similar to: bug in xyplot xlab, etc (PR#7076)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "bug in xyplot xlab, etc (PR#7076)"

2013 Feb 25
lattice: column titles using in multipanel xyplot
Hi, I created a xyplot with a three-column layout. As suggested by Deepayan I tried to put titles to each column by using Unfortunately, as my y-axis scale relation = "free", the column titles are not centered at the three x axes anymore. Any idea how to center the titles? #Example: require(lattice) #require(latticeExtra) e <- data.frame(a = c(1:30), b = c(1:10, 20:29,
2004 Jul 14
tracing something in a namespace (PR#7091)
# Your mailer is set to "none" (default on Windows), # hence we cannot send the bug report directly from R. # Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to # your favorite email program and send it to # # # ###################################################### > x <- rnorm(10) > y <- 1:10 > xyplot(y ~ x) >
2019 Jun 14
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
This is still not repaired in R version 3.6.0 Patched (2019-05-17 r76528) > library(latticeExtra) > a <- xyplot(1 ~ 1) > c(a,a) Warning message: In formals(fun) : argument is not a function Can we have it in R-3.6.1 that Peter just announced? Rich On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 4:08 AM Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar at> wrote: > > On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 7:58 AM,
2019 Dec 06
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
This problem is still present in > version _ platform x86_64-w64-mingw32 arch x86_64 os mingw32 system x86_64, mingw32 status Under development (unstable) major 4 minor 0.0 year 2019 month 12 day 03 svn rev 77513 language R version.string R Under development (unstable)
2009 Jun 20
Customize axis labels in xyplot
Hello, I'm plotting an xyplot where a continuous var recorded every min is plotted on y, and time expressed as HH:MM:SS on x, as follows : xaxis=list(tick.number=12,rot=90) lst=list(x=xaxis) xyplot(upt$LOAD_1 ~ upt$TIME, data=upt, type=c('g','p', 'r'), scales=lst) On the x-axis, every time label is drawn and the label quickly become unreadable as they overlap on each
2008 May 21
xlab at top in xyplot()
Dear R-helpers, (1) How do I add a 'top' label symmetric with the 'bottom' label' in: <- function(side, ...) { ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim switch(side, bottom = { panel.axis(side = side, outside = TRUE, rot = 0, at = 1:3, labels = c(2.0, 3.5, 5.0)) },
2002 Mar 13
several bugs (PR#918) lists and matrices
### I got bit again by the same bugs I wrote about a year ago. ### The bugs are related to matrices and arrays of lists. ### 1. There is a clear inconsistency in how R handles two ### functionally equivalent statements. ### array() is able to take a list and create a matrix. ### matrix() is unable to create that matrix. > vector("list", 2) [[1]] NULL [[2]] NULL >
2018 Mar 23
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
The warning message in the last line of this email is incorrect. This is behavior which Duncan Murdoch labeled a bug in This is a fresh install of R-devel (2018-03-21 r74436) R Under development (unstable) (2018-03-21 r74436) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
2008 Oct 23
I have an xyplot, I want to keep the format, but only show x or y
Good Morning, I am using xyplot to show two variables for a large number of subjects. Currently I am using xyplot(y~x|as.factor(ID), layout=c(7,9)) to give me a little plot of the x and y factors for each ID. The purpose of the plot is to let the PI quickly look through the data for irregularities. The good news is that they like the layout of the xyplot, but they don't want to have to
2003 Sep 09
lattice.xyplot: adding grid lines
Hallo, I'd like to add grid lines to a lattice graph having 2 series of Y data. See these 2 examples: data(iris) [1] xyplot(Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length , data = iris, allow.multiple = TRUE, scales = "same",type="l", ) [2] xyplot(Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length , data = iris, allow.multiple = TRUE, scales =
2010 Sep 13
xyplot axis line width
Hi, another question: is there any argument that controls the line width of axis box of xyplot()? I tried lwd=2 or lwd.axis=2 in xyplot() or within scales=list() argument, without success. Thanks John
2008 May 27
Fwd: Re: Seeking help with trellis: log scales on xyplot
Deepayan: Sorry for the additional email, but I'm concerned that I wasn't being clear. In the end, I would like a graphic that portrays my y-values on a log scale in their native data range. That is to say, I would prefer to see the axis labels as 1000 rather than 3 (log10 of 1000). Thank you for your kind assistance, Hobie Perry St. Paul, MN Hobie Perry <>
2004 Feb 05
xyplot (lattice): colours of lines
using either one of the following codes: xyplot(X ~ time | center, type="l", panel=panel.superpose, groups=subject, col = treatment) xyplot(X ~ time | center, groups = subject, panel = function(x, y, ...){ panel.superpose(x, y, col = treatment, type = "l", ...) }) I get two different colours for the lines by these colours do not match the corresponding treatment
2023 Nov 18
combine barchart and xyplot in lattice
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 06:44, Naresh Gurbuxani <naresh_gurbuxani at> wrote: > > In below graph, I would like to add two vertical lines using > panel.abline(). Is this possible? I assume you want the 'v' variable in panel.abline() to be interpreted in the context of your x-axis, which here represents a factor variable. Unless two factor variables have the same
2005 Nov 22
change axis format for different panels in xyplot in lattice
Dear R users, My apologies for a simple question for which I suspect there is a simple answer that I have yet to find. I'd like to plot panels in lattice with different graphical parameters for the axes. For example, the code x<-rnorm(100) y<-rnorm(100) z<-c(rep(1,50), rep(2,50)) library(lattice) xyplot(y~x|z) plots two panels with the default black axes. Running the following
2008 Sep 02
annotating individual panels produced by xyplot
Hi all, I'm new to R and lattice and panel functions. I've produced a lattice graph using xyplot. Now I would like to add various, and *different*, annotations to each individual panel. I tried something like this, using panel.text ... <code> xyplot(dent ~ era | vegzone, groups=seedtype, panel=function(...) { panel.xyplot(...)
2011 Sep 15
Lattice xyplot log scale labels help!
I have a problem with lattice log scales that I could use some help with. I'm trying to print log y-axis scales without exponents in the labels. A similar thread with Deepayan' recommendation is here: For example, this code using xyplot produces a logged y-axis but the labels (e.g. "10^1.2") are not very
2006 Oct 18
Adding locfit confidence intervals in trelis xyplot
Dear all, I am trying to include confidence intervals in a xyplot. This is what I am doing: xyplot(x ~ y|z, alpha = 1,band = "global",panel = panel.locfit) (more specifically, in my case x is a binary response from a logistic regression model) The output plot was fine but it did not include the confidence intervals Anyone knows how to do it? (xYplot did not work either) many thanks
2010 Mar 05
conditioning variable in panel.xyplot?
I wish to create a multipanel plot (map) from several datasets ("d" and "q" in the example below). I can condition the main xyplot statement on the "site" variable, but I don't know how to pass a conditioning variable to panel.xyplot plot so that the x-y coordinates from dataset q are only plotted at the appropriate site. library(lattice) d <-
2006 Jan 26
panel.xyplot : incorrectly "connecting" points
R 2.2, WinXP. I am having problems getting the right kind of xyplot( ) to be generated. The first of these works fine, but doesn't overlay a reference grid (which I need): xyplot(Y ~ X | Factor1, type = 'b', groups = GROUP, col = c(1,13), pch = c(16,6), lty = 1, lwd = 2, cex = 1.2, data = FOO.Frame, between = list(x = .5, y = .5), scales = list(alternating = TRUE)) The second