Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Yahoo bug in tseries::get.hist.quote and its::priceIts"
2004 Jul 02
priceIts problem
Dear R People:
In library(its), there is a command priceIts.
There is a problem with this command. It is returning an error message:
> ibm1 <- priceIts(instrument="ibm",start="1998-01-01",quote="Open")
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method = method, quiet = quiet) :
cannot open URL
2001 Oct 04
get.hist.quote does not work (PR#1116)
Full_Name: Arto Luoma
Version: 1.3.1
OS: Windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (
The function get.hist.quote in the package tseries (Version 0.7-6) does not work
my computer.
I found that it uses the function strptime which did not "understand" English
names in my Finnish locale (see bug report 811). I changed the regional settings
be English (UK) and
2003 Jun 04
get.hist.quote not connecting to yahoo (PR#3188)
Full_Name: Alexander Gracian
Version: 1.7
OS: windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
Since yesterday morning get.hist.quote in tseries has not been connecting to
yahoo 90% of the time. Is this a problem or change at Yahoo's end?
Example of R output...
Tring to pulling in 30 days of pricestrying URL
2005 Sep 29
Dear All,
There is an example for the priceIts function (the its package) which
does not work for me as expected.
> ?priceIts
> x1 <- priceIts(instrument = c("^ftse"), start = "1998-01-01",
+ quote = "Close")
Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "its" object: Missing
values in dates
> x2 <-
2007 Apr 16
priceIts and yahoo
Dear R People:
About 2 years ago, there were a few messages about
the function priceIts from library(its) generating error
One of the suggested fixes at that time was to check
security software and such.
I'm getting the same message tonight, and have checked
both from Windows and a Linux installation.
The other suggestion was to determine if there is still a
problem with the
2012 Mar 07
sobre googlevis
Esta mañana estoy trasteando un poco con googlevis, sobre todo para ver
si introducimos algunos gráficos chulos en la página web de la empresa (
hacemos estudios sociológicos).
Y estaba viendo esta página
http://neurochem.sisbio.recerca.upc.edu/?p=276 y no encuentro la forma
de reproducir el gráfico de las puntuaciones factoriales . Usando
gvisScatterChart puedo dibujar los puntos
2005 Apr 29
how to replace text...
if I have....
and then i want to do the same thing but say with IBM instead of QQQQ
is there an easy way like replace qqqq/ibm
Thanks in advance./Jonathan
2009 Sep 24
Downloading currency data from from Yahoo
I wanted to download some currency data using "quantmod" package, however
got following error :
> getSymbols('USD/GBP',src='yahoo')
Error in download.file(paste(yahoo.URL, "s=", Symbols.name, "&a=", from.m,
cannot open URL
2010 Aug 06
How to apply apply?!
I have say a dataframe, d and I wish to do the following:
1) For each row, I want to take one particular value of the row and multiply
it by 2. How do I do it. Say the data frame is as below:
OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE 1931.2 1931.2 1931.2 1931.2 0 0 0 999.05 0 0 0 1052.5
0 0 0 987.8 0 0 0 925.6 0 0 0 866 0 0 0 1400.2 0 0 0 754.5 0 0 0 702.6 0 0 0
653.25 0 0 0 348 0 0 0 801 866.55 866.55
2011 Feb 22
Discrepancies in run times
Dear R-users,
I am in the process of creating new custom functions and am quite puzzled by
some discrepancies in execution time when I run some R scripts that call
those new functions. So here is the situation:
- let's assume I have created two custom functions, called myg and myf;
- myg is mostly a plotting function, which makes a heavy use of grid and
lattice functions;
- myf is a function
2012 Aug 01
Time Series Have Date Show Days of the Week
I used quantmod to pull in price data from the ticker SPY. The data has
date and closing price. I would like to show the day of the week for each
closing price. Is that possible? Also, I would like to add the back into
the data frame in a new column without changing the structure of the data
set if possible.
2009-01-02 92.96
2009-01-05 92.85
2009-01-06 93.47
2013 Feb 16
odd behavior within R2HTML
Dear R People:
I'm using R2HTML but having a strange result.
Here is the original data:
resp trt block
90.3 A I
89.2 A II
98.2 A III
93.9 A IV
87.4 A V
97.9 A VI
92.5 B I
89.5 B II
90.6 B III
94.7 B IV
87.0 B V
95.8 B VI
85.5 C I
90.8 C II
89.6 C III
86.2 C IV
88.0 C V
93.4 C VI
82.5 D I
89.5 D II
85.6 D III
87.4 D IV
78.9 D V
90.7 D VI
And here are the commands:
> resin1.df <-
2004 Mar 03
get.hist.quote - is great, but am I missing something?
I find it's just great to be able to say:
x <- get.hist.quote(instrument="ongc.ns")
and it gets a full time-series of the stock price of the symbol
ongc.ns from Yahoo quote.
However, once my hopes have been raised by such beauty :-) I get
disappointed when I do
> plot(x)
and the annotation is horrible! The x axis is not labelled as
dates. The default
2009 Mar 03
How to fix radius of the open flash chart in ruby
Hello friends,
i m using open flash chart plugin in my rails application to generate
multiple pie charts. I want pie charts to be of equal size. Does anyone
know how to set the equal radius for all the charts.
i created one method to set radius in open flash chart plugin and called
it from my controller. bt it doesnt work...
It simply renders nothing..
any suggestions are greatly
2013 Jun 13
puppet: 3.1.1 -> 3.2.1 load increase
I recently updated from puppet 3.1.1 to 3.2.1 and noticed quite a bit of
increased load on the puppetmaster machine. I''m using
the Apache/passenger/rack way of puppetmastering.
Main symptom is: higher load on puppetmaster machine (8 cores):
- 3.1.1: around 4
- 3.2.1: around 9-10
Any idea why there''s more load on the machine with 3.2.1?
You received this
2005 May 24
AW: Performance problem when writing large files!
> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Fabio Muzzi [mailto:liste@kurgan.org]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Mai 2005 11:33
> Cc: samba@lists.samba.org
> Betreff: Re: [Samba] Performance problem when writing large files!
> Hello Josef,
> Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 8:39:27 AM, you wrote:
> JFlc> We encounter following problem. If somebody on the
2007 Jul 22
Data Set
Hi Sir
I have made a data set having 23 stations of rainfall.
when I use the attach function to approach indevidual stations then
following error occurr.
*>S.Sharif #S.Sharif is the station name which has 50 data values*
*Error: object "S.Sharif" not found*
Now how to solve this problem.
Thank You
Department of Statistics
2004 Sep 13
Spare some CPU cycles for testing lme?
If anyone has a few extra CPU cycles to spare,
I'd appreciate it if you could verify a problem that I
have encountered. Run the code
below and tell me if it crashes your R before
dump<-sapply( 1:50000, function(i) {
fm <- lme(langPOST ~ IQ.ver.cen + avg.IQ.ver.cen, data = bdf,
random = ~ IQ.ver.cen | schoolNR);
2003 Nov 30
bad performance on 2.4.23
- big and ugly mail. If you don't like them, delete it now :-) -
I have collected and classified some information of:
And I observed that ext3 performance is worse than previous
kernels(2.4.19...). -ac and -aa are here only as reference.
Complete information is in the upper URL.
dbench: Performance is worse.
dbench (Numbers are in
2004 Aug 26
TDM400P Problems
I have just started to setup and configure my asterisk box and am
having trouble with it. I have a dlink nic in the box as well as the
digium card. When the nic is in there by itself it works, but when I
put the tdm400p in, there seems to be some sort of conflict with the
network card. The tdm appears as another type of network card, which I
don't think it should, should it? It shows