similar to: nls() function is not found (PR#725)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "nls() function is not found (PR#725)"

2010 Jun 25
Dovecot dies, maybe ntpdate related. I'm new to dovecot
Hi all, my first post. After years with an old server, a couple of months ago I've installed a new one. We use IMAP. After research, I chosed dovecot. It has been running for several weeks but from one week ago or so, it suddently dies about once per day. The only change done in the server one week ago has been to install ntpdate, running once per day in cron-daily. In the cron
2008 Jun 10
newbie nls question
I'm tyring to fit a relatively simple nls model to some data, but keep coming up against the same error (code follows): Oto=nls(Otolith ~ Linf*(1-exp(-k(AGE-to))), data = ages, start = list(Linf=1000, k=0.1, to=0.1), trace = TRUE) The error message I keep getting is "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "k"". I've used this
2006 May 23
nls: formula error?
So thanks for the help, I have a matrix (AB) which in the first column has my bin numbers so -4 - +4 in 0.1 bin units. Then I have in the second column the frequency from some data. I have plotted them and they look roughly Gaussian. So I want to fit them/ find/optimize "mu", "sigma", and "A". So I call the nls function : nls_AB <- nls(x ~ (A/sig*sqrt(2*pi))*
2007 Oct 24
Error in nls model.frame
Error in model.frame When I run the following nls model an error message appears and I dont know how to solve that. Could you help me?? mat = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,16,24,36,48,60) for (i in 1:length(j30)) { bliss = nls(c(j[i,1:length(mat)]) ~ b0 + b1*((1-exp(-k1*mat))/(k1*mat)) + b2*(((1-exp(-k2*mat))/(k2*mat))-exp(-k2*mat)), start = list(k1=0.1993, k2=0.1993, b0= 22.0046,
2006 Feb 07
sampling and nls formula
Hello, I am trying to bootstrap a function that extracts the log-likelihood value and the nls coefficients from an nls object. I want to sample my dataset (pdd) with replacement and for each sampled dataset, I want to run nls and output the nls coefficients and the log-likelihood value. Code: x<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) y<-c(10,11,12,15,19,23,26,28,28,30) pdd<-data.frame(x,y)
2006 Mar 13
nls number of explantory variables
Hi.. is there a limit on the number of explanatory variables in nls ? i have a dataframe with the columns names x1,x2..,x300 when i run nls it gives the error: " x181 not found" thought it does run when i have x1,x2,...,x170 variables. Thanks Harsh --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2000 Jul 28
Using the nls package
I'm a bit confused about the nls package, I'm trying to use it for curve fitting. First off, the documentation for nls says ``see `nlsControl' for the names of the settable control values'' -- this is wrong, it should be nls.control (minor point but had me confused for a moment). Now I'll try something very simple (maybe too simple):
2004 Aug 06
Reccomended user? Root or &quot;normal&quot;?
Is there any problem to run icecast as a normal user? I know that if run along with liveice, I'll have to setup /dev/dsp to that user, but what about TCP/IP ports? Will it be able to run normally or I have to run it as root? Will this help in the stability of the system? This would allow a crash to only crash the user's memory space and not the system's space. Any suggestion is
2007 Apr 15
nls.control( ) has no influence on nls( ) !
Dear Friends. I tried to use nls.control() to change the 'minFactor' in nls( ), but it does not seem to work. I used nls( ) function and encountered error message "step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976563". I then tried the following: 1) Put "nls.control(minFactor = 1/(4096*128))" inside the brackets of nls, but the same error message
2007 Sep 05
'singular gradient matrix’ when using nls() and how to make the program skip nls( ) and run on
Dear friends. I use nls() and encounter the following puzzling problem: I have a function f(a,b,c,x), I have a data vector of x and a vectory y of realized value of f. Case1 I tried to estimate c with (a=0.3, b=0.5) fixed: nls(y~f(a,b,c,x), control=list(maxiter = 100000, minFactor=0.5 ^2048),start=list(c=0.5)). The error message is: "number of iterations exceeded maximum of
2012 Apr 02
nls() error
Hello, I am running a simple nls model (which a friend ran OK) but I get the following error: Error in nls(y ~ R * (1 - (x/K)^2), data = nls.dat, start = list(R = 0.3, : object 'R_nls_iter' not found Does anyone know what the 'R_nls_iter' error is? The data are: x=1:8 ; y=c(14,19,25,34,43,56,69,76) # starting values: R=.3, K=94 Thanks in advance. Jeff
2007 May 31
predict.nls - gives error but only on some nls objects
Dear list, I have encountered a problem with predict.nls (Windows XP, R.2.5.0), but I am not sure if it is a bug... On the nls man page, an example is: DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1) fm2DNase1 <- nls(density ~ 1/(1 + exp((xmid - log(conc))/scal)), data = DNase1, start = list(xmid = 0, scal = 1)) alg = "plinear", trace =
2003 Nov 24
How to get the parameters of nls(...) for later use
Hi all, I need to use the parameter estimates of nls() for further analysis. I know how to do in S+, e.g. nls(...)$parameters. In R, the attributes(nls(...)) does not have parameters, how would one get the parameter values out of nls()? Thanks in advance. Nancy
2009 Apr 15
nls factor
I want to fit the model y=a*x^b using nls; where "a" should be different for each level of a factor. What is the easiest way to fit it? Can i do it with nls? I've looked the help pages and the MASS example in page 249 but the formula is different and I don't know how to specify it for my model. Thanks, Manuel [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 12
Using nls or nls.lm with a simulation output
We would like to fit parameters using a simulation with stochastic processes as theoretical values. We generate a simple exemple with nls.lm to see the logic and the problem: First without stochasticity (it is a dummy example, the fited value is simple the mean of a set of 10 numbers): #Ten numbers x <- 1:10 #Generate 10 Gaussian random number with mean=3 sd=1 simy <- rnorm(length(x),
2002 Nov 15
bug in logLik.nls (PR#2295)
logLik.nls does not count the df's correct. I get df=1 although I fit a probit-model with 3 parameters. Example: x <- c(-2.3, -2.0, -1.3, -1.0, -0.7, -0.3, 0.0, 0.3) y <- c(80, 80, 54, 43, 24, 18, 12, 12) fit.nls <- nls(y ~ diff * pnorm(beta * (x - alpha)), start=c(alpha=-1, beta=-1, diff=100)) logLik.nls(fit.nls) # `log Lik.' -21.43369 (df=1) Sincerely
2005 Apr 06
Hello everyone, I'm trying to test the accurracy of R on the Eckerle4 dataset from NIST and I don't understand how the control option of the nls function works. I tought nls(...) was equivalent to nls(...control=nls.control()) i.e nls.control() was the default value of control, but here is the error I get : > n2=nls(V1~(b1/b2) *
2003 Jun 27
nls question
I'm running into problems trying to use the nls function to fit the some data. I'm invoking nls using nls(s~k/(a+r)^b, start=list(k=1, a=13, b=0.59)) but I get errors indicating that the step has been reduced below the minimum step size or an inifinity is generated in numericDeriv. I've tried to use a variety of starting values for a, b, k but get similar errors. Is there
2007 May 11
A simple question regarding plot of nls objects
Hi, I was trying to run the example of Indomethacin kinetics from the book: ## From Pinheiro/Bates, Mixed-Effects-Models in S and S-Plus, ## Springer, Second Printing 2001, Section 6.2 library(nlme) plot(Indometh) fm1Indom.nls <- nls(conc~SSbiexp(time,A1,lrc1,A2,lrc2), data=Indometh) summary(fm1Indom.nls) plot(fm1Indom.nls,Subject~resid(.),abline=0) ## .... the last plot command gives me the
2003 Jan 17
HI, i have some prob when i try to use nls(). my data is 1D vector, I tried to use a polynomial function(order is 3) to fit it. the data series is stored in x. the a0, a1, a2, a3 below is coefficient, which i hope i can get from calls "nls" > z <- nls( ~ a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x * x + a3 * x * x * x, data = x ) Error in, call, expand.dots) : .Primitive... is