Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Problem handling NA indexes for character matrixes (PR#1447)"
2004 Mar 26
cbind/rbind fail on matrixes containing lists (PR#6702)
Today's R 1.9.0 beta:
> m1
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] NA NA NA NA
[2,] NA NA NA NA
[3,] NA NA NA NA
[4,] NA NA NA NA
> class(m1[1,1])
[1] "list"
> cbind(m1,m1)
Error in cbind(...) : cannot create a matrix from these types
> rbind(m1,m1)
Error in rbind(...) : cannot create a matrix from these types
> version
2007 Nov 22
Vectorize a correlation matrix
I can construct a correlation matrix from an (ordered) vector of
correlation coefficients as follows:
x <- c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5)
n <- length(x)
cmat <- diag(rep(0.5,n))
cmat[lower.tri(cmat,diag=0)] <- x
cmat <- cmat+t(cmat)
But how to do the reverse operation, i.e. produce x from cmat?
Thanks for help,
Serguei Kaniovski
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 21
printCoefmat(signif.legend =FALSE) (PR#7802)
printCoefmat(signif.legend =FALSE) does not work properly. The option
"signif.legend = FALSE" is ignored as shown in the example below.
cmat <- cbind(rnorm(3, 10), sqrt(rchisq(3, 12)))
cmat <- cbind(cmat, cmat[,1]/cmat[,2])
cmat <- cbind(cmat, 2*pnorm(-cmat[,3]))
colnames(cmat) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Z value", "Pr(>z)")
2006 Dec 04
Count cases by indicator
In the data below, "case" represents cases, "x" binary states. Each
"case" has exactly 9 "x", ie is a binary vector of length 9.
There are 2^9=512 possible combinations of binary states in a given
"case", ie 512 possible vectors. I generate these in the order of the
decimals the vectors represent, as:
2009 Jun 20
png() resolution problem {was "Silhouette ..."}
Hallo Sebastian,
>>>>> "SP" == Sebastian P?lsterl <sebp at k-d-w.org>
>>>>> on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:04:52 +0200 writes:
SP> Hello Martin,
SP> I plotting the silhouette of a clustering and storing it as png. When I
SP> try to store the image as png the bars are missing. The bars are plotted
SP> when I use x11 or
2007 May 19
What's wrong with my code ?
I try to code the ULS factor analysis descrbied in
ftp://ftp.spss.com/pub/spss/statistics/spss/algorithms/ factor.pdf
# see PP5-6
factanal.fit.uls <- function(cmat, factors, start=NULL, lower = 0.005,
control = NULL, ...)
FAfn <- function(Psi, S, q)
Sstar <- S - diag(Psi)
E <- eigen(Sstar, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
e <- E$values[-(1:q)]
e <-
2010 Oct 08
Efficiency Question - Nested lapply or nested for loop
My data looks like this:
> data
name G_hat_0_0 G_hat_1_0 G_hat_2_0 G_0 G_hat_0_1 G_hat_1_1 G_hat_2_1 G_1
1 rs0 0.488000 0.448625 0.063375 1 0.480875 0.454500 0.064625 1
2 rs1 0.002375 0.955375 0.042250 1 0.000000 0.062875 0.937125 2
3 rs2 0.050375 0.835875 0.113750 1 0.877250 0.115875 0.006875 0
4 rs3 0.000000 0.074750 0.925250 2 0.897750 0.102000
2002 Feb 07
FW: layout and piechart diameter problem (PR#1300)
Third try...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Warnes, Gregory R
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 4:12 PM
> To: 'R-bugs'
> Subject: layout and piechart diameter problem
> I've been using layout to create some graphics pages which include pie
> charts. (NB: No piechart arguments please, the main chart on the page is
> a proper bar chart
2002 Oct 09
problems with missing values created by conversion using as.matri (PR#2130)
> version
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.8
arch sparc
os solaris2.8
system sparc, solaris2.8
major 1
minor 6.0
year 2002
month 10
day 01
language R
2002 Apr 10
Funny characters in x11 window title (PR#1451)
In R-1.5.0pre (2002-04-08) on Solaris 2.6, the window that X11() creates has a
title like:
R Graphics: Device 2 (ACTIVE) o iyeP )( y
except the funny characters at the end have umlauts and other accents
(i.e. extended ASCII characters), and they may be different each time X11() is
invoked. There is no loss of functionality; it just looks a little ugly.
I saw this behavior in R-1.3.?, it
2001 Jun 14
expand.model.frame() fails when subset is specified (PR#979)
Full_Name: Gregory R. Warnes
Version: 1.2.0, 1.2.3
OS: SunOS gsun124 5.8 Generic_108528-03 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
Submission from: (NULL) (
When using expand.model.frame on a model that specifies a subset selection,
an error is generated on the variable used for the subset selection.
> data <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10,z=1:10,m=1:10)
> model <- lm( y ~
2002 Mar 06
Announce: R from Python
I'm not a regular subscriber in this mailing list, but I think that this
announce may interest somebody. Please, forgive me if this is the wrong place.
Based on the code of RSPython, but modifying it a little, I wrote an interface
for using R from Python. The main reason for writing it was to make it robust,
in order to avoid segmentation faults. Also, it is (IMMO) a very
2009 Jul 10
problems with contrast matrix
Dear lme and lmer -ers,
I have some problems using "home-made" contrast matrix in lme and lmer.
did an experiment to investigate the relationship between the response of an animal and some factors, namely the light wavelength (WA), the light intensity to which this animal was exposed and the sex of the animal
- The response can be a variable LA (normal
distribution) or
2002 Feb 07
Problems sending email to r-bugs
Hi all,
I've twice tried to send a bug report to r-bugs@biostat.ku.dk , however,
the bug report has not shown up in the database, nor does it appear to have
been copied to R-devel. One message was sent Tue Feb-05-2002 at 4:12pm EST,
I resent at Wed Feb-06-2002 at 12:52 EST. I haven't recieved any error
messages or warnings from the mail server, so I'm not sure what is wrong. Is
2017 Oct 22
Syntax for fit.contrast
I have a model (run with glm) that has a factor, type. Type has two levels, "general" and "regional". I am trying to get estimates (and SEs) for the model with type="general" and type ="regional" using fit.contrast but I can't get the syntax of the coefficients to use in fit.contrast correct. I hope someone can show me how to use fit.contrast, or some
2010 Dec 06
use pcls to solve least square fitting with constraints
I have a least square fitting problem with linear inequality
constraints. pcls seems capable of solving it so I tried it,
unfortunately, it is stuck with the following error:
> M <- list()
> M$y = Dmat[,1]
> M$X = Cmat
> M$Ain = as.matrix(Amat)
> M$bin = rep(0, dim(Amat)[1])
> M$p=qr.solve(as.matrix(Cmat), Dmat[,1])
> M$w = rep(1, length(M$y))
> M$C = matrix(0,0,0)
2002 Oct 31
Re: gregmisc version 0.7.3 now available
Dear Greg,
Thanks for the new release. The decomposition of the SSQ is just what I need!
Martin Hoyle,
School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
NG7 2RD,
Webpage: http://myprofile.cos.com/martinhoyle
>>> gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com 10/30/02 07:16PM >>>
Version 0.7.3 of the gregmisc package
2003 May 22
grep, gsub, sub have problems with NA values (PR#3078)
In a string context, grep, gsub, sub are improperly treating NA (missing) as
the string "NA", and returning unexpected results
> grep("A", c(NA,"NA"))
[1] 1 2
# expected:
# [1] 2
> gsub("A", "X", c(NA,"NA"))
[1] "NX" "NX"
# expected
# [1] NA "NX"
> sub("A", "X",
2008 Nov 24
Help With Permutations
I have a problem with permutations functions in R
I just started using R so maybe it is an easy question
I need to obtain all the 9.somthingExp 157 permutations that can be
given from the number from 1 to 100
I wrote the following commands:
> library(gregmisc)
cmat <- combinations(300,2)
dim(cmat) # 44850 by 2
>permutations(n=100, r=100)
2017 Oct 22
Syntax for fit.contrast
> On Oct 22, 2017, at 6:04 AM, Sorkin, John <jsorkin at som.umaryland.edu> wrote:
> I have a model (run with glm) that has a factor, type. Type has two levels, "general" and "regional". I am trying to get estimates (and SEs) for the model with type="general" and type ="regional" using fit.contrast
No documentation for