Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "text.rpart: Unwanted NA labels on terminal nodes (PR#1009)"
2007 Jan 03
User defined split function in Rpart
Dear all,
I'm trying to manage with user defined split function in rpart
(file rpart\tests\usersplits.R in
http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/rpart_3.1-34.tar.gz - see bottom of
the email).
Suppose to have the following data.frame (note that x's values are already
> D
y x
1 7 0.428
2 3 0.876
3 1 1.467
4 6 1.492
5 3 1.703
6 4 2.406
7 8 2.628
8 6 2.879
9 5 3.025
10 3 3.494
2008 Feb 26
predict.rpart question
Dear All,
I have a question regarding predict.rpart. I use
rpart to build classification and regression trees and I deal with data with
relatively large number of input variables (predictors). For example, I build an
rpart model like this
rpartModel <- rpart(Y ~ X, method="class",
minsplit =1, minbucket=nMinBucket,cp=nCp);
and get predictors used in building the model like
2008 Jul 31
predict rpart: new data has new level
Hi. I uses rpart to build a regression tree. Y is continuous. Now, I try
to predict on a new set of data. In the new set of data, one of my x (call
Incoterm, a factor) has a new level.
I wonder why the error below appears as the guide says "For factor
predictors, if an observation contains a level not used to grow the tree, it
is left at the deepest possible node and
2009 Dec 15
user-written splits in rpart
I am trying to write my own split function for rpart. The aim is to do, instead of anova, a linear regression to determine the split (minimize some criterion like sum of rss left and right of the split). The regression (lm) should simply use the dependent and independent variables passed to rpart.
I am aware of the example provided in the rpart source code, but stumbled on similar problems
2002 Jul 04
rpart help please
Hi all,
I am trying to get to grips with rpart, and find it not very easy given the
information that comes with the package. Contrary to e.g. the ctest package docs, it
doesn't say when "an rpart" could be used, and/or how to interpret the results. Here
are a few of the open questions I have:
1) Read in ?rpart: ...method: one of.... If y is a survival object... A similar
2005 Dec 07
Are minbucket and minsplit rpart options working as expected?
Dear r-list:
I am using rpart to build a tree on a dataset. First I obtain a perhaps too
large tree:
> arbol.bsvg.02 <- rpart(formula, data = bsvg, subset=grp.entr,
> arbol.bsvg.02
n= 100000
node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
* denotes terminal node
1) root 100000 6657 0 (0.93343000 0.06657000)
2) meses_antiguedad_svg>=10.5 73899 3658
2004 Jul 16
rpart and TREE, can be the same?
Hi, all,
I am wondering if it is possible to set parameters of 'rpart' and 'tree'
such that they will produce the exact same tree? Thanks.
Auston Wei
Statistical Analyst
Department of Biostatistics and Applied Mathematics
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Tel: 713-563-4281
Email: wwei@mdanderson.org
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 24
Splitting criterion in tree and rpart
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era
Nome: non disponibile
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20061124/6ac3d11f/attachment.pl
2004 May 04
rpart question
Wondered about the best way to control for input variables that have a
large number of levels in 'rpart' models. I understand the algorithm
searches through all possible splits (2^(k-1) for k levels) and so
variables with more levels are more prone to be good spliters... so I'm
looking for ways to compensate and adjust for this complexity.
For example, if two variables produce
2007 Dec 10
Multiple Reponse CART Analysis
Dear R friends-
I'm attempting to generate a regression tree with one gradient predictor and multiple responses, trying to test if change in size (turtle.data$Clength) acts as a single predictor of ten multiple diet taxa abundances (prey.data) Neither rpart or mvpart seem to allow me to do multiple responses. (Or if they can, I'm not using the functions properly.)
> library(rpart)
2007 Feb 27
rpart minimum sample size
Is there an optimal / minimum sample size for attempting to construct a
classification tree using /rpart/?
I have 27 seagrass disturbance sites (boat groundings) that have been
monitored for a number of years. The monitoring protocol for each site
is identical. From the monitoring data, I am able to determine the
level of recovery that each site has experienced. Recovery is our
2011 Jun 13
In rpart, how is "improve" calculated? (in the "class" case)
Hi all,
I apologies in advance if I am missing something very simple here, but since
I failed at resolving this myself, I'm sending this question to the list.
I would appreciate any help in understanding how the rpart function is
(exactly) computing the "improve" (which is given in fit$split), and how it
differs when using the split='information' vs split='gini'
2010 May 26
how to Store loop output from a function
HI, Dear R community,
I am writing the following function to create one data set(*tree.pred*) and
one vector(*valid.out*) from loops. Later, I want to use the data set from
this loop to plot curves. I have tried return, list, but I can not use the
*tree.pred* data and *valid.out* vector.
auc.tree<- function(msplit,mbucket) {
* tree.pred<-data.frame()
2009 May 12
questions on rpart (tree changes when rearrange the order of covariates?!)
I am using rpart for classification with "class" method. The test data is
the Indian diabetes data from package mlbench.
I fitted a classification tree firstly using the original data, and then
exchanged the order of Body mass and Plasma glucose which are the
strongest/important variables in the growing phase. The second tree is a
little different from the first one. The
2012 Apr 03
rpart error message
Hi R-helpers,
I am using rpart package for decision tree using R.We are invoking R
environment through JRI from our java application.Hence, the result of R
command is returned in REXP and we use geterrMessage() to retrieve the
When we execute the following command,
cnr_model<-rpart(as.factor(Species)~Sepal Length+Sepal Width+Petal Length,
2006 Apr 07
rpart.predict error--subscript out of bounds
I am using rpart to do leave one out cross validation, but met some problem,
Data is a data frame, the first column is the subject id, the second column is the group id, and the rest columns are numerical variables,
> Data[1:5,1:10]
sub.id group.id X3262.345 X3277.402 X3369.036 X3439.895 X3886.935 X3939.054 X3953.777 X3970.352
1 32613 HAM_TSP 417.7082 430.4895 619.4776 720.8246
2007 Feb 15
Does rpart package have some requirements on the original data set?
I am currently studying Decision Trees by using rpart package in R. I
artificially created a data set which includes the dependant variable
(y) and a few independent variables (x1, x2...). The dependant variable
y only comprises 0 and 1. 90% of y are 1 and 10% of y are 0. When I
apply rpart to it, there is no splitting at all.
I am wondering whether this is because of the
2010 Oct 12
Rpart query
Being a novice this is my first usage of R.
I am trying to use rpart for building a decision tree in R. And I have the
following dataframe
Outlook Temp Humidity Windy Class
Sunny 75 70 Yes Play
Sunny 80 90 Yes Don't Play
Sunny 85 85 No Don't Play
Sunny 72 95 No Don't Play
Sunny 69 70 No Play
Overcast 72 90 Yes Play
Overcast 83 78 No Play
Overcast 64 65 Yes Play
Overcast 81 75
2012 May 15
rpart - predict terminal nodes for new observations
Dear useRs:
Is there a way I could predict the terminal node associated with a new data
entry in an rpart environment? In the example below, if I had a new data
entry with an AM of 5, I would like to link it to the terminal node 2. My
searches led to http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e4/help/08/07/17702.html
but I do not seem to be able to operationalize Professor Ripley's
2003 Jun 17
User-defined functions in rpart
This question concerns rpart's facility for user-defined functions that
accomplish splitting.
I was interested in modifying the code so that in each terminal node,
a linear regression is fit to the data.
It seems that from the allowable inputs in the user-defined functions,
that this may not be possible, since they have the form:
function(y, wt, parms) (in the case of the