similar to: tkinsert (PR#4289)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "tkinsert (PR#4289)"

2008 Oct 30
tklistbox selection
Hi, I'm posting yet another question about tcltk since I'm still struggling with the package. I'm trying to create a tklistbox and a ttkcombobox on the same parent and am having a problem. Here's an example: library(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tcl1 <- tclVar() tcl2 <- tclVar() tclObj(tcl1) <- letters[1:5] tclObj(tcl2) <- LETTERS[1] tb1 <- tklistbox(tt,
2001 Feb 22
Problem with tcltk listbox
Hi! I've got two problems with listboxes and selection: I created a listbox, no problem. Then I bind the Button-1 of the mouse to the listbox to start some things by pressing the mousebutton. The proiblem is that as I click a item of the listbox this error occured: Error in .Tcl(.Tcl.args(...)) : [tcl] bad listbox index "": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number. Repaeting
2000 Aug 09
Hello R and tcltk users... I'm running into difficulties applying the tkmenubutton() and tklistbox() functions, found in the tcltk package, to a simple gui. My search for R code which utilizes these two functions has come up empty. Currently, I am attempting to translate pure "Tcl/Tk" code to R with little to no success. So far, the most helpful tool for learning the tcltk R
2007 Oct 08
tcltk scrollbar
The following code should give me (at least that's what I think) two list boxes with their individual scrollbars. But instead both scrollbars stick to the same listbox even though they work as they should (scroll individual listboxes). When I remove all the widgets on top everything works perfectly. Any help would be highly apprecciated. ps: all subsequent listboxes and scrollbars work
2008 Nov 23
tklistbox - R-Objekt
Hello, I have a problem with a tklistbox. The user should be able to choose one out of two calculation methods needed for further calculations. My r-script for that purpose looks like that: require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tl<-tklistbox(tt,height=4,selectmode="single",background="white") tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="select method for LAI
2008 Jul 22
tklistbox and extracting selection to R
Dear experts, I am trying to understand why is it that when I paste (into the R console) the following code to select an option from a list: require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tl<-tklistbox(tt,height=ntx,selectmode="single",background="white") tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Select the legend of" )) tkgrid(tl) treatments<<-levels.tx for(i in
2012 Nov 20
tcl/tk problem with tklistbox,the " " character and Rcmdr.
I everyone, i have a little problem with tklistbox,the " " character and Rcmdr. Please look at this code require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() levels.list2 <-tklistbox(tt,selectmode="multiple",exportselection="FALSE", height=4, yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(levels.list2.scroll,...))
2006 Aug 11
Dear List, I'm looking for some informations about the function "tkinsert()". I d'like to write lot of command in my text window and after to evaluate it with a button "Submit" for example, but i have some problems: here a exemple of my code: 1) My first problem tt=tktoplevel() txt=tktext(tt,height=40) tkpack(txt) var1=paste("x=2")
2006 Dec 12
Hi everyone, I have different listboxes in the same toplevel window. The problem is, if I select (by left clicking) one of those listbox elements, the current selection in the other listboxes is cleared! Anybody knows how I can prevent this? Thanks, --------------------------------------------------- Rita Sousa DME - ME: Departamento de Metodologia Estatística - Métodos Estatísticos INE -
2001 Feb 14
help with tcltk
Hallo! Can anyone explain to me how to add a vert. scrollbar to a listbox using tcltk please? Thanks -- Frank Gerrit Zoellner -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject
2003 Jun 06
stuck tcltk scrollbars under Windows XP
Dear R-devel list members, I've encountered a problem with my Rcmdr package under Windows XP and could use some advice: The Rcmdr package uses the tcltk package to create menus and dialog boxes. My standard procedure when a dialog is created is to grab the focus -- e.g., by tkfocus(top) tkgrab(top) (Here, top is a top-level window -- say, containing one or more scrollbars.)
2007 May 30
determining a parent function name
Hi, All, I'm writing a wrapper for stop that produces a popup window using tcltk. Something like: error <- function(...) { msg <- paste(..., sep = "") if(!length(msg)) msg <- "" if(require(tcltk, quiet = TRUE)) { tt <- tktoplevel() tkwm.title(tt, "Error") tkmsg <- tktext(tt, bg = "white") tkinsert(tkmsg,
2006 Oct 21
tcltk: multiple listboxes, selection
Dear list, I have multiple (BWidget) listboxes in the same toplevel window. The problem is, if I select (by left clicking) on one of those listbox elements, the current selection in the *other* listboxes is cleared! Anybody knows how I can prevent this? Here's my code (sorry not complete): (E.g. If I select an X value, I'd lose the Y value I selected before) <-
2009 Sep 14
summary of rpart-Object in tktext window?
Hi, is it possible to put a summary of an rpart-Object into a tktext-window? Here is what I'm trying to do: fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis) tt <- tktoplevel() tex <- tktext(tt) tkpack(tex) tkinsert(tex, "end", summary(fit)) But since the summary of an object is a list, I always get back the following error-message: cannot handle object of
2000 Sep 29
Two tcltk questions and Re: tcltk package functionality
Sorry, for my mail from last night contains no subject. Therefore, I send it again and two tcltk questions are appended. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prasad wrote: > I wrote a function in R which uses tcltk package .... essentially I wanted > to give within that function, a widget with 2 radiobuttons to choose > between plotting Precip
2006 Jun 26
Some tcltk-related packages not loading (OS X)
Dear r helpers, In my exploration of the tcltk facilities of R I've had some success but some failures, and wonder if someone could point me to a solution. To begin: ****************************************************** > sessionInfo() Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0 attached base packages: [1] "tcltk" "methods" "stats"
2005 Aug 13
tkinsert matrix - how to display a matrix with tcltk
dear list, I have problems with tkinsert I need to display a matrix as a result of my function, but when I use tkinsert(txt, "end", myMatrix, sep="\n") I simply obtain a string. I do: n<-tclVar() tclObj(n)<-matrix(data, ncol=lenght) tkinsert(txt, "end", tclvalue(n), sep="\n") any hints? thank you in advance, simone gabbriellini
2007 Feb 14
monitor a simulation with a special console box?
I like to monitor simulation by reporting some current values to the console, every 25th iteration say. I think it might be nice to have that appear in a separate window. Anyone know how? regards, David Farrar New River Analytic [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 01
Selections from tcltk list boxes
Dear r-devel list members, I've experienced the following problem in getting a selection from a Tk list box using tcltk. This is a long-standing problem, but I've finally decided to tackle it. Consider the following: Library(tcltk) top <- tktoplevel() listbox <- tklistbox(top, height="10", width="2", exportselection="FALSE",
2002 May 15
language: bug or feature: vector-subscript of list (PR#1558)
Full_Name: Mark Bravington Version: R1.3.1 & R1.5.0 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( R doesn't like the use of subscripts with length > 1, to get into recursive lists: > listio_ list( a=list( b=9, c='hello'), d=1:5) > listio[[ c( 1, 2)]] Error: attempt to select more than one element > S is more relaxed: test> listio_ list( a=list( b=9,