Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "irregular time-series"
2003 Aug 11
New package: irregular time-series (its)
I have uploaded to CRAN a new package named 'its' (Irregular Time-Series).
implements irregular time-series as an S4 class, extending the matrix class,
and records the time-stamp of each row in the matrix using POSIX. Print,
extraction, append, and related functionality are available.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Giles Heywood
2003 Aug 11
New package: irregular time-series (its)
I have uploaded to CRAN a new package named 'its' (Irregular Time-Series).
implements irregular time-series as an S4 class, extending the matrix class,
and records the time-stamp of each row in the matrix using POSIX. Print,
extraction, append, and related functionality are available.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Giles Heywood
2009 Aug 18
aggregating values at discreet irregular time intervals into hourly values
Hello R users,
I'm a newby to R (and programming software at large) and I would need some help to sum up event data at discreet time and irregular time interval into a hourly frequency.
Here is an example of my time series frame (irregular time-serie object - irts in the tseries package):
time value
2008-12-19 19:11:03 GMT 1
2008-12-19 19:12:00 GMT 0
2004 Mar 03
get.hist.quote - is great, but am I missing something?
I find it's just great to be able to say:
x <- get.hist.quote(instrument="ongc.ns")
and it gets a full time-series of the stock price of the symbol
ongc.ns from Yahoo quote.
However, once my hopes have been raised by such beauty :-) I get
disappointed when I do
> plot(x)
and the annotation is horrible! The x axis is not labelled as
dates. The default
2003 Jun 19
Import time series data with uneven dates
I am trying to import a file of daily index closing prices in business time
which excludes weekends and holidays so deltat is not constant. My file
looks like the following:
date close
2003.0055 47.05
2003.0082 45.71
2003.0164 43.45
2003.0192 42.96
2003.0219 44.56
2003.0247 42.99
2003.0274 42.28
2003.0356 41.74
>From what I saw in the EuStockMarkets file, it appears
2003 Mar 04
tseries contains a class for irregularly spaced time series
A new version of tseries (0.9-10) has been uploaded to CRAN. The new
version contains the class "irts" for irregularly spaced time series.
Irregular time series are basically time series where each observation
(uni- or multivariate) has a time-stamp represented by an object of
class "POSIXct". It provides some basic functionality such as reading
and writing irregular time
2003 Mar 04
tseries contains a class for irregularly spaced time series
A new version of tseries (0.9-10) has been uploaded to CRAN. The new
version contains the class "irts" for irregularly spaced time series.
Irregular time series are basically time series where each observation
(uni- or multivariate) has a time-stamp represented by an object of
class "POSIXct". It provides some basic functionality such as reading
and writing irregular time
2004 Aug 09
Easy acf and pacf for irregular time series in R
Is there an easy way to get the acf and pacf for an irregular times
series? That is, the acf and pacf with lag lengths that are in units of
time, not observation number.
Jason Higbee
Research Associate
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
The views expressed in this email are the author's and not necessarily
those of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the Federal Reserve
2003 Oct 22
High frequency time-series
Having to collect hourly electricity loads and quarter-of-an-hour electricity production data for some years I think that the tidiest way of doing it is to resort to ts but I don't know how to define such a frequency starting from a set date.
Leafing through r-help mail archives I've found this *ALMOST* satisfactory message:
2004 Feb 26
package 'stats' needs import directive for 1.9.0?
I maintain the Irregular Time Series (its) package on CRAN. I am currently
testing a release. Under 1.8.1 I am able to define a S4 generic 'start' as
if(!isGeneric("start")) {setGeneric("start", useAsDefault=start)}
Under 1.9.0, Rcmd check generates an error, as 'start' is not recognised.
If I use the NAMESPACE directive IMPORT, all is well:
2004 Feb 23
Need help on parsing dates
I know this:
> library(date)
> x="1979-04-04"
> try=as.date(x, "ymd")
> print(try)
[1] 4Apr79
and that `x' here has to be a string, e.g.:
> x=1979-04-04
> print(x)
[1] 1971
I'm stuck in reading from a file. I say:
> A <- read.table(file="try")
> print(A)
V1 V2
1 1979-04-04
2002 Nov 27
[No Subject]
Hi,I try to calcualte AIC or Loglik to GARCH model,But the Packege Tseries do not deal with them.How can I calculate AIC or Loglike to GARCH Model By Packege Tseries?
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2011 Mar 24
Help with creating a ts (time series) object with daily sampling values
Hi All,
I have a data set of daily measurements of river flow. I would like to
create a "ts" object from this data.
Here's a sample data set:
date <- as.Date(c(1:300), format="%Y")
year=as.numeric(format(date, format = "%Y"))
month=as.numeric(format(date, format = "%m"))
julianday=as.numeric(format(date, format = "%j"))
2003 Jul 09
Packages, generics, S3 and S4
My question has two parts.
The first is with regard to the frame or environment in which generic
functions are defined in packages. It seems as though they are defined
(i.e. exist as objects) in frame 1, even when defined in a package.
The following is a short example:
plotTrack <- function(x,y,...)
2004 Mar 29
Aggregating frequency of irregular time series
> S-Plus has the function AggregateSeries() whose name is self
> explanatory. For instance one can derive monthly series from daily
> ones by specifying end-of-period, averages, sums, etc. I looked for
> a similar function in the packages "its" and "tseries", but found
> nothing. I also help.searched() for aggregate to no avail. Would
> anybody be so kind
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual)
X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16
And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally
So I know that:
1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test)
2 - merv.reg$residual aren't indentically
2002 Aug 05
Modified ARMA function
R-guRus ,
ARMA function in tseries, seems to be calculating the AR coeff 's as
coef <- lm(xx[,1]~xx[,lag$ar+1])$coef [*snipped* from around line
I'd like to modify this model with another term somewhat in these lines
lm(xx[,1] ~xx[,lag$ar+1]+mvgsignal)$coef
where mvgsignal is a moving average signal based on some indicators, the
is could i simply hack into
2003 Feb 21
GARCH with t-innovations
Dear all,
Can garch function fit also t-innovations or only Gaussian innovations?
With kind regards -- Lepo pozdravljeni -- Gr??e (Gr?ezi) --
Gorazd Brumen
Mail 1: gbrumen at student.ethz.ch
Mail 2: gorazd.brumen at fmf.uni-lj.si
Tel.: +41 (0)1 63 34906
Homepage: valjhun.fmf.uni-lj.si/~brumen
2004 Feb 03
How to build a AR(q)-GARCH(q) process ?
Hello all,
I would like how to modelized a time serie with AR-ARCH process.
It can be used arma and garch functions in tseries package for build
ar process or a garch process, but how can it be modelized a ar-garch
model ?
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2004 Jan 02
Importing Excel/Openoffice Dates into R
I would like to import some daily financial data from excel via csv.
More specifically, I would like to be able to use the ts.union function
from the tseries library as the dates are irregular and I need to line
up the dates so that I can place all the variables into one data frame.
The trouble is, how do I import the dates from excel into R? At the
moment I'm just importing the data