similar to: strange behaviour when converting from char to POSIX (PR#6427)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "strange behaviour when converting from char to POSIX (PR#6427)"

2004 Jan 09
strange behaviour when converting from char to POSIX (PR#6422)
Full_Name: Christoph Schmutz, MeteoSchweiz, Switzerland Version: R1.7.1, R1.8.1 OS: windows2000, solaris sunOS 5.8 Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm not sure if I don't get the clue, but please consider this: > strptime("19930870150","%Y%j%H%M") [1] "1993-03-28 01:50:00" > strptime("19930870250","%Y%j%H%M") [1]
2004 Jan 09
strange behaviour when converting from char to POSIX (PR#6423)
What exactly is strange, apart from posting a question as a bug report? Please do read the R FAQ and don't misuse R-bugs to ask questions. Hint: you most likely specified a non-existent time. When did your locale switch to DST in 1993? I don't know, of course (you haven't told us your locale) but I bet it was that day. That means the time you specified does not exist if your locale
2005 Jan 19
Re: [R-SIG-Mac] Formatting of time zone for POSIXct
Don, thanks for your report. On Jan 19, 2005, at 12:41 PM, Don MacQueen wrote: > I'm encountering a problem formatting POSIXct objects in R 2.0.1 on OS > X. > > For reference, on a Solaris system, R 2.0.1 (2004-11-15), formatting > is correct: > >> Sys.time() > [1] "2005-01-19 09:12:33 PST" >> format(Sys.time(),'%H:%M %Z') > [1]
2006 Mar 07
How to change time zones?
Say you have a POSIX object that is in UTC. How do you change the values to another timezone? If I do this: times <- strptime(times, "%H:%M:%S") times1 <- as.POSIXct(times, tz="UTC") times2 <- as.POSIXct(times, tz="CDT6CST") times1 id UTC, but times2 is still UTC, not CTD. Why? Is the only was to change time zones to add seconds to POSIX objects?
2016 Dec 06
segfault with POSIXlt zone=NULL zone=""
Hi all, I ran into a segfault while playing with dates. $ R --no-init-file ... > library(lubridate); d=as.POSIXlt(floor_date(Sys.time(),"year")); d$zone=NULL; d$zone=""; d Attaching package: ?lubridate? The following object is masked from ?package:base?: date Warning message: package ?lubridate? was built under R version 3.4.0
2016 Dec 15
print.POSIXct doesn't seem to use tz argument, as per its example
On the documentation page for DateTimeClasses, in the Examples section, there are the following two lines: format(.leap.seconds) # the leap seconds in your time zone print(.leap.seconds, tz = "PST8PDT") # and in Seattle's The second line (using print) seems to ignore the tz argument, and prints the dates in my time zone, while: format(.leap.seconds, tz =
2005 Apr 30
segfault during build of 2.1.0 on RH9; print.POSIXct implicated (PR#7827)
In attempting to build R using rpmbuild --rebuild R-2.1.0-0.fdr.2.fc3.src.rpm on a fairly up-to-date RedHat 9 system (that is, with patches installed through May 1 2004), it failed at the make check-all step. The problem was reproducible by going into the tests directory and make test-Segfault The last lines of the saved file are > > ## c.POSIXct : > >
2005 Apr 30
(PR#7826) segfault during build of 2.1.0 on RH9; print.POSIXct
1) Why did you submit this *twice*, as PR#7826 and PR#7827? Please don't be so careless of the volunteers' time. 2) > print.POSIXct function (x, ...) { print(format(x, usetz = TRUE, ...), ...) invisible(x) } is definitely *not* implicated. (Use of ... in two places is correct.) 3) On FC3: > unusual_and_faults Error: protect(): protection stack overflow >
2006 Mar 07
POSIX time zone codes
The manual entry for as.POSIX says this about time zone codes... Usage as.POSIXct(x, tz = "") tz A timezone specification to be used for the conversion... but it fails to mention what these "specifications" are. So far, I have tried... as.POSIX(x, tz="UTC") ... works, gives UTC times as.POSIX(x, tz="UTC") ... works, gives EST times as.POSIX(x,
2012 Feb 02
Problem with GMT+/- time zones
I'm struggling with time zone version when expressed as hours offset from GMT. Can anyone confirm that the behaviour below is incorrect? It seems that the GMT offsets are backwards: > format(as.POSIXct("2011-05-23 17:23:00", tz="Europe/London"),tz="America/New_York",usetz=T) [1] "2011-05-23 12:23:00 EDT" - this works. >
2008 Feb 04
strftime fails on POSIXct objects (PR#10695)
R 2.6.1 on a Thinkpad T60 running up-to-date Gentoo: Despite the documentation, which says: 'strftime' is an alias for 'format.POSIXlt', and 'format.POSIXct' first converts to class '"POSIXlt"' by calling 'as.POSIXlt'. Note that only that conversion depends on the time zone. strftime fails on POSIXct objects: > foo <-
2011 Mar 10
Timezone issue with strftime/strptime and %z and %Z
Hello! I've been trying to get this right for quite a while now and fear there is an easy solution I just don't see. I did not have this problem in Linux, and I searched r-help and Google but did not find a solution, but of course I am grateful for and resources I might not have found our not understood yet. I try to parse a time stamp with time zone. I essentially just want to parse the
2019 Aug 02
Infrequent but steady NULL-pointer caused segfault in as.POSIXlt.POSIXct (R 3.4.4)
The R script I run daily for hours looks like this: while (!finish) { Sys.sleep(0.1) time = as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%H%M")) # always crash here if ( <= time) next # ... do some jobs for about 2 minutes ... gc() } Basically it waits for new data, which comes in every 10 minutes, and do some jobs, then gc(), then loop again. It
2012 Dec 13
1 and POSIXct with DST shift
Hi, I encountered the behavior, that the duplicated method for data.frames gives "false positives" if there are columns of class POSIXct with a clock shift from DST to standard time. time <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-28 02:00", tz="Europe/Vienna") + c(0, 60*60) time [1] "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CEST" "2012-10-28 02:00:00 CET" df <-
2016 Mar 16
R 3.2.4-revised is released
The 3.2.4 release had two annoyances which we would rather not have in an "ultra-stable" release, designed to hang around for the duration of the 3.3 series. One was a relatively minor Makefile issue affecting system using R's bundled lzma library. The other, rather more serious, affected printing and formatting of POSIXlt objects, which would unpredictably get the Daylight Savings
2019 Aug 04
Infrequent but steady NULL-pointer caused segfault in as.POSIXlt.POSIXct (R 3.4.4)
A reply from stackoverflow suggests I might have hit this bug: I can confirm that this glibc bug affects my system (latest CentOS 7). However, as far as I know, R is not multithreaded in its core. Is it possible that some library triggered this? Regards, Steve Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalibera at> ?2019?8?2??? ??4:59??? >
2007 Nov 09
fisher.test, chisq.test
Hi, I want to analyse a contigency table (3 x 12) with a fisher.test beacause there are cells that are less than 5. ?mmen Anken Baf Belchen H?chi Hof Porti R?m Schmutz Sch?n Sissa Tann class14 7 26 150 2 46 68 126 66 3 31 7 61 class24 7 6 55 5 49 71 93 90 1 18 16 79 class34 1 1 4 3 19 8 29 61
2004 Aug 18
Fwd: strptime() problem? - Resolved
Hi Gabor and everybody; Thanks Gabor, with the alternative step you've told me the problem is resolved. Comparing the two procedures: Extract from the source 'character' data: > rain$ts[2039:2046] [1] "25/03/2000 22:00:00 UTC" "25/03/2000 23:00:00 UTC" [3] "26/03/2000 00:00:00 UTC" "26/03/2000 01:00:00 UTC" [5] "26/03/2000 02:00:00
2002 Feb 11
Time Series ts() Objects
Hi, Is it possible to create a ts() object, whose data is daily based BUT measured only on working days? In other words, suppose I have a data set with 255 observations, measured from 29 June 1959 to 30 June 1960. How would I create such a data? I tried something like: ts(c(...), start(1959, 180)) but I'm not sure what to use for frequency. In other words I don't know how to
2016 Apr 13
R 3.2.4-revised is released
My CRAN mirror still says this: The latest release (Thursday 2016-03-10, Very Secure Dishes) R-3.2.4.tar.gz, read what's new in the latest version. Should that not be updated? Anyone who has not seen that post won't know to look further. On Wed, 16-Mar-2016 at 08:39PM +0000, Peter Dalgaard wrote: |> The 3.2.4 release had two annoyances which we would rather not have |> in