similar to: cygwin tar?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "cygwin tar?"

2005 May 09
can't build packages anymore...
R developers, I've been happily building packages, under windows, for some time now and upgraded to R 2.1.0 and now when I attempt to build a package, I get the following errors... C:\conifers>rcmd build Rconifers * checking for file 'Rconifers/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'Rconifers': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * checking whether
2005 Dec 25
cygwin and tar -- still?
I've upgraded laptops and have put a new version of R on the new machine as well as the tools for building packages. I know R has required a "non-broken" version of tar for some time now and was hoping to not have to install any cygwin tools. Since building packages requires the use of MinGW and MSYS, why can't we simply use the tar that's part of msys? After looking at
2005 May 23
colors and palettes and things...
After trying to find if there was a color picker in the FAQs and the help, I thought I would send a post here. I was overwhelmed with all the wonderful color choices R has predefined (discovered after typing in colors()) but can't figure out what they all (by name) look like. Is there a color picker or some other method to display all those colors next to the name? I think I can put together
2004 May 13
xtable without rownames
When I tried to read all the entries (after searching the FAQ) for "row names xtable", I get START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * R FAQ: (R-FAQ). The R statistical system ... ... xtable* Export data to LaTeX and HTML tables. ... For dropping the row names of a matrix `x', it may be easier to use `rownames(x) <- NULL', similarly for column ...
2012 Jan 06
R CMD check WARNING \usage question
I'm trying to update a package and would like to crush a WARNING message for a clean build. I've been struggling with this question and haven't gotten any traction on the web either. I've got a document file (Rd) that contains the following \usage statement: \name{} \alias{} \title{CONIFERS forest growth model sample data} \description{ A list object of
2003 Nov 06
created data doesn't remain when split...
I've been trying to figure out why the following is happening.... I've got some data I'll load in from a file... rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) trees <- read.table( "c:/cruisepak/data.txt", header=T) trees$ct <- 1 And when I create some temp variable, then split the data to perform further processing, the additional column doesn't maintain the data correctly.... mtrees
2011 Jan 31
httpd-access.log parsing and graph construction.
R gurus: I'm thinking about using R for website traffic analysis but didn't find anything in my web searches specific to R. If I have the webpages (simple example would contain something like three (3) static pages with a couple of links each) and parse the apache access log file (httpd-access.log), then I can populate the graph representing the website and perform whatever analysis I
2004 May 12
summary table newbie question
I've got a newbie question and I got a little lost in the "table helps". I've got a data.frame I would like to summarize as a (and pardon for the lack of correct vernacular) data collection matrix. My data looks like, stand siteindex age acres pct.acres 1 232 116 45 8477.3105 0.56159458 2 234 121 25 11120.1530 0.73667441 3 235 132 25
2004 Jan 15
plotting predicted values (lines) over data?
I've been trying to plot the predicted values, as a line, over the data for a simple nonlinear fit with the following commands: plot( hg ~ ht ) ... define some function hg ~ ht + junk ... ... blah, blah, obtain parameter estimates and predicted values, blah... ... then... lines( sort( $predicted ) ~ sort( ht ) ) which results in a line that isn't smooth (which I knew would happen).
2004 Jan 20
Error: unknown identifier {|} in tabular format {|l|c|c|c|}
I've got a package I would like to send out for testing and have noticed a "problem" with the \tabular portion of the help "compiler" the code for inserting vertical lines, in the tabular environment, causes the build to choke, but not the check command. C:\>rcmd build --binary -docs=all nlsystemfit \tabular{|l|c|c|c|}{ \hline Method \tab Instruments \tab
2012 Jun 22
Vignettes are not being (re)built.
I'm adding a couple of vignettes to an existing package. When I make a change to the sweave file, and run the check command, c:\conifers\trunk>R CMD check rconifers I get the following message(s) in the 00check.log file: * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in 'inst/doc' ... WARNING Package vignette(s) without corresponding PDF:
2004 Sep 28
rsync 2.6.2 hang (was rsync 2.6.2 crash)
OK, I set up a new PC with a fresh XP load to be my rsync server. Rsync by itself seems to work fine (thank God. I'm going nuts.) I am still having problems when I throw ssh into the mix. At least now, things don't crash, but they do hang. The file list gets build, the transfer starts and it gets through maybe a few hundred files, but then everything stops. All the processes are still
2004 Feb 20
Sweave not found from MikTeX?
I've been working on a LaTeX document that contains Sweave code and cannot get MikTeX to find the Sweave.sty file. I've added the c:\rw1081\share\texmf path in the MikTeX roots (I've ven added the path in the environment variables ) but to no avail. Is there a trick to getting Sweave installed correctly when using MikTeX on Windows XP? Do I need to move/copy the Sweave.sty file to the
2012 Jan 11
package DESCRIPTION file and CRAN Task View entries?
I'm in the middle of a long overdue package update, and after seeing the CRAN Task Views I thought there would be an entry, in the DESCRIPTIONS file, for that entry that appears on the package webpage. For example, Since it's been some time since I've updated the package, I did a little reading (R-exts.pdf) and web searching and
2003 Nov 16
prevent conversion to factors in aggregate?
I've been trying to figure out how to prevent a column that is the result of an aggregate function call so that I can use it in further calculations. For example, I would like to aggregate the expf for the data.frame by sp (character) and dbh (double d=rounded to integer) using the command: > st2 <- aggregate( ntrs$expf, by=list(sp=ntrs$sp,dbh=ntrs$dbh), sum ) > st2$expf <- st2$x
2003 Nov 13
creating a "report" table from a set of lists
I've been trying to figure out how to accomplish the following... I've got a list (returned from a function) and I would like to "cbind()" the lists together to create a "cross tab" report or simply bind them together somehow the function returns a list that looks like the following: > all$BM $species [1] "BM" $vbar.nobs [1] 3 $vbar.sum [1] 54.05435
2004 Mar 03
why is rcmd shlib including files not in the list?
I've been trying to create a shlib file (using mingw instead of the cygwin -- after reconfiguring my machine, yet again) and I'm getting the following behaviour that I think is incorrect: When using rcmd shlib and explicitly listing the files to include in the build such as: C:\Sequential\Code>rcmd shlib --output=optflikam flikam.c as47.f as154.f as197.f making corrAdaptiveSim.d from
2004 Mar 03
why is rcmd shlib including files not in the list?
I've been trying to create a shlib file (using mingw instead of the cygwin -- after reconfiguring my machine, yet again) and I'm getting the following behaviour that I think is incorrect: When using rcmd shlib and explicitly listing the files to include in the build such as: C:\Sequential\Code>rcmd shlib --output=optflikam flikam.c as47.f as154.f as197.f making corrAdaptiveSim.d from
2004 Mar 26
multicolumn sort on dataframe?
I couldn't find any reference to this in the FAQ, but is it possible to sort a dataframe by multiple columns? I've created some code, similar to the following: nspr.code <- sp.results$sp.code[order( sp.results$sp.code )] nspr.tpa <- sp.results$tpa[order( sp.results$sp.code )] nspr.code <- as.character( levels( nspr.code ) )[nspr.code] nspr.tpa <- as.numeric( levels( nspr.tpa
2005 Mar 30
help with plotting a grid on levelplot
I'm trying to plot a grid over a levelplot print( levelplot( var1.pred~x+y, data=saw.pred, aspect=mapasp(saw.pred), col.regions=terrain.colors(80), main=main) ) using the data... > saw.pred x y var1.pred var1.var sort 1 5 5 3.3761200 256.3363 saw 2 15 5 3.3884142 499.5695 saw 3 25 5 3.5394769