similar to: question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "question"

2012 Apr 29
CForest Error Logical Subscript Too Long
Hi, This is my code (my data is attached): library(languageR) library(rms) library(party) OLDDATA <- read.csv("/Users/Abigail/Documents/OldData250412.csv") OLDDATA$YD <- factor(OLDDATA$YD, label=c("Yes", "No"))? OLDDATA$ND <- factor(OLDDATA$ND, label=c("Yes", "No"))? attach(OLDDATA) defaults <- cbind(YD, ND) set.seed(47) data.controls
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
On 11/27/24 08:30, Sorkin, John wrote: > I am an old, long time SAS programmer. I need to produce R code that processes a dataframe in a manner that is equivalent to that produced by using a by statement in SAS and an if statement and a retain statement: > > I want to take data (olddata) that looks like this > ID Day > 1 1 > 1 1 > 1 2 > 1 2 > 1 3 > 1 3 >
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
?s 16:30 de 27/11/2024, Sorkin, John escreveu: > I am an old, long time SAS programmer. I need to produce R code that processes a dataframe in a manner that is equivalent to that produced by using a by statement in SAS and an if statement and a retain statement: > > I want to take data (olddata) that looks like this > ID Day > 1 1 > 1 1 > 1 2 > 1 2 > 1 3 >
2024 Dec 02
Identify first row of each ID within a data frame, create a variable first =1 for the first row and first=0 of all other rows
John, Thanks for enlightening us so we better understand. I won't argue with your wish to learn to do things in base R first. I started that way, myself, and found lots of the commands not particularly easy to fit into a single worldview. Many functions I read about were promptly forgotten, especially those without great documentation and not enough examples of real world usage. This is why
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
Was wondering when this would be suggested. But the question was about getting the final dataframe... newdta <- olddta newdta$FirstDay <- ave(newdata$date, newdata$ID, FUN = \(x) x[1L]) On November 27, 2024 11:13:49 AM PST, Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas at> wrote: >?s 16:30 de 27/11/2024, Sorkin, John escreveu: >> I am an old, long time SAS programmer. I need to
2024 Dec 01
Identify first row of each ID within a data frame, create a variable first =1 for the first row and first=0 of all other rows
Rui: "f these two, diff is faster. But of all the solutions posted so far, Ben Bolker's is the fastest." But the explicit version of diff is still considerably faster: > D <- c(rep(1,10),rep(2,6),rep(3,2)) > microbenchmark(c(1L,diff(D)), times = 1000L) Unit: microseconds expr min lq mean median uq max neval c(1L, diff(D)) 3.075 3.198 3.34396
2012 Mar 26
assigning vector or matrix sparsely (for use with mclapply)
Dear R wizards--- I have a wrapper on mclapply() that makes it a little easier for me to do multiprocessing. (Posting this may make life easier for other googlers.) I pass a data frame, a vector that tells me what rows should be recomputed, and the function; and I get back a vector or matrix of answers. d <- data.frame( id=1:6, val=11:16 ) loc <- c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)
2024 Dec 01
Identify first row of each ID within a data frame, create a variable first =1 for the first row and first=0 of all other rows
Dear R help folks, First my apologizes for sending several related questions to the list server. I am trying to learn how to manipulate data in R . . . and am having difficulty getting my program to work. I greatly appreciate the help and support list member give! I am trying to write a program that will run through a data frame organized by ID and for the first line of each new group of data
2017 Jun 09
Extremely slow du
Can you please provide more details about your volume configuration and the version of gluster that you are using? Regards, Vijay On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 5:35 PM, mohammad kashif <kashif.alig at> wrote: > Hi > > I have just moved our 400 TB HPC storage from lustre to gluster. It is > part of a research institute and users have very small files to big files > ( few
2017 Jun 09
Extremely slow du
Hi I have just moved our 400 TB HPC storage from lustre to gluster. It is part of a research institute and users have very small files to big files ( few KB to 20GB) . Our setup consists of 5 servers, each with 96TB RAID 6 disks. All servers are connected through 10G ethernet but not all clients. Gluster volumes are distributed without any replication. There are approximately 80 million files in
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
I am an old, long time SAS programmer. I need to produce R code that processes a dataframe in a manner that is equivalent to that produced by using a by statement in SAS and an if statement and a retain statement: I want to take data (olddata) that looks like this ID Day 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 10 3 10 and make it look like this: (withing each
2024 Nov 27
R Processing dataframe by group - equivalent to SAS by group processing with a first. and retain statments
Check out the dplyr package, specifically the mutate function. # Create new column based on existing column value df <- df %>% mutate(FirstDay = if(ID = 2, 5)) df Repeat as needed to capture all of the day/firstday combinations you want to account for. Like everything else in R, there are probably at least a dozen other ways to do this, between base R and all of the library packages
2014 Aug 13
adjust SOA record
Hi, We have outdated SOA information in our samba DNS. We used to have a DC1, and it is no more, however it's listed in our SOA records on both remaining DC's. I think this is not correct. I am under the impression that in order to get full failover support, all DC's need to have listed themselves as SOA. This is also what google tells me:
2017 Jun 10
Extremely slow du
Would it be possible for you to turn on client profiling and then run du? Instructions for turning on client profiling can be found at [1]. Providing the client profile information can help us figure out where the latency could be stemming from. Regards, Vijay [1] On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at
2017 Jun 16
Extremely slow du
Hi Vijay Did you manage to look into the gluster profile logs ? Thanks Kashif On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 11:40 AM, mohammad kashif <kashif.alig at> wrote: > Hi Vijay > > I have enabled client profiling and used this script > > master/ to extract data. I am attaching output files. I >
2017 Jun 09
Extremely slow du
Hi Vijay Thanks for your quick response. I am using gluster 3.8.11 on Centos 7 servers glusterfs-3.8.11-1.el7.x86_64 clients are centos 6 but I tested with a centos 7 client as well and results didn't change gluster volume info Volume Name: atlasglust Type: Distribute Volume ID: fbf0ebb8-deab-4388-9d8a-f722618a624b Status: Started Snapshot Count: 0 Number of Bricks: 5 Transport-type: tcp
2024 Dec 02
Identify first row of each ID within a data frame, create a variable first =1 for the first row and first=0 of all other rows
OK. (Note: I am ccing this to the list so that others can correct any mistakes, misunderstandings, or misstatements that I may make; and also give you more and better advice about how to proceed. For example, there may be environmental packages ( see the environmetrics task view, that already do everything you want from your data source that someone
2017 Jun 18
Extremely slow du
Hi Mohammad, A lot of time is being spent in addressing metadata calls as expected. Can you consider testing out with 3.11 with md-cache [1] and readdirp [2] improvements? Adding Poornima and Raghavendra who worked on these enhancements to help out further. Thanks, Vijay [1] [2] On
2017 Jun 12
Extremely slow du
Hi Vijay I have enabled client profiling and used this script to extract data. I am attaching output files. I don't have any reference data to compare with my output. Hopefully you can make some sense out of it. On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Vijay Bellur <vbellur at> wrote: > Would it be
2023 Mar 22
Internal DNS not coming up in 4.18.0
On 22/03/2023 01:04, Anantha Raghava via samba wrote: > Hi, > > While upgrading Samba-AD fromm 4.15.9 to version 4.18, I ran into a > peculiar problem. AD Component is up, but DNS is just not coming up. > kinit is reporting KDC not found problem. > > All these years I have been compiling samba from source and for nearly 7 > years, it was working like a charm. But this