Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "BUG: polyroot() (PR#751)"
2001 Jul 16
polyroot() (PR#751)
In a bug report from Nov.28 2000, Li Dongfeng writes:
I have found that the polyroot()
function in R-1.1.1(both solaris
and Win32 version) gives totally
incorrect result. Here is the offending
# Polyroot bug report:
# from R-1.1.1
> sort(abs(polyroot(c(1,-2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-2,5,-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,-2))))
[1] 0.8758259 0.9486499 0.9731015 1.5419189 1.7466214 1.7535362
2002 Oct 09
Any better (more efficient, built-in) ideas for computing
coef[1]+coef[2]*x+coef[3]*x^2+ ...
polynom <- function(coef,x) {
n <- length(coef)
318 Carr Hall bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Zoology Department, University of Florida http://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker
2005 Aug 19
Using lm coefficients in polyroot()
Dear useRs,
I need to compute zero of polynomial function fitted by lm. For example
if I fit cubic equation by fit=lm(y~x+I(x^2)+i(x^3)) I can do it simply
by polyroot(fit$coefficients). But, if I fit polynomial of higher order
and optimize it by stepAIC, I get of course some coefficients removed.
Then, if i have model
y ~ I(x^2) + I(x^4)
i cannot call polyroot in such way, because there is
2007 Nov 23
complex conjugates roots from polyroot?
Hi, All:
Is there a simple way to detect complex conjugates in the roots
returned by 'polyroot'? The obvious comparison of each root with the
complex conjugate of the next sometimes produces roundoff error, and I
don't know how to bound its magnitude:
(tst <- polyroot(c(1, -.6, .4)))
[1] 3.108624e-15+2.22045e-16i
2001 Mar 19
A limitation for polyroot ? (PR#880)
Dear R Development Team,
I have encountered the following difficulty in using the function polyroot
under either NT4.0 (R version 1.2.1) or linux (R version 0.90.1). In the
provided example, the non-zero root of c(0,0,0,1) depends on the results of
the previous call of polyroot.
R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team
Version 1.2.1 (2001-01-15)
R is free software and comes with
2006 Jan 18
function 'eigen' (PR#8503)
Full_Name: Pierre Legendre
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Mac OSX 10.4.3
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am reporting the mis-behaviour of the function 'eigen' in 'base', for the
following input matrix:
A <- matrix(c(2,3,4,-1,3,1,1,-2,0),3,3)
I obtain the following results, which are incorrect for eigenvalues and
eigenvectors 2 and 3 (incorrect imaginary portions):
2012 May 02
Hash results with Wine-installed programs
I am doing a research project for a digital forensics assignment, revolving around using hashes to identify known files in commonly used software packages. However one problem that I have is the inability to compare files from multiple instances of the same software. It isn't exactly economical to purchase 50 different computers to see how the program changes across operating systems and
2007 Jul 05
Is it a bug ?
[[diverted from R-bugs to R-help by the list maintainer]]
Dear Friend and distinguished R gurus,
first of all really thank you very much for the marvellous tool that is R.
I am using R 2.5.0, windows XP - italian language.
I was perfoming some calculation on fractional exponential and
I found a strange behaviour. I do not know if it is really a bug, but I would expect
a different answer from
2008 Jun 24
It's indeed better to open a new thread for this. So, here's my test
$ qemu -fda extlinux.144 -s -S
Then in another terminal:
$ gdb extlinux.elf
(gdb) set architecture i8086
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234
Remote debugging using localhost:1234
0x0000fff0 in ?? () at localboot.inc:68
68 jmp kaboom ; If we returned, oh boy...
How does "jmp kaboom" get
2012 May 03
Difference between 10 and 10L
Good Evening
We have been searching through the R documentation manuals without success on this one.
What is the purpose or result of the "L" in the following?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 08
Skipping hardlinks in a copy
Hi folks, I've been googling around for awhile but I can't seem to find
an answer to my question.
I have a number of filesystems that contain thousands of hard links due
to some bad organization of data. Rsync, cpio and various other
utilities fail to copy this data because I think there might be some
cycles in it. (you know you have troubles if cpio can't copy it!)
What I thought
2006 Nov 30
bug in acosh (win32) (PR#9403)
Full_Name: Tom Short
Version: 2.4.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
It looks like there's a bug in acosh with complex number in windows:
> acosh(2)
[1] 1.316958
> acosh(2+0i)
[1] 0+NaNi
This happens for me on Windows XP with the following versions:
R version 2.2.0, 2005-10-06, i386-pc-mingw32
R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) i386-pc-mingw32
It works fine with
2011 Jul 19
[LLVMdev] speculative parallelization in LLVM
This is exactly want I need to achieve with Polly actually. I think a good idea
would be to define intrinsics / metadata, as you mentioned, to notify Polly that
even though it cannot analyse these accesses, to ignore them and perform the
code transformations. We can go even further and maybe describe these accesses
with some parametric linear functions.
For instance:
while (cond1){
2004 Jan 27
The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment.
1997 Jul 24
Security hole in mgetty+sendfax
a security hole has been found in the auxiliary fax scripts "faxq" and
"faxrunq" in the mgetty+sendfax package. It has been in there since
the first day those scripts were written.
Due to improper quoting in these shell scripts, it''s possible to execute
code with a foreign user id, and get root access to the machine. The
2011 Jul 20
[LLVMdev] speculative parallelization in LLVM
On 07/19/2011 02:11 PM, Jimborean Alexandra wrote:
> This is exactly want I need to achieve with Polly actually. I think a
> good idea would be to define intrinsics / metadata, as you mentioned, to
> notify Polly that even though it cannot analyse these accesses, to
> ignore them and perform the code transformations. We can go even further
> and maybe describe these accesses
2018 Aug 25
Where does L come from?
On 25/08/2018 4:49 PM, Herv? Pag?s wrote:
> The choice of the L suffix in R to mean "R integer type", which
> is mapped to the "int" type at the C level, and NOT to the "long int"
> type, is really unfortunate as it seems to be misleading and confusing
> a lot of people.
Can you provide any evidence of that (e.g. a link to a message from one
of these
1997 Feb 05
bliss version 0.4.0
[mod: Forwarded by Jeff Uphoff. I tried to mangle the headers that
it appears as the original post: with an invalid return address. -- REW]
A few months back, a very alpha version of bliss got posted. That shouldn''t
have happened, but, it was pretty much ignored so I didn''t worry about it.
But now it seems there''s a bit of a fuss about this. I''ll post the
2014 Sep 02
[LLVMdev] Problem linking and JITing code through C++-API
Yes. It appears that a bad reference to DataLayout was passed to MachineJumpTableInfo::getEntrySize. I'm using LLVM as a pre-compiled Ubuntu package for this work, so I can't do much more in GDB without building from source.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000007565f0 in llvm::MachineJumpTableInfo::getEntrySize(llvm::DataLayout const&) const ()
2014 Sep 08
[LLVMdev] Problem linking and JITing code through C++-API
Hi Andy,
It looks like you're using LLVM's old JIT, rather than MCJIT? The old JIT
has been removed from the mainline, and is no longer supported. I'd
recommend building your own copy of LLVM from the development branch (as
Reed suggested) where MCJIT is used by default - this may fix your issue.
If you want to stick with the precompiled binaries, then you should change: