Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "coplot panels malrendered / 1653 (PR#2824)"
2006 Nov 06
gc()$Vcells < 0 (PR#9345)
Full_Name: Don Maszle
Version: 2.3.0
OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Submission from: (NULL) (
# On our new 32 GB x86_64 machine
R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24)
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or
2006 Jun 12
segfault with layout() after closing X11() device (PR#8970)
Full_Name: Don Maszle
Version: 2.3.0
OS: Solaris 9 - 64 bit compile
Submission from: (NULL) (
After closing an X11() window by either clicking on the close button
or by calling dev.off(), R 2.3.0 segfaults as shown below. Calling layout()
before any X11() device is opened just opens a new device and applies the
$ R
R : Copyright 2006, The R Foundation for Statistical
2009 Mar 12
help.search(): "Error in .readRDS(hs_file) : error reading from connection" (PR#13591)
Full_Name: Don Maszle
Version: R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
OS: Linux hood.mendelbio.com 2.6.18-128.el5 #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 11:41:38 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I have resolved the problem, but this is a possible regression to a problem
listed in the bug fixes for 2.3.1.
After a new installation, help.search() on any search string without a
2004 Aug 26
coplot and par
R 1.9.1 on Win2000 or Win98SE.
I am using coplot as follows:
the output seems normal but I get:
"Warning message:
calling par(new=) with no plot"
This is the only explanation that I have for being unable to use par() with
coplot for changing the way the xlab and ylab appears. From within coplot I
can change the text itself but not the font, fontsize, etc,
2000 Dec 20
Question about coplot() ...
Dear R-friends,
For the following data:
> xy
x y i
1 731 0.313 2
2 739 0.340 2
3 790 0.373 2
4 855 0.451 2
5 980 0.608 2
6 575 0.156 1
7 608 0.207 1
8 630 0.249 1
9 670 0.332 1
10 838 0.377 1
11 964 0.466 1
> coplot(y ~ x|i, data=xy)
coplot gives 3 panels, rather than 2, namely one for i=1 and one for
Futhermore, when I extand data fram xy to have i=3 as follows:
2004 Jun 05
More than one series in a coplot
I would like to know, how do you plot more than one data series when
using "coplot"?
I think I know the answer if "plot" is being used:
x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10
y2 <- 1:10* 1.1
plot ( y ~ x, type="n" )
points( y ~ x, type = "b", col = "red" ) # plot the points and lines
for the first series
points( y2 ~ x, type = "b", col =
2004 Jun 26
Re: plot.new() warning from coplot()'s par(*, new=FALSE)
{diverted from the R-SIG-gui list}
>>>>> "PD" == Peter Dalgaard <p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk>
>>>>> on 26 Jun 2004 11:51:02 +0200 writes:
PD> James Wettenhall <wettenhall@wehi.edu.au> writes:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know a good way to get rid of warnings like:
>> Warning message: calling
2000 Sep 15
Coplot Question (Unresolved)
I still have a question concerning the coplot function.
I have written some code using the coplot:
coplot(y ~ as.numeric(Base) | a * b)
Where Base is a factor.
And it works great! However, according to the way coplot works, Base is
converted by "as.numeric" from Base values, A, C, G, and T to 1, 2, 3,
and 4, which is not very helpful for data
2004 Nov 26
Coplot Given text
I am unsuccessful in suppressing "Given : myvariable" from a coplot. There was such a question in the past but the thread breaks down. I am sure this is a "for dummies" question :-). I tried:
coplot(myvar~myvar | myvar, show.given=FALSE, xlab="....", ylab="...", main=" ")
and some other variations (including without main=" ")
2003 Nov 23
coplot row separatot line
Hi all,
I could not find a way to add the dashed horizontal separator line to the top
panel of a coplot (the one indicating which panel belongs to which range of the
given variable a in y~x | a).
This line should separate the ranges plotted in a row of panels in the panel
matrix below (hmmm, hope this is reasonably clear). I like it because it
enhances readability.
I'll try a sketch:
1999 Jan 15
Bug in coplot()
I am using R0.63.1 under Windows 95.
Settings of <number> and <interval> when coplot is called
are ignored, except for generating a warning. For example:
> data(quakes)
> coplot(long ~ lat | depth * mag, data = quakes, number=3)
Warning: parameter "number" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
The warning is repeated ad nauseum.
The following changes
2007 Dec 03
coplot and xyplot and panel functions
I wrote a panel function called panelwhite.corplot. If i use this function in a coplot is working fine, but if i use same function with xyplot i get the error: Error using packet 1: plot.new has not been called yet ..... and so on filling all my plots.
So with:
coplot(be~ch|dbh1, envmetr1, panel=panelwhite.corplot)
I get the expected result
xyplot(be~ch | dbh1,
2009 Jun 07
writing a panel function in coplot for displaying a non-linear regression model graphically
Hello,I am a little bit struggling with the following:
I would like to draw a coplot and in each panel draw the curve and display
the coefficients of the regression model y~a*x^b.
I thought of running nls(y~a*x^b,...) in panel=function(x,y...){} when
calling coplot. How can I do this?
Alternatively, I could do the regression before graphing with coplot and
just use the panel function to draw the
2000 Aug 24
how do i define the given.values for two variables?
Thomas Pesl
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2001 Jan 17
panel argument in coplot
How can I add a least squares line to each panel in coplot?
Thank you very much.
Peter B.
Peter B. Mandeville mandevip at deimos.tc.uaslp.mx
Jefe del Depto. de Inform?tica y Bioestad?stica rpe1531 at pasteur.fmed.uaslp.mx
Facultad de Medicine Tel: 48 26-23-45 ext. 232
Universidad Aut?noma de San Luis Potos? Fax: 48 28-23-52
1999 Mar 07
coplot has me stumped
I'm having trouble with coplot. I have two conditioning variables, and when I
try to specify two sets of given.values, no matter what I do I get the message,
Error: Object "b.levels" not found.
Here is the section of code:
c.ranges <- co.intervals(schses, number=4, overlap=0)
a.ranges <- co.intervals(as.factor(aa94), number=2, overlap=0)
PredAA <- as.factor(aa94)
2004 Dec 30
coplot with png: disappearing grid lines
Dear useRs,
When I use coplot() and output to png/jpeg/bmp, the grid lines from
the scatter plots disappear. If I output to pdf() the grid lines are
there, however I can't use it - I have many points, and the resulting
PDF file is large and very slow to open and scroll through. (By the
way, if I click File-Save As-png/jpeg/bmp from Rgui.exe, the grid
lines are preserved - but I need to use
2003 Feb 18
coplot with boxplot panel function
I am attempting to construct a conditioning plot with a pair
of boxplots within each panel. The resulting plot has panels
misplaced. One misplaced panel is on top of the subcomponent
describing ranges of the conditioning variable. This is what I did:
X <- cut(rnorm(200), 2)
Y <- runif(200)
Z <- rnorm(200)
given.Z <- co.intervals(Z, number = 4, overlap = .25)
coplot(Y ~ X | Z,
2001 Mar 13
Display grouping parameter in coplot
I try to display the grouping variable in coplot.
It work, but it's special solution and rather ugly.
Any better idea?
# Simulate my data frame
coplot(Life.Exp ~ Income | region,
data=x77, show.given=F, subscripts=T,
panel = function(x, y,subscripts, ...)
panel.smooth(x, y, span = 1., ...)
2002 Sep 02
Coplot graph size manipulation
I am currently plotting a graph with the function coplot() conditional
on two factors which gives me 36 sub-panels.
I have a few questions in general about changing the size of the graph.
My question follows :
a) I have a fair bit of text to put on the margin sides using mtext().
What is the best way to shrink the whole graph to say 80 - 90% so that I
can include a bit more words.
b) Since I am