similar to: Rd - \preformatted, \section and LaTeX problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Rd - \preformatted, \section and LaTeX problem"

2003 Dec 09
latex problem with \preformatted (PR#5645)
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C3BE9C.3FB5BC1A Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" There is a small bug in the implementation of \preformatted in R 1.8.0: The closing "\end{verbatim}" needs to be followed by a newline, since my latex
2008 Nov 06
Two minor escaping issues using \preformatted{....} in Rd format
Hi r-devels, I have two minor problems with special characters in Rd files when used within a \preformatted{} markup command: ------------------------------------------------------ 1. issue: backslash + single brace ------------------------------------------------------ I would like to write "\\\}" to produce \} on output (documenting the need to escape the brace once again before
2009 Oct 01
Rd.sty question: LaTeX expert needed
The Rd.sty LaTeX package is used when building the R manuals, and by the LaTeX pages produced from the man pages. I have tracked down some problems G?bor Cs?rdi was having recently (see "Re: [R] preformatted and '#' in manual pages" in R-help) to a LaTeX problem, and am trying to work out how to fix it. Specifically, the .Rd file he was using had a structure like \dQuote{
2003 Nov 17
\preformatted and $
Hi, I have been developing a package in R and have been working on documentation. I have a \details function that contains the following: \details{ some text \preformatted{ [my-section] user = apv host = } } When I run R CMD check I get an error while checking the manual. If I remove: \preformatted{ [my-section] user = apv host = } and replace it with [my-section]
2011 Nov 25
Problem with & question about \preformatted in .Rd
Hi, The "\preformatted" environment in Rd files doesn't seem to escape long sequences of backslashes properly when converted to pdf (LaTeX) documentation. I'm running R version 2.14 (from subversion, revision 57751) on Linux (RHEL). Here's an example from the command line: echo
2009 Sep 29
preformatted and '#' in manual pages
Dear All, I have the following in a .Rd file: ... human readable (not binary) format. The format itself is like the following: \preformatted{ \# vertex1name vertex2name [optionalWeight] vertex3name [optionalWeight] } Here, the first vertex of an edge is preceded with a pound sign ... and it is fine with R 2.9.2, but fails on R-devel, when building the PDF version
2004 Mar 11
Is it ok to use the name on a bundle and one if its packages?
Hello, I wonder if it is unwise to name a bundle the same as one of its packages. For instance, I now have a huge package called 'aroma' that I basically want to split up in several smaller packages, say 'aroma.core', '', 'aroma.explore', 'aroma.trial', 'aroma.deprecated' etc, which simplifies maintenance but also the overview. For
2008 Mar 02
Could not install aroma.affymetrix
I don't know if this is the correct forum to ask the following question; however, when I search the aroma.affymetrix discussion group, it suggested that I should posted the question to r-help. Here it goes. I followed the instructions on aroma.affymetrix trying to install the packages; following are the steps: > install.packages(c("R.oo", "R.utils"),
2010 Oct 08
R CMD SHLIB changes function name when compiling
Hi, I'm trying to write a function in C for implementation with .Call. When compiling using R CMD SHLIB characters seem to be added to the function name. Here's the complete C code from the file summariseMCMC.c: #include<R.h> #include<Rdefines.h> #include<Rinternals.h> void summariseMCMC(SEXP data) { PROTECT(data=AS_NUMERIC(data)); UNPROTECT(1); } Then
2009 Apr 18
Rd: how to put a prime in a code fragment?
I have written a function for my 'oce' package that creates a data.frame containing a variable name with a prime in it. (I use prime to indicate coordinate rotation, a reasonably standard convention that motivates the odd variable name.) How can I name that in an Rd file? I tried \code{u'} but R-2.9.0 doesn't like to build my package then, since it thinks I'm opening a
2004 Jun 08
[Q] raw -> gpr in aroma package
Hi. Is it possible to make gpr from raw? library(aroma) #read gpr file gpr <- GenePixData$read("gpr123.gpr", path=aroma$dataPath) # gpr -> raw raw <- as.RawData(gpr) # raw -> ma ma <- getSignal(raw, bgSubtract=FALSE) ma.norm <- clone(ma) #normalization normalizeWithinSlide(ma.norm, "s") #ma -> raw raw2 <- as.RawData(ma) I want to make gpr data from
2009 Dec 28
Use preformatted blocks in Broadcom wiki page
Dear all, On the Broadcom wiki page, I've moved the formatted codes from tables into preformatted blocks. This makes the raw wiki code easier to read, and is consistent with other wiki pages that I've come across during translation. Should the maintainers of that page find such a change undesirable, please feel free to revert. Regards, Timothy Lee
2012 Dec 07
Make scripts during package installation?
During installation of a package, Makevars/Makefile in src/ is processed. I've always considered the purpose of this for compiling native code. Is that it's solely purpose, or is it alright to use it also for non-code compilation purposes, e.g. building inst/ subdirectories on the fly? If not, are there other means to create non-static inst/ subdirectories during installation? The
2011 Feb 12
R 2.13.0 on Windows: R CMD check and '"du"' not found
FYI, I'm sure the following is a temporary issue, but in case it slips through, I want to raise it here. On Windows 7 64-bit, running Rcmd check on R devel gives: * using R version 2.13.0 Under development (unstable) (2011-02-11 r54330) * using platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'aroma.core/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is
2007 Aug 30
suggesting \alias* for Rd files (in particular for S4 method documentation)
Hi, I do not know if everybody finds index pages of the html-formatted R help useful, but I know I am at least not the only one who uses them extensively to get the overview of functions and methods in a package (even for my own package). Problems arise, however, if a lot of S4 methods need to be documented blowing out the index with (generally irrelevant) entries like:
2012 Nov 28
in Rd documentation, line breaks in code blocks?
Hi everyone, following the gentle advice from this list, I write a package description Rd file. I have a section in there. In this section, I have a subsection. In this subsection, I want to have a code fragment. This code fragment should include several commands, spanning several lines. Example: ========== \name{aqr-package} \alias{aqr-package} \alias{aqr} \docType{package} \title{Package
2009 Nov 13
Trailing spaces in POD files
IMHO trailing spaces should be permitted in POD files. Currently they are prevented by the git upload hook. The reason to allow them in POD files is because indentation is used to indicate blocks of preformatted text (the equivalent of <pre> in HTML). To keep code together in the output if it contains blank lines you have to add a line containing a single space. For an example of where
2009 Aug 11
Awkward escaping with five backslashes within \code{ } in new parse_Rd
Hi R-devels, I noticed that you are working quite actively on the new Rd-parser and have made it the default renderer in R-2.10.0dev. So I would like to come back on an issue I have already raised on this list last November ("Two minor escaping issues using \preformatted{....} in Rd format") My setting has slightly changed as \preformatted, AFAICS is not supported within \describe
2015 Jan 26
Inspect a "delayed" assigned whose value throws an error?
Hi, I got an interesting programming challenge: How do you inspect an object which is assigned via delayedAssign() and that throws an error as soon as it is "touched" (=the value is evaluated)? Is it possible? MINIMAL EXAMPLE: $ R --vanilla > delayedAssign("foo", stop("Hey!")) (If you find this minimal example silly/obvious, please skip down to the real
2000 Jan 08
Man pages on HPUX (and others?)
HPUX doesn't seem to ship with a set of troff macros that can handle the OpenSSH manpages. Maybe other OSs have this problem? Rather than sodding about with the tmac/ directory, I think we should do one of two things: 1. Ship a set of preformatted manpages, and either auto-install them in $prefix/man/cat{1,1m} or just have instructions in INSTALL to do so 2. Recommend users install groff