Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "diff.default / diff.ts in wrong package bug (PR#640)"
1999 Jul 02
Bug in "[.ts" for multivariate ts {Problem with plot.ts, "["} (PR#216)
>>>>> On Fri, 02 Jul 1999, Adrian Trapletti <Adrian.Trapletti@wu-wien.ac.at> said:
Adrian> There seems to be a problem with plot.ts (R Version 0.64.2)
> x<-cbind(1:10,2:11)
> x<-as.ts(x)
> plot(x)
Adrian> Error: subscript (20) out of bounds, should be at most 10
This is definitely a bug
--> CC: R-bugs
ALL NOTE : This is *not* new
2002 Apr 03
predict.Arima fails when x is not a time-series
I'm playing with predict.Arima in the 3/19/02 development snapshot of R-devel.
The following produces an error message because x is not of class "ts":
R> x <- rnorm(20)
R> obj <- arima(x, c(2,0,0))
R> predict(obj)
Error in round(x, digits) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Granted the documentation for arima says x should be a time-series, but
2000 Aug 24
Method dispatch fails for autoloaded methods (PR#642)
(As mentioned before, on R-devel)
This code snippet shows what the Subject above says :
> autoload("diff.ts", file="ts")
> diff(ts(1:10,freq=2))
Error in tsp<-(*tmp*, value = c(xtsp[1] + lag * differences * xtsp[3], :
invalid time series parameters specified
> traceback()
[1] "tsp<-(*tmp*, value = c(xtsp[1] + lag * differences * xtsp[3], "
1997 Aug 25
R-alpha: ts problems
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Here is a patch which fixes some problems with time series functions.
Some examples of what goes wrong...
> x <- ts(rnorm(100),start=1,deltat=2)
> start(x)
Error in ts[1] : object is not subsettable
> end(x)
Error in ts[2] : object is not subsettable
> y <-
1999 Jul 02
Bug in "[.ts" for multivariate ts {Problem with plot.ts, "[" (PR#217)
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There was some discussion a while back on R-devel between Ross Ihaka,
Paul Gilbert and myself about row subsetting in time series. I think
the consensus was that "[.ts" should not try to coerce its result
back to a time series object (which is underlying the problem
2002 Dec 06
ts startdate
Dear R-users,
I am facing a trivial problem when trying to parameterise the start date
of a time series object. I am working with monthly data (104) performing
n-steps-ahead (6) forecasts and using a fixed window size (36). At the
end of calculations I have a list that contains 69 forecasts.
I have no problems in fixing the window size by parametrization, e.g.
k<- control variable in a for
1999 Jul 15
[R] R: ts - objects (PR#228)
Marcus Eger <marcus.eger@physik.uni-marburg.de> writes:
> > time(sqrt(arrts))
> Time Series:
> Start = c(1, 1)
> End = c(5, 1)
> Frequency = 1
> [1] 1 2 3 4 5
Looks like a bug...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2. (At least) boolean indexing with matrices does not seem to work
> properly:
2005 Jun 03
ts.intersect a multivariate and univariate ts
This seems like a FAQ, but I can't figure it out.
I have a mv ts object:
R > tsp(pg)
[1] 1982 2003 1
R > dim(pg)
[1] 22 12
and a univariate ts:
R > tsp(rw)
[1] 1690 1996 1
Yet, when I try to intersect them:
R > tsp(ts.intersect(rw, pg))
[1] 1982 2176 1
the process goes awry.
How to I get rw and pg to be one ts that runs from 1982 to 1996 and has 13
univariate time
2005 Jan 31
changing the time base in a ts
I'm probably apporaching this all wrong to start but....
Suppose I have a monthly time series and I want to compute the mean of
months 6,7, and 8. I want to plot the original time series and the
seasonal time series, one above the other. When I do that as below the
time series don't line up for reasons that are obvious. How can I
change the base of the seasonal time series so I can make
2007 Nov 24
patch proposal for plot.ts
Hi all.
Currently, if you try:
> lag.plot(1:10)
you get superposed labels '1' and '10'. Things go worse in more extreme cases:
x <- ts(1:10)
x1 <- lag(x, 4)
plot(x1, x)
This is due to a mistake in plot.ts. My suggestion is the following
really minimal patch to plot.ts:
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ plot.ts <-
text(xy, labels =
2010 Jul 03
Change the frequency of a ts?
I'm trying to convert a column of a table into a ts object. The data is
monthly, so I want the ts frequency to be 12.
I did this ...
> filings.ts = as.ts(Filings.100K, frequency=12)
> filings.ts
Time Series:
Start = 1
End = 311
Frequency = 1
[1] 246.9336 305.6789 ... ...
> tsp(filings.ts)
[1] 1 311 1
> tsp(filings.ts) <- c(1,311,12)
Error in attr(x, "tsp")
1999 Jul 27
Preliminary version of ts package
There is now a preliminary version of a time series package in the R-devel
snapshots, and we would welcome feedback on it. It is based in part on the
packages bats (Martyn Plummer) and tseries (Adrian Trapletti) and in part
on code I had or have written. (Thanks for the contributions, Martyn and
Adrian!) Some of the existing ts code has been changed, for example to plot
multiple time series, so
2011 Nov 02
I have a suggestion for kernapply for ts objects. When we choose the
option circular=F, the returned series don't have the correct dates. The
removed dates are all at the beginning instead of half at the beginning
and half at the end. It is particularly useful when we need to smooth
the series (or remove a trend using a filter) before estimating a model
(like in macroeconomics) or simply
2017 Sep 02
Precision error in time index of ts objects
Thanks for the very detailed explanation.
I did not create the series using structure(), that was the result of
dump() on an intermediate object created within tsdisagg::ta(), which is
where I found the error in the first place. ta() indeed manipulates .Tsp
directly, rather than using ts. I guess this is a bug in tsdisagg then.
Andrea Altomani
On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 12:31 AM
2017 Sep 01
Precision error in time index of ts objects
On Fri, 1 Sep 2017, Andrea Altomani wrote:
> I should have formulated my question in a more specific way.
> 1. I suspect this is a floating point precision issue. I am not very
> knowledgeable about R internals, can someone else confirm it?
Yes. If you represent a series with increment 1/12 it depends on how you
do it. As a simple example consider the following two descriptions
1999 Aug 10
Is a ts of length one a ts? (PR#245)
The following seems confused (0.65 snapshot)
> x <- ts(1:20)
> window(x, 1, 1)
Time Series:
Start = c(1, 1)
End = c(1, 1)
Frequency = 1
[1] 1
Warning message:
Not returning a time series object in: [.ts(x, i)
(it of class ts, as the print method shows). Under 0.64.2 it is even more
> x <- ts(1:20)
> window(x, 1, 1)
Warning: Not returning a time series object
2017 Sep 01
Precision error in time index of ts objects
I should have formulated my question in a more specific way.
1. I suspect this is a floating point precision issue. I am not very
knowledgeable about R internals, can someone else confirm it?
2. Should this be considered a bug or not, because it is "just a precision
issue"? Should I report it?
3. How can it happen? From a quick review of ts.R, it looks like the values
of the time
2012 Dec 29
bug in plot.ts?
Dear all,
I think I have found a buglet in plot.ts
plot.ts(x=1,type="n") # correct: does not show the plot
plot.ts(x=1,y=1,type="n") # not correct: does show the plot
I did not investigate the problem in depth but it could be related to
the switch xy.labels, in fact
plot.ts(x=1,y=1,type="n",xy.labels=TRUE) # does show the plot
2012 Feb 17
How can I tabulate time series data (in RStudio or any other R editor)?
I have a question on how to tabulate the time series data. I use
RStudio, but if can be done in any other R editor, it should work in
RStudio as well.
> a1<-11:22
> a1ts<-ts(a1, frequency=4, start=c(1978,1))
> a1ts Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
1978 11 12 13 14
1979 15 16 17 18
1980 19 20 21 22
If I click the variable "a1ts" on the
2017 Sep 01
Precision error in time index of ts objects
I have a time series x, and two other series obtained from it:
x <- structure(2017, .Tsp = c(2017.41666666667, 2017.41666666667, 12),
class = "ts")
y <- floor(x)
z <- x-y
I would expect the three series to have exactly the same index.
However I get the following
> time(x)-time(y)
2017 0
as expected, but
> time(x)-time(z)
Warning message: