Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Re: [R] R - S compatibility table (fwd)"
2003 Oct 20
R - S compatibility table
Hello all - I've just recently been exploring R for the
first time. After noticing a few things that have changed
from S to R, I started looking for an R-S compatibility table
but didn't find it. Is such a table out there ? Where ?
Thanks much,
Purvis Bedenbaugh
purvis at mbi.ufl.edu
'stdev' is now 'sd' - is it exactly the same computation ?
couldn't find
2004 May 07
I'm very excited by the new mle package now incorporated in stats4. If
possible, I'd like to help develop it. In the past I wrote a similar
package (mleprof, available from http://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker/R/src), and
would like to see if there's anything that my package does that I could
contribute (in particular, I'd like to make sure that the code is as
robust as possible in
2005 Apr 11
correlation range estimates with nlme::gls
I'm trying to do a simple (?) analysis of a 1D spatial data set,
allowing for spatial autocorrelation. (Actually, I'm comparing expected
vs. observed for a spatial model of a 1D spatial data set.) I'm using
models like
This form is supposed to fit a linear model of
2004 May 11
bad interaction between RandomFields 1.1.11 and Sweave
Not really a bug (I eventually discovered), but ...
When running GaussRF()/DoSimulateRF() with n>1, the default pch="!"
prints backspaces to the terminal, which causes problems (LaTeX barfs) if
you're running this within an Sweave() job. Setting RFparameters(pch="")
fixes the problem.
Could put this in the documentation, but I don't know where you could
2005 Nov 07
Brainstorm: Alpha and Beta testing of R versions
My most common problem with the bug reporting system
is distinguishing between bugs and my own stupidity
or confusion. So I post to the r-devel list to ask;
even when there is a response, I may then
fail to get around to submitting the bug report itself ...
I know R-core doesn't want the bug list cluttered up with
non-bugs, but this two-step process often gets in the way of
my filing
2006 Jan 17
nls profile with port/constraints
Sorry to report further difficulties with
nls and profiling and constraints ... the problem
this time (which I didn't check for in my last
round of testing) is that the nls profiler doesn't
seem to respect constraints that have been
set when using the port algorithm.
See test code below ...
If I can I will try to hack the code, but I will
probably start by redefining my function with
2004 May 11
installing mgcv (Knoppix/Debian unstable)
Just in case anyone cares or is hitting the same problem:
to install current mgcv (1.0-5) on 1.9.0 on Knoppix/Debian unstable I had
# cd /usr/lib
# ln -s /usr/lib/atlas/libblas.so.3 libblas-3.so
# ln -s /usr/lib/atlas/liblapack.so.3 liblapack-3.so
Otherwise compilation couldn't find -lblas-3 or -llapack-3
(I could have gotten away with the links in /usr/lib/atlas instead of
2005 Dec 15
nls: constraints (lower/upper) (PR#8401)
I found what seems to be a glaring bug in nls when using
constraints, but it is so glaring that I'm a bit nervous
about having been stupid. I have (1) tried to make sure
I'm up to date:
platform i486-pc-linux-gnu
arch i486
os linux-gnu
system i486, linux-gnu
major 2
minor 2.0
year 2005
month 10
day 06
svn rev 35749
(2) skimmed through the SVN
2006 Jan 30
R on the brain
I was sitting in the coffee room at work listening to people complain
about a recent seminar about nanotechnology using the terms
nanofluidics, nanofactory, nano-this, and nano-that ... I found myself
thinking "well the speaker should just
have said
Un(?)fortunately there's no-one here I can share that thought with.
620B Bartram Hall
2004 Jan 14
rcmd check question.
I was getting similar errors, which I finally tracked down to the
I had accidentally left an extraneous "test.R" in my pkg/R directory;
that file contained a system call to an external program that created a
particular file, which I then tried to read into R. The R code that
triggered the error from .tryQuietly was the attempt to open the file. I
figured this out by
2006 Apr 03
t-test on multiple time series
[redirected from R-devel: this really belongs on R-help]
I have two sets of time-series that I imported from Excel using RODBC
and placed in
"securities" and "factors".
What I need to do is generate t-scores for each security-factor pair.
I tried the following:
t1 <- t.test(securities[,3:42], factors[,2:41], var.equal=TRUE)
If securities and factors
2005 Jan 10
mle() and with()
I'm trying to figure out the best way of fitting the same negative
log-likelihood function to more than one set of data, using mle() from the
stats4 package.
Here's what I would have thought would work:
## simulate values
r = rnorm(1000,mean=2)
## very basic neg. log likelihood function
mll <- function(mu,logsigma) {
2003 Sep 11
extending boxplot with space() argument?
A student asked me if it was possible to draw boxplots where the boxes
themselves were grouped: I was able to hack boxplot.formula() to do the
right thing, more or less, by incorporating an argument (space) and some
code from barplot.
with the extended boxplot.formula() below, the following commands "do the
right thing" (produce boxes grouped by levels of the second factor):
r =
2006 Jan 23
too-large notches in boxplot (PR #7690)
PR #7690 points out that if the confidence intervals (+/-1.58
IQR/sqrt(n)) in a boxplot with notch=TRUE are larger than the
hinges -- which is most likely to happen for small n and asymmetric
distributions -- the resulting plot is ugly, e.g.:
npts <- 5
X <- rnorm(2*npts,rep(3:4,each=npts),sd=1)
f <- factor(rep(1:2,each=npts))
I can
2006 Jun 29
advice on arguments
I have a general style question about R coding.
Suppose I'm writing a function (foo1) that calls other functions
(foo2, foo3, ...) which have complicated argument
lists (e.g. optim(), plot()), _and_
I may be calling several different functions in the body of
foo1. Since foo2 and foo3 have different sets of arguments, I
can't just use "..." ; I did write some code a while ago
2006 Jun 06
help compiling package with g77
I have a package with some embedded legacy FORTRAN code
(for computing complex Bessel functions, written in 2003
by C. Bond to implement the algorithms of Zhang and Jin 1996).
It worked well until recently [despite warnings about deprecated
headers "includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header" --
when I tried to fix these the code stopped working, so I left
them alone]. Now an
2006 Jun 07
further f77/gfortran
OK: despite Dirk's very kind help, I decided that
trying to deal with R configuration and Debian configuration
simultaneously was too difficult.
I did manage to solve my problem by reconfiguring/making/
installing all of 2.3.1 from source:
./configure F77=/usr/bin/g77
make install
A few questions inspired by this experience:
(1) it seems a bit odd that R sets F77=gfortran
2006 Jan 10
Wikis (was about prod(numeric(0)))
Tony Plate <tplate <at> acm.org> writes:
> Since the virtue and reliability of Wikis was brought up, I created a R
> Wiki page for this at
> Anyone: please correct errors and improve it!
> Tony Plate
OK, now I have another question:
I see a wiki at
2006 Jan 10
Wikis (was about prod(numeric(0)))
Tony Plate <tplate <at> acm.org> writes:
> Since the virtue and reliability of Wikis was brought up, I created a R
> Wiki page for this at
> Anyone: please correct errors and improve it!
> Tony Plate
OK, now I have another question:
I see a wiki at
2006 Jul 18
possibly stupid question about RPM building
I'm trying to build an RPM of R 2.3.1 on a very old RedHat system
(specifically, a ROCKS 3.3.0 cluster which is built on RH enterprise
3 (I think??))
I downloaded R-2.3.1.tgz from CRAN; downloaded the R.spec file
cran.r-project.org/http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/redhat/SRPMS/ ;
and ran rpmbuild -ba R.specs.
Everything goes along fine until ...
make[5]: Entering directory