the following code, thise two problems are notified by a line ################# Still
2001 Nov 30
New version of methods package
A new version of the package has been committed to the r-devel branch. There are a lot of changes, mostly non-visible, many of those to tighten up some possible problems. For example, slot assignment now checks the validity of the value being assigned, and basic classes cannot be overriden. There is a version of the promptClass function by Vince Carey, to produce shell of documentation for a
2006 Oct 02
documenation duplication and proposed automatic tools
I've been looking at documenting S4 classes and methods, though I have a feeling many of these issues apply to S3 as well. My impression is that the documentation system requires or recommends creating basically the same information in several places. I'd like to explain that, see if I'm correct, and suggest that a more automated framework might make life easier. PROBLEM Consider a
2002 Sep 19
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
# # # ###################################################### Because I work in different directories, but always want to save my .Rhistory in the same place, I have changed the system function savehistory to this: function (file = "D:/R50/.Rhistory") invisible(.Internal(savehistory(file))) When I use q() to quit R, and it asks me whether I want to
2004 Aug 16
Hi! Have written some functions with signature "numeric". eg. setGeneric("foo", function(object,...) standardGeneric("foo")) setMethod("foo",signature(object="numeric"),def = .... To generate the Rd file sceleton i use > promtClass("numeric") A shell of class documentation has been written to the file
2004 Jun 09
Using macros
Dear list members, I've been puzzling over how best to clean up the code for my Rcmdr package. In particular, there's a lot of repetitive tcltk code in the package, and as Martin M?chler has pointed out to me, this makes the package difficult to maintain. If R were Lisp, I'd use macros for much of the clean up. My efforts to do similar things with R functions has run into problems
2003 May 23
Documenting S4 classes; debugging them
1. I'm putting together my first package that uses S4 classes and objects. I'd like to document them, but I'm not sure what the documentation should look like, and package.skeleton doesn't produce any at all for the classes or methods. Are there any good examples to follow? 2. How do I do the equivalent of debug(foo), when foo is an anonymous function being used as a method?
2007 May 27
[Bioc-devel] promptClass
promptClass fails to identify methods associated with the class. Here is a fix: Index: promptClass.R =================================================================== --- promptClass.R (revision 41719) +++ promptClass.R (working copy) @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ if (nmeths > 0) { .meths.body <- " \\describe{" for (i in 1:nmeths) { - .sigmat
2011 Sep 29
Finding inter-function dependencies within a package
Hi, I'd like to know which functions in a package call one specific function. I think I've seen a tool for identifying such dependencies, but now I can't find it :-( Searches of help and R site search for keywords like function, call, tree, depend haven't helped :-( Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance, Keith Jewell
2004 Sep 27
mtrace and debug
Hello, pointed to the article "Debugging Without (Too Many) Tears" of Mark Bravington in Rnews Vol 3/3, December 2003 there is a package mvbutils mentioned. So I started to install this package from within R > install.package(mvbutils) I receive an error essage that this package is not found! Is due to a merge,removal or rename of this package? When I try to follow this
2016 Dec 12
why does parent.frame() cycle when called from inside capture.output()?
Hello R devel/help, I ran into this strange behavior: # showstack is supposed to walk through the stack of parent # environments when it is called: showstack = function() { env = environment() for(i in 1:12) { env =, list(), env=env) print(env) } } # a simple chain of functions: g3=function(t) showstack()
2016 Dec 12
why does parent.frame() cycle when called from inside capture.output()?
Hello R devel/help, I ran into this strange behavior: # showstack is supposed to walk through the stack of parent # environments when it is called: showstack = function() { env = environment() for(i in 1:12) { env =, list(), env=env) print(env) } } # a simple chain of functions: g3=function(t) showstack()
2006 Dec 01
promptClass misses methods
I've had repeated problems with promptClass missing methods, usually telling me a class has no methods when it does. In my current case, I've defined an S4 class "mspathCoefficients" with a print method setMethod("print", signature(x="mspathCoefficients"), function(x, ...) { # etc The file promptClass creates has no methods in it. >
2006 Jun 20
Documentation issues [Was: Function hints]
I would like to follow up on another one of the documentation issues raised in the discussion on function hints. Duncan mentioned that the R core were working on preprocessing directives for .Rd files, which could possibly include some sort of include directive. I was wondering if a "includeexamples" directive might also be considered. It often makes sense to use the same example to
2004 Apr 25
a simple suggestion for the next version of R windows
Is it possible to replace the word "R Console" on the title bar (is it what it's called? It's the blue area above menu bar) with the name of the work space file you're using or loaded, so people who are runing multple R sessions at same time can identify them immediately. I'm using 1.9.0 in SDI mode. Thanks, ...Tao