similar to: lattice/points and pch="c" inconsistencies

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "lattice/points and pch="c" inconsistencies"

2003 Apr 22
ROracle 0.5-0 package update
An update to the ROracle package is now in CRAN. Version 0.5-0 * This version has an experimental dynamic SQL binding to data frames. SQL statements can be "prepared" (parsed and cached for improved performance), and columns of data frames bound to them for automatic data transfer). For details see the help() for "Oracle", "dbPrepareStatement" and
2002 Sep 10
setGeneric(); R CMD check
1. Is it always the case that when defining generic functions in a package, the package needs to be installed as a binary package to avoid having the generic functions in the .GlobalEnv? 2. Defining a generic function in a "non-binary" package triggers a check warning $ R CMD check ... ... * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING Objects
1999 Nov 24
R-Oracle (was Internal data types)
Hi, I'm currently writing an S4/Oracle interface, and as Brian Ripley points out, the .Call interface is the key. The good news is that the S part (I presumed the R part as well) is remarkably straight- forward by using the .Call facilities to create list and other S objects directly from C. I'm following Brian's suggestion and printing the R-external documentation --- I need to
2001 Apr 24
assigning objects from .C/.Call
Hi, In section 4.6.7 of "Writing R Extensions" (Version 1.2.1, 2001-01-15) the C function defineVar() is described as "... the equivalent of assign(symbol, value, envir = rho, inherits = FALSE) ..." I interpreted the above (wrongly) as meaning that defineVar() makes a copy of its "value" argument into the object whose name is specified in "symbol" in
2010 Dec 09
[lattice xyplot] Help needed in help in customizing the panel.abline() function
Hi folks, I need some help in customizing the abline() function to be used in a lattice plot. I have attached a reproducible example below. I need help in the following snippet: disc <- xyplot(cnt_gt50pct_disc ~ week_num|sku_num, data=DF,type = "h",lwd=2,panel = function(...) { panel.abline(v = 8, lty = 2) panel.xyplot(...) }) Is there a way I can give
2007 Jul 18
lattice plot axis scaling
I want to generate a lattice plot of a multiple linear regression. I'm using the code: xyplot(y ~ x1 + x2 | status, data=datam, xlab="Peak separation",ylab="G/W",main="G/W vs Fuzzy peak separation: Threshold=1.8",>1.8, subset=(status %in% c("control","patient","sibling")),
2001 Apr 05
Re: [R] Hmisc and Design libraries
Great news! Having spent a significant amount of time porting/mantaining some packages on S4/Splus 5.x and R, I'm interested in your experience as you port Hmisc and Design; I'd like to know of your progress in order to help improve available R/Splus portability tools both at the C and the S language code. These tools include the package SLanguage written by John Chambers, and
2009 Dec 04
Apparent different in symbol scaling between xyplot and grid.points
Dear R-users, For the past few days, I have been trying to find the reason why some of my plots were showing symbols of different sizes, while I thought I was using the same .cex arguments everywhere. The problem is exemplified by the following example code where the xyplot and grid.points functions are used. The scaling factor is set to 0.84 in both the functions settings, but one can see
2001 Sep 19
Bizarre clipping with abline and points (PR#1095)
I want to put some points along the horizontal axis. > plot(1:10, 1:10) > points(4, par("usr")[3], xpd=TRUE) > abline(v=5) works fine for me. But if I try > plot(1:10, 1:10) > abline(v=5) > points(4, par("usr")[3], xpd=TRUE) then the points are clipped. The call to abline seems to be enforcing xpd=FALSE for later calls to the plot. Cheers, Jonathan.
2000 Nov 20
precision, incorrect(?) tapply() NA's
Hi, Summary: I ran into some unexpected behavior in approx() and tapply() that introduced NA's in "clean" data due to (?) numerical accuracy/round off. The culprit seems to be in match() that coerces it's arguments to character, loosing precision in the process. [R development version 1.2.0, 08 Nov 2000, on Linux] Example: > r > [1] 0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472
2000 Nov 20
precision, incorrect(?) tapply() NA's
Hi, Summary: I ran into some unexpected behavior in approx() and tapply() that introduced NA's in "clean" data due to (?) numerical accuracy/round off. The culprit seems to be in match() that coerces it's arguments to character, loosing precision in the process. [R development version 1.2.0, 08 Nov 2000, on Linux] Example: > r > [1] 0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472
2011 Aug 12
lattice panel.abline use
Dear R-users, I am unsuccessful in trying to add an horizontal line to all graphs in the example below: library(lattice) val<-runif(15) x<-rep(seq(1:5),3) type<-c(rep("a",5), rep("b",5), rep("c",5)) xyplot(val ~ x | type, panel.abline(h=.6)) Any hints are appreciated. Best regards, ---Jean -- View this message in context:
2012 Jan 17
Separate ablines in lattice panels
Searched archives and found some old email threads on the topic. But mot exactly what I think I need. Suppose I have a datafile such as tmp. tmp <- data.frame(var1 = c(rnorm(1000), rnorm(1000, 1, 1)), var2 = gl(2, 1000)) I'd like a plot similar to the one below, but with an abline of v=0 in the lower panel and v=1 in the upper panel. Code below creates two lines in each panel, not quite
2023 Nov 18
combine barchart and xyplot in lattice
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 06:44, Naresh Gurbuxani <naresh_gurbuxani at> wrote: > > In below graph, I would like to add two vertical lines using > panel.abline(). Is this possible? I assume you want the 'v' variable in panel.abline() to be interpreted in the context of your x-axis, which here represents a factor variable. Unless two factor variables have the same
2010 Oct 13
Lattice: arbitrary abline in multiple histograms
Dear list. I have three histograms and I want to add a vertical abline in a different place in each plot. The next example will plot a vertical line at x=5.5 in the three plots: rnorm(100,5,3) -> A rnorm(100,7,3) -> B rnorm(100,4,1) -> C rep(c("A","B","C"),each=100) -> grp data.frame(G=grp,D=c(A,B,C)) -> data histogram(~ D | G, data=data,
2012 May 15
Lattice: Add abline to Single Value qqmath() Plot
The data are not normally distributed when untransformed and I'm trying various transformations to see if any would be appropriate to use. The lattice book (fig. 3.10) shows a 2-sample Q-Q plot with an abline but the code for the figure does not include the line. I'd appreciate a pointer to a reference on how to add an abline to a one-sample qqmath() plot in lattice. Rich
2011 Oct 24
Different symbols for select points
Dear R users,  I hope you can help me as you have done before.  I was wondering if I can make some of the points on my graph a different colour and symbol? Some of my soil samples are enriched and I wanted them to be shown with a red triangle and the samples which are not enriched I wanted to show with a blue square. I can't seem to find a way of doing this if there is a way?  My script:  
2012 Jun 13
add horizontal reference lines in lattice bwplot
I'm plotting a lattice bwplot from a data.frame and would like to add some horizontal lines indicating some reference values (preferably with text annotation) as well as a grid of regular log tics. The following illustrates the plot: data(ToothGrowth) require("lattice") p = bwplot(exp(len) ~ supp, ToothGrowth, panel = function(..., box.ratio) { panel.grid(h=-1,
2008 Oct 12
RFC: Kerning, postscript() and pdf()
Ei-ji Nakama has pointed out (from another Japanese user, I believe) that postscript() and pdf() have not been handling kerning correctly, and this is a request for opinions about how we should correct it. Kerning is the adjustment of the spacing between letters from their natural width, so that for example 'Yo' is usually typeset with the o closer to the Y than 'Yl' would be.
2009 Jul 15
Differing Variable Length Inconsistencies in Random Effects/Regression Models
Dear All, I am quite new to R and am having a problem trying to run a linear model with random effects/ a regression- with particular regard to my variable lengths being different and the models refusing to compute any further. The codes I have been using are as follows: vc<-read.table("P:\\R\\Testvcomp10.txt",header=T) >> attach(vc) > > family<-factor(family) >