similar to: dev2eps() prints ticks with wrong length! (PR#1933)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "dev2eps() prints ticks with wrong length! (PR#1933)"

2002 Aug 01
dev.copy2eps() problem
Hello experts! I've tried to make single plot, but with changed ticks length, and then copy them to file by dev.copy2eps(). Here is the code: x11 ( , 5, 5) par (tcl = +5) plot (0) # wow! I see the ugly plot with great # ticks on the graph viewport! cool :) dev.copy2eps (file = "out.eps") Well, I had a look at "" and ..
2005 Aug 16
Registration with Asterisk server
Dear Asterisk community, sorry if I'm so stupid, but I couldn't register myself with Asterisk. I created the [sip-incoming] context in the sip.conf: [sip-incoming] type = peer username = elzhov port = 5062 ; my kphone listens port 5062 host = Then run Asterisk, and checked peers that are known for Asterisk: *CLI> sip show peers Name/username
2005 Jul 21
kphone & Asterisk CVS HEAD: no audio
Dear Asterisk experts, I've just downloaded Asterisk CVS version (since I'd like to manage its configuration from RealTime). Next, I have kphone on the same Linux host, and VmWare virtual machine with Windows and X-Lite IP phone inside. I successfully tested the demo's with X-Lite, but failed to hear something with kphone (v4.1.1). There were NO problem with this kphone and stable
2004 Jan 21
derivative of atan(x) and similar functions
Dear R experts. 'D()' function recognizes some of the analitical functions, such as sin, cos, etc. But I'd like to take analytical derivatives from asin, atan etc. functions. Are there any R packages providing that features? Thanks. -- Timur.
2003 Aug 01
'format' problem
Dear R experts, format(12345678, digits = 2) gives [1] "1.2e+07" while format(1234567, digits = 2) gives [1] "1234567" but I'd like the last number to be represented as "1.2e+06" string too. Where am I wrong? Thanks, Timur.
2002 Sep 21
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
2005 Jul 22
asterisk captures sound device
Hello, dear Asterisk experts. When I run Asterisk (CVS HEAD version), I'm not able to play music anymore -- asterisk seems to capture sound device. Is it not a bug, but a feature? That's unlike stable (1.0.7 and 1.0.9) versions, when I can, say, run an IP telephone on the *same* machine and listen what Asterisk' autoattendant says. Now I can't do that, I need Asterisk and client
2010 Dec 21
"variable lengths differ (found for '(weights)')" error in Zelig library
Dear R users, I am trying to estimate to estimate the average treatmen effect on the treated (ATT) using first the MatchIt software to weight the data set and, after this, the Zelig software as shown in Ho et al. (2007). See here for an explanation of how to apply this technique in R: I encounter a slight problem when I apply the weights that
2005 Jul 25
Voicemail: could not stop recording
Dear friends, please excuse me if my question will be trivial. I've installed and started Asterisk (stable 1.0.7, but with CVS HEAD I experienced just the same problem), and changed a bit sip.conf: [general] ; ... dtmfmode = inband disallow = all allow = ulaw allow = alaw allow = gsm run kphone, and call the 1235 extension. According to sample extensions.conf, Asterisk would
2003 Jan 17
Arguments of R- and C-side of internal functions
Dear R experts, I looked at the body of, say, `optim' function and found the call to the `.Internal', C optim function. It looks like this: .Internal(optim(par, fn1, gr1, method, con, lower, upper)) On the other hand, the C prototype of optim is: SEXP do_optim(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho); So, I guess that all the list of parameters passing in R are assigned to
2003 Nov 12
problem with x11 and PS devices on different machines
Dear R help, I run R at home and the work, I have Debian Linux on both machines and the same 'r-base-core' deb packages installed. So I tried to run the same R script, which plots graph in x11 device and then dump it to eps file (x11 and eps you'll find attached). On the home machine there are some stranges in x11 plot as well as in eps file. On the work machine all the ok, despite
2001 Jan 09
Setting fontsize in dev.copy2eps
I have a figure on screen with a legend. I want to copy this image to EPS, and use: dev.copy2eps(file="file1.eps", width=5, height=5) The legend that looks OK on screen doesn't look OK in the PostScript image: the text extends out of the box. I try adding a fontsize command: dev.copy2eps(file="file1.eps", width=5, height=5, pointsize=5) This options seems to
2003 Feb 10
Zero rows/cols in the hessian matrix
Dear R experts! I try to minimize a function with external C fitting function. I get the hessian matrix. Here it is: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 1.8816631 0 0.8859803 0 [2,] 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0 [3,] 0.8859803 0 0.4859983 0 [4,] 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0 Second and fourth rows/columns have zero values only. That's OK, because that ones related
2009 Mar 05
identify() and postscript output
In the following, I'm fitting a logistic regression model, and using car:::influencePlot. When I run the latter with output to the screen, it calls identify() that lets me label observations with large CookD. However, if I use postscript() to get .eps output, identify() seems not to be called at all. If instead, I use dev.copy2eps() after getting output to the screen, the point labels
2002 Dec 06
Fitting 2D vs. 2D data with nls()
Dear R-experts! I have y(x) data, dim(y) == dim(x) == c(2000, 2) I'd like to fit them with nls: fit.result <- nls ( y ~ f(x, p1, p2, p3), start = list(p1 = ... , p2 = .. , p3 = ..) ) Actually I want to fit y[,1] ~ x[,1] and y[,2] ~ x[,2] *simulaneously*, with the same parameters set {p1, p2, p3}. I tried to feed R tha above formula, R errors with:
2005 Jul 27
voicemail ODBC storage question
Hello guys. Did anybody use voicemail ODBC storage feature? All "voicemessages" fields name are clear except for "dir", which is assigned to "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1234/INBOX". Why do we need any directory when we store voicemessages in the database? Noreover, that field is choosen as the KEY or INDEX (marked as MUL in README.odbcsrorage, so I
2005 Aug 23
call number + tariling suffix
Dear Asterisk experts and users. Let's assume I purchased the call number, let it be 2200 for simplicity. So when we call 2200, our call will be processed with Asterisk, and come in, say, [incoming] context. Well, then I'd like Asterisk to process all calls that a *begin* with 2200, i.e. 2200101. My dialplan would include something like: ;; extensions.conf [incoming] exten =>
2004 Mar 26
SUMMARY: Using R's LAPACK & Related files in Visual C++
The following were the replies to my question about using R's LAPACK and other .h files in some of my C programs. From what was said, it appears that buying a ready-made library (MKL = $200, for example) or using CLapack according to the Shumway lecture notes are the best approaches: -------------------------------- >From Andy Liaw: (1) If you just want linear algebra routines in your C
2008 Mar 13
new version of minpack.lm
The package minpack.lm allows nonlinear regression problems to be addressed with a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based on the implementation of 'lmder' and 'lmdif' in MINPACK. Version 1.0-8 of the package is now available on CRAN. Changes in version 1.0-8 include: o possibility to obtain standard error estimates on the parameters via new methods for
2008 Mar 13
new version of minpack.lm
The package minpack.lm allows nonlinear regression problems to be addressed with a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based on the implementation of 'lmder' and 'lmdif' in MINPACK. Version 1.0-8 of the package is now available on CRAN. Changes in version 1.0-8 include: o possibility to obtain standard error estimates on the parameters via new methods for