similar to: savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)"

2002 Sep 19
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
# # # ###################################################### Because I work in different directories, but always want to save my .Rhistory in the same place, I have changed the system function savehistory to this: function (file = "D:/R50/.Rhistory") invisible(.Internal(savehistory(file))) When I use q() to quit R, and it asks me whether I want to
2013 Feb 07
Saving history across sessions
I have an environment variable `$R_HISTFILE` pointing to `/home/my.username/.RHistory` and the following code in my `.Rprofile` in my home directory: .Last <- function() { if (!any(commandArgs()=='--no-readline') && interactive()){ require(utils) try(savehistory(Sys.getenv("R_HISTFILE"))) } }
2003 May 14
savehistory not working properly in R?
Dear R users, I have a .RData which contains .Last object as follows: .Last <- function () { savehistory(file = ".Rhistory") } In this directory, if I issue the following command Rterm --save < mycmds.q to execute commands in mycmds.q and to save results in .RData, I got the following error message towards the end of the execution: Error in savehistory(file) :
2004 Jul 28
problem with the .Rhistory
Hello, The history function doesn't seems to work when I am working with R. I have a .Rhistory file in my working directory and I have tried savehistory(file = ".Rhistory") or the command given in the history help : .Last <- function() if(interactive()) try(savehistory(".Rhistory")) and I get the same error message Error in
2007 Oct 05
Mac GUI and .Renviron
The .Renviron and .First functions do not seem to work the same way on a Mac OS 10.4 as on a Windows XP machine. From working in Windows I am used to creating a new directory for each data analysis project. In the new directory I place First, an .Renviron file consisting of the following text: R_HISTFILE="history.txt" R_HISTSIZE=1000000 Second, an .RData file containing a .First
2008 Apr 13
.Rprofile, date tagging history, loading packages
Dear R-Helpers, I'm fiddling with my .Rprofile in Windows XP & R 2.7.0 Beta. I prefer to manually save my workspace but automatically save my command history via the .Rprofile. That is working fine once I found that "utils::" was required before the loadhistory & savehistory functions. What I would like to do is add a separator line with a date between the histories of each
2009 Sep 05
Is 'history' recorded in Rscript?
Hi, I run the following command and try to save the commands that have been run in the script. But it seems that no history is recorded. Is it because that the history is not recorded in Rscript? Regards, Peng $ Rscript savehistory.R > f=tempfile() > f [1] "/tmp/Rtmp7WBjGG/file327b23c6" > history() Error in savehistory(file) : no history available to save Calls: history ->
2006 Mar 16
autoloading .RData files / .Rhistory file
NOTE: WinXP, R2.2.0 All, a while back I posted a question about using relative filereferencing. The responses have allowed me to successfully set up the following directory structure: ...\data\raw ...\data\derived ...\prog ...\lst ...\log In the \prog directory I have put an RGui.exe shortcut and "pointed it" at \prog as the "Start In" location. In the same
2001 Sep 28
savehistory: Suggestions to a \seealso{} (PR#1104)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson Version: 1.3.1 OS: WinMe Submission from: (NULL) ( I suggest the following \seealso to be added for savehistory: \seealso{ To execute \code{savehistory} automatically when \R quits see \link{.Last} and \link{.Rprofile}. } -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2000 Jun 29
Overal plot title after mfrow and .Rhistory questions.
Hello everyone, I had a few questions that I have not been able to figure out despite a lot of reading. 1) Adding a title to a multiplot figure: If I plot multiple plots with >par(mfrow=c(2,6)) how do I add an overall title to the figure, not the individual plots? 2) Saving histories on the fly: Is there a .Rhistory equivalent to >save.image() ? I would like to be able to save the
2004 Nov 02
Loadhistory problems
History files saved using nFile Save History do not open when using File Load History. I notice that when they are saved they do not seem to have a file extension and there is no option to chose an extension. Is this a problem. Other than this it seems so simple that I can't see what the problem is. I've tried using loadhistory and savehistory with the same problems. The syntax guide
2009 Dec 09
.Rhistory in
Dear R users, I am having a minor but annoying issue with It doesn't retain the history information from the previous sessions. By "history," I mean a record of commands/functions entered into R rather than the list of objects--that is properly recorded in the .Rdata file as well as in a workspace file I save separately. System details: R version 2.9.0 GUI 1.28 Mac OS
2008 Jan 14
savehistory in OSX version
Running Version 2.6.0 GUI 1.21. Generally, I enjoy working with the OSX GUI, which has some very pleasant features. Kudos to the developers! There is a nice history panel which slides out of the Console window. The buttons on the panel work as expected. I am puzzled by the behavior of history() and savehistory() run from the Console window. I would think that these functions would view and
2006 Mar 03
Command-line editing & history
Hi all, Are there any plans to add more functionality to command-line editing and history editing on the command line? In MATLAB (I know, comparisons are odious ...), you can type "p" and up-arrow on the command line and scroll through the recently entered commands beginning with "p". This is a very useful feature and something that I believe is not replicated in R. Please
2011 Apr 13
Clearing Console; of weeks of codes!
Dear All: I do see I have weeks of codes in my console when I check with my arrow up keys. I have been clearing them with Control L but it seems to clear it clear the screen temporally. I do see the previous codes again when I open R the next day, after quitting the session! Q: How do I clear this? Thanks; YA -- View this message in context:
2001 Sep 08
It seems that when I choose not to save the workspace, R then chooses not to update the command history saved in the file .Rhistory. I can see a rationale for this, but I find it annoying; I might well want to be able to get at previous commands, even if I don't want to keep the objects created by these commands. Is there anyway of changing this behaviour --- i.e. to get R to save the
2004 Jan 30
savehistory() for ESS {was "ess and debug package"}
>>>>> "StEgl" == Stephen Eglen <> >>>>> on Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:56:48 +0000 writes: >> I was trying to use the new debug package from within emacs, I get the >> following error: >> >library(debug) >> Loading required package: mvbutils >> MVBUTILS: no "tasks" vector
1999 Jun 14
readline/history size (PR#211)
Full_Name: Russell Senior Version: 0.64.0 OS: linux-2.2.x Submission from: (NULL) ( It appears that the GNU readline history size is limited to 50 entries. This is apparently occurring because R is not bothering to override the readline default value (from readline-4.0): ./history.c:59:#define DEFAULT_HISTORY_GROW_SIZE 50 It appears that it ought to be possible to override
2010 May 22
Capturing R console output into a file (sink+savehistory ??)
After reading more, I understand I didn't formulate my last question correctly, so please allow me to rephrase: What I am looking for is a way to save the R console session output. That is, a command that would combine the results of using: ?sink # And ?savehistory My motivation for this is that doing it will allow someone who is a blind user of R to be able to easily export his results to
2002 Apr 30
followup -- deficiencies in readline capability
Why would R lack history capability? Someone in a private electronic mail message suggested the possibility that I was running R in a non-writable directory. This is not the case, as the following logfile shows (where "$ " is my shell prompt): $ ls -ld `pwd` drwxrwxrwx 15 sys sys 2560 Apr 30 08:10 /tmp $ R --vanilla R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team