Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "parse and pushBack (PR#2396)"
2004 Dec 06
a better "source(echo=TRUE)" {was "....how to pause...."}
You might want to have a look at 'source.mvb' & friends in the 'mvbutils' package. It's designed to allow control of nested sourcing, and to allow interspersed data and commands in a single self-contained file. Unlike 'source', 'source.mvb' reads each statement and immediately executes it, before proceeding to the next; hence it has do the parsing to figure
2003 Mar 26
predict (PR#2685)
There is a bug in `predict' whereby the order of variables sometimes gets
re-arranged compared to the original fit, and then disaster results.
Specifically, the 'variables' and 'predvars' attributes of a 'terms' object
get out of synch. This only happens when the terms in the original formula
get re-ordered during fitting:
test> scrunge.data_ data.frame(
2003 Mar 26
termplot (PR#2687)
# r-bugs@r-project.org
`termplot' bombs if the original dataset contains NAs in the predictors,
even if these were ignored during fitting:
test> bug.data_ data.frame( x=c(1:3, NA), y=runif( 4))
test> lm.tpbug_ lm( y~x, data=bug.data)
test> termplot( lm.tpbug)
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
subscript out of bounds
A simple fix seems to be add the
2003 Mar 26
predict (PR#2686)
# r-bugs@r-project.org
`predict' complains about new factor levels, even if the "new" levels are
merely levels in the original that didn't occur in the original fit and were
sensibly dropped, and that don't occur in the prediction data either. (At
least if `drop.unused.levels' was set to TRUE, which the default.)
test> scrunge.data.2_ data.frame( y=runif( 3),
2002 Nov 20
Dear group
I use "restart" in part of my code, in a way that's not easily changed to
"try". As I convert code from R1.5.0 to R1.6.1, I'm getting ugly messages;
the help system says to contact r-devel, so here I am. This one's a bit
complicated-- sorry!
The context is inside a debugger (I have an R and S debugger that offers
stand-alone code windows, line numbered
2003 Aug 05
The function 'getAnywhere' crashes if given a non-existent name containing a period:
> getAnywhere( 'nomethod.noclassforme')
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "nomethod" was not found
However, 'getAnywhere' behaves gracefully if the non-existent name lacks a period:
> getAnywhere( 'nomethod')
no object named `nomethod' was
2003 Sep 25
tkinsert (PR#4289)
In R-1.7.1, I used to be able to append a character vector to a 'tklistbox' with e.g.
listio <- tklistbox( tktoplevel(), font='Courier', height=20, width=20, setgrid=TRUE)
tkinsert( listio, 'end', letters[1:3])
tkpack( listio,side='left', expand=TRUE, fill='both')
and three items would be added to 'listio'. This doesn't work in R-devel-- it
2003 Oct 28
data.frame replacement (PR#4820)
When replacing all elements of a column in a data.frame, a corrupt data.frame will be generated if the replacer is "short":
test> bbb <- data.frame( x=1:2)
test> bbb[,'x'] <- 3 # should fill the column
test> bbb
1 3
2 <NA>
Warning message:
corrupt data frame: columns will be truncated or padded with NAs in: format.data.frame(x, digits = digits)
2009 Mar 10
suggestion/request: install.packages and unnecessary file modifications
Dear R-devel
When 'install.packages' runs, it updates all html files in all packages. Mostly, there seems to be no actual change to the html file contents, but the date/time does change. This has causing been me a bit of trouble, because I keep synchronized versions of R on several different machines, and whenever I install a package, many MB of file transfers are required; my slow upload
2016 Dec 12
[RE: why does parent.frame() cycle when called from inside capture.output()?]
Thanks, Mark - I'm taking up your invitation to forward your message
to the list just because it gives us some valuable data on (1) how
long the behavior has been around, and (2) how many other people
(don't) understand the behavior, and (3) how we might fix or work
around it.
I notice some other people also seem to be diffident about posting on
R-devel; perhaps I should conclude that
2002 Sep 19
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
# r-bugs@r-project.org
Because I work in different directories, but always want to save my
.Rhistory in the same place, I have changed the system function savehistory
to this:
function (file = "D:/R50/.Rhistory")
When I use q() to quit R, and it asks me whether I want to
2009 Oct 16
post-installation startup problem with 2.10.0
I've just installed R2.10.0 v50082, and found the problem described below the first few times I launched it. Did not occur with v49613 (the previous most recent version I have). The problem has now gone away, and is therefore non-reproducible, but there seems to be something up with parameter processing or environment variable checking or loading of .RData files immediately after installation.
2009 Oct 19
weird warning in [.data.frame with 2.10
I'm getting the following warnings under 2.10 v50082 but not v49613
>> In addition: Warning messages: 1: In `[.data.frame`(df, -(1:nrow(df)), , drop = FALSE) : named arguments other than 'drop' are discouraged
5: In `[.data.frame`(object, !omit, , drop = FALSE) :
>> named arguments other than 'drop' are discouraged
In neither case are there any named arguments,
2004 Mar 09
update forgets about offset() (PR#6656)
In R1.7 and above (including R 1.9 alpha), 'update.formula' forgets to copy any offset(...) term in the original '.' formula:
test> df <- data.frame( x=1:4, y=sqrt( 1:4), z=c(2:4,1))
test> fit1 <- glm( y~offset(x)+z, data=df)
test> fit1$call
glm(formula = y ~ offset(x) + z, data = df)
test> fit1u <- update( fit1, ~.)
test> fit1u$call
glm(formula = y ~ z,
2009 Mar 12
installed.packages and package info cache buglet (PR#13592)
Looks like there is a buglet in 'installed.packages', around line 17:
for (lib in lib.loc) {
dest <- file.path(tempdir(), paste("libloc_", URLencode(lib,=20
TRUE), paste(fields, collapse =3D ","), ".rds", sep =3D ""))
if (!noCache && file.exists(dest) && file.info(dest)$mtime >=20
2002 Dec 27
Wish list: add an "until" or "EOF.marker" parameter to scan & rea dLines
A bit late for Santa, but on my wish-list nevertheless:
is there any chance that "scan" and "readLines" could be extended to take a
parameter "until" or "EOF.marker", which would be a character string that
(if encountered while reading) would cause the reading to stop, just as if
an end-of-file had been found? [But leaving a connection open, so that
2009 Oct 30
parse_Rd and/or lazyload problem
I'm encountering problems when making lazy-loadable databases of the output from 'parse_Rd'. The lazy-load database is of seemingly limitless size when I try to reload it... Admittedly I am using functions that I'm not really supposed to use, which is why this isn't a bug report, but there does seem to be something strange going on; my code is very similar to code that lives
2003 Feb 27
unwanted coercion of length 0 vectors (PR#2587)
When something is assigned to an element of a vector that was previously of
length 0, the vector is coerced to the mode of the something, regardless of
whether the coercion is necessary under normal R rules.
In particular, if NA is assigned to an element of a vector that was
previously length 0, the mode of the vector is coerced to 'logical'.
For example, here's the normal behaviour:
2004 Jan 22
FW: Réf. : Packages debug and mvbutils
Please use the CRAN versions, not the ftp versions which are now out-of-date. Both packages are on base CRAN now, but may not have propagated to all mirrors yet. (But thanks to Gerald for responding-- I had de-subscribed from R-help.)
For anyone using the HANDY package (a Windows-specific package which includes a non-C DLL, so I can't CRAN it): I'll post an updated version on the ftp site
2005 Feb 11
getAnywhere and functions starting with "." (PR#7684)
Full_Name: Mark Bravington
Version: 2.0.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
'getAnywhere' crashes when its argument starts with a period:
> getAnywhere( '.onLoad')
Error in exists(x, envir, mode, inherits) :
invalid first argument
One fix might be to replace the line
if ( !is.null(f <- getS3method(gen, cl, TRUE))) {
if ( nchar( gen)